The Rags of
Charles L Johnson
Featuring Golden Spider Rag (1910)
and other Piano Rags by Charles L Johnson
By Ted
(originally published June 2006 and
updated periodically)
Recommended reading:
Philip Stewart, The Music of
Charles Leslie Johnson: A
Collector's Journey
(Addison, TX: Aquila Media Productions,
2009) [books details]
Recommended recording:

Sue Keller. a/k/a
Charles Johnson (CD-ROM containing
20 compositions by Charles Johnson).
Charles Leslie Johnson was an extremely prolific
composer of ragtime and ragtime-related music.
Although not often mentioned in the group of the
"Big Three" – Joplin,
Scott and Lamb – he
deserves serious recognition as a leading ragtime
composer, not only due to the volume of his work but
the enduring quality of a number of his
His most famous or interesting rags include Apple
Jack: Some Rag (below),
Barber Pole Rag (below),
Beedle-Um-Bo: A Slow Drag (below), Blue Goose Rag
(as Raymond Birch) (below), Crazy
Bone Rag (below),
Cum-Bac Rag (below),
Dill Pickles Rag (below),
Doc Brown's Cake Walk: Kansas City Rag
(below), Golden Spider Rag
(below), Iola:
Intermezzo Two Step (below),
Melody Rag (as Raymond Birch) (below), Powder Rag
(below), Scandalous
Thompson (below),
Swanee Rag (below),
and Tar Babies Rag (below).
This page sets out information on Charles L Johnson
divided into the following four topics:
1) The Life of Charles L
2) Sheet Music of Charles L
3) Commercial Recordings of
Charles L Johnson Compositions
4) Bibliography
1) The
Life of Charles L Johnson (December 3,
1875—December 28, 1950)
Set out below is some basic information about
Charles L Johnson:
- Charles Leslie Johnson was born in Kansas
City, Kansas, on December 3, 1876, and
stayed in the Kansas City area his entire life. As
a young child, he started to play piano on his
neighbour's piano; by age nine, his parents bought
him his own piano: Jasen and
Tichenor (1978:38).
- Johnson took lessons for 3 years with a Mr
Kreiser, but quit suddenly when his teacher
complained about his playing ragtime music: Jasen and Tichenor (1978:38).
- Johnson joined several guitar and mandolin clubs
and organized several string orchestras that
played in the Kansas City area. He also
demonstrated pianos and music for JW Jenkins &
Sons Music Company who would later publish a
number of his compositions, including two of his
earlier pieces, Doc Brown's Cake Walk:
Kansas City Rag (below)
and Scandalous Thompson (below): Jasen
and Tichenor (1978:38-39).
Photo of Charles L Johnson from
cover of Scandalous Thompson
- Blesh and Janis (1966:119)
describe Johnson's explanation of the background
to Doc Brown's Cake Walk: Kansas City Rag
(below) in these terms:
The number ... was named after an old,
eccentric colored fellow who wore a
swallowtail coat, carried a cane, and wore a
plug hat. He would cakewalk on the street for
a nickel or dime. Jenkins photographed him for
the cover.
- According to Blesh and Janis, the publisher of Doc
Brown's Cake Walk – JW Jenkins – arranged
for Sousa's band to play the piece when Sousa was
passing through Kansas City.
- According to Jasen and Jones
(2000:61), Johnson helped to arrange the
composition Peaceful Henry, written by his
friend Harry Kelly, although there is no
indication on the sheet music that Johnson was the
arranger (the sheet music for Peaceful Henry
is available here
from the Maine
Music Box).
- Dill Pickles Rag (below)
was so-named when Johnson was working at Carl
Hoffman Music Company. Apparently, while composing
the piece, the company's bookkeeper asked Johnson
what the piece was called; the bookkeeper was
carrying a carton of pickles for his dinner, which
prompted to Johnson to say "I'll call it Dill
Pickles Rag": Jasen and
Tichenor (1978:39). According to Blesh and Janis (1966:120), Dill
Pickles Rag was Johnson's favourite piece.
According to Hasse, Johnson's Dill Pickles Rag
appeared 31 times on 78 RPM recordings alone.
- Johnson earned $30,000 for his song Sweet
and Low (below),
which was his biggest money-maker: Jasen
and Tichenor (1978:39).
- According to Jasen and Jones
(2000:60), four of Johnson's rags sold over 1
million copies during his lifetime. Blesh and Janis (1966:120)
indicate that Johnson sold his entire catalogue
(i.e., compositions published by his company) to
Rossiter in Chicago for a "fine price."
- Johnson's "Indian" hit Iola was
first published as an intermezzo (below)
with lyrics added to the song (below) after it became a
hit. The irony is that the composition was
initially named after a town in Kansas (Iola, Kansas)
and not an Indian (Jasen and
Tichenor 1978:39).
- Even though James Scott
(1885-1938) and Charles L Johnson (1876-1950) both
lived in the Kansas City area most of their entire
lives, they apparently never met: Blesh
and Janis (1966:119).
- Pseudonyms: It is believed that
Johnson used the pseudonym "Raymond Birch" for a
number of his compositions (see below). Recent research by Bill Edwards,
however, has shown that Fannie B Woods, previously
thought to have been another pseudonym for Charles
L Johnson, is in fact a real (female) composer. As
such, the composition called Sweetness
– previously attributed to Johnson – is instead
composed by a real person named Fannie B Woods.
Likewise, Bill Edwards (and Nora Hulse) are
currently conducting research that would suggest
that Ethel Earnist, another pseudonym previously
attributed to Johnson (for the composition Peanuts:
A Nutty Rag (1911), available
from the The
Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection), is
also a real (female) composer. As such, I have
removed the entries that were below for Sweetness
and Peanuts from this essay.
- Jasen and Jones (2000:60)
discuss Johnson's willingness to advertise his
services as an arranger for rank amateurs, selling
his services to those who asked for them, despite
his commercial success as a composer in his own
right. One example they provide is the French
Auto Cylinder Oil Waltz written by Johnson
at the request of an oil company in Marshalltown,
- At the time Blesh and Janis were researching They
All Played Ragtime (first published in
1950), Johnson was still alive, for the authors
have this to say about him at that time (Blesh and Janis 1966:119):
He is a respected member of ASCAP, and today,
at seventy-four, maintains an office at 806
Grand Avenue in the Missouri City, where he is
busy with composing and arranging.
2) Sheet
Music of Charles L Johnson
Set out below are lists of all known compositions
by Charles Johnson, including (free) links to online
versions of his sheet music, divided into the
following five categories:
Note: It appears that in
2024 the University of Missouri — Kansas City is
in the process of upgrading its Kansas City
Sheet Music Collections; as such, the links to
sheet music below from their website are
currently broken. I will fix those links once
their revamped website is launched.
a) Instrumental piano
b) Songs
c) As publisher
d) Additional
compositions (print versions)
e) Unpublished
a) Instrumental
piano compositions

