Ted Tjaden
In addition to being a Canadian
lawyer and law librarian, I am also an amateur
ragtime piano player and enthusiast. I created
this site between February and June 2006, with a
launch date of June 9, 2006. My goal in creating
this site is to provide easy online access to
ragtime sheet music in the public domain along
with various essays setting out some of my
preliminary research on ragtime.
I hope to regularly add new
material to the site. When I do, I will update the
"What's New" page whenever I
add links to more sheet music, publish new essays,
or otherwise make substantial changes to the text
of any page. Questions or comments about this site can be emailed to me at "owner" then "at" "ragtimepiano.ca". Copyright/Take Down Provisions: I have tried my best to comply with Canadian copyright law and fair dealing provisions and to provide links to sheet music only where the music is in the public domain. If any owner of copyrighted material has concerns that I have infringed copyright in their material, please email me at at "owner" then "at" "ragtimepiano.ca" and I would be pleased to address your concerns and immediately remove any material that may have unintentionally infringed copyright. I make no claims to copyright or contractual control over sheet music or other content in the public domain on this website. As far as I am concerned, materials in the public domain on this site may be downloaded, copied, printed or used in any manner without restriction (although attributions would be nice). [top] |
This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.