Johnson, Charles L. A Black Smoke:
Dance Characteristic and Two Step.
Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Co,
[view sheet music]
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Alabama Slide:
Fox Trot. Chicago: FJA Forster,
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. All the Money:
March and Two Step. Kansas City,
MO: Chas L Johnson, 1908.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Apple
Jack: Some Rag. Williamsport,
PA: Vandersloot Music Publ Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: The
E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit
Public Library [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Barber
Pole Rag. Denver, CO: Hal G.
Nichols Co, 1911.
[view sheet
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L
(using the pseudonym Raymond Birch). Beedle-Um-Bo:
A Slow Drag. Kansas City, MO:
Chas L Johnson, 1908.
[view sheet
International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Belle of Havana
Waltzes. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins, 1899.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L (using
the pseudonym Raymond Birch). Blue
Goose Rag. Chicago: Forster
Music, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections

Johnson, Charles L. The Blue Jay and
the Squirrel: Woodland Chatter.
Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Co,
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. The Blushing Rose
Serenade. Kansas City, MO:
Charles L Johnson, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Butterflies:
Caprice. Chicago: Forster Music,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L (as
"Raymond Birch"). Cloud Kisser Rag –
Two Step. Kansas City, MO:
Johnson Pub Co, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Personal photocopy
Johnson, Charles L. Crazy
Bone Rag. Chicago: Forster Music
Publisher Inc, 1918.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. Cum-Bac
Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick
& Co, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. Dill
Pickles Rag. Kansas City, MO:
Carl Hoffman Music, 1906.
[view sheet
Source: Duke University:
Historic American Sheet Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Dixie Twilight:
Characteristic March. Boston,
MA: Walter Jacobs, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: Duke University:
Historic American Sheet Music
Johnson, Charles L. Doc
Brown's Cake Walk: Kansas City Rag.
Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons, 1899.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Dream On: Waltzes.
Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1914.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Fairy Kisses
Waltz. Chicago: Harold Rossiter
Music Company, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: Lester
S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Fawn Eyes:
Intermezzo and Two Step. Kansas
City, MO: Chas L Johnson, 1908.
[view sheet
Source: Walter
Cosand [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Fine
and Dandy: Two Step. Chicago:
Arnett-Delonais Co, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Fun on the Levee:
Cake Walk. Chicago: FJA Forster
Music Publisher, 1917.
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Golden
Hours. New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1912.
sheet music]
Source: Digital scans
provided by Adrien Le Gallo [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Golden Moon.
Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Golden
Spider Rag. Williamsport, PA:
Vandersloot Music, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. The
Harvest Hop: Charles L Johnson's Barn
Dance. Chicago: Harold Rossiter
Music Company, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Heart Fancies:
Waltzes. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox
Publishing, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Hen Cackle Rag: A
Barnyard Disturbance. Kansas
City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1912.
[view sheet
Source: Scholars Junction
(MSU) [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Hester on Parade.
Kansas City, MO: J.W. Jenkins Sons Music
Co., 1899.
[view sheet music] [top]

Johnson, Charles
L. Honeysuckle: Tango.
Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1914.
sheet music]
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections (Toronto) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Iola:
Intermezzo Two Step. New York:
Jerome H Remick, 1906.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Kissing Bug Rag.
Louisville, KY: Keith Music Co, 1909.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L (as
"Raymond Birch"). Lady Slippers (Two
Step Rag). Chicago: Harold
Rossiter Music Company, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Johnson, Charles. Love and Roses
Waltz. Chicago: Harold Rossiter
Music Company, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: MuseScore [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Lovey Dovey March
& Two Step. Kansas City, MO:
Charles L Johnson, 1907.
[view sheet music] [top]
[Note: This piece was sold to and
re-issued by Jerome H Remick as Southern
Beauties March: Two Step, below]
Johnson, Charles L
(using the pseudonym Raymond Birch). Melody
Rag. Kansas City, MO: Johnson
Pub Co, 1911.
[view sheet
Source: Scholars Junction
(MSU) [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Monkey-Bizniz:
Novelty for Piano. Chicago:
Forster Music Publisher, 1928.
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Pansy Blossoms
Rag. Chicago: American Music
Publishing Co, 1909.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Peek-A-Boo Rag.
Chicago: FJA Forster Music Publisher, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Pigeon
Wing Rag. Chicago: Will
Rossiter, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: Personal copy [top]

Charles L Johnson. Pink Poodle: One
Step. Chicago: FJA Forster Music
Publisher, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Porcupine Rag.
New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1909.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L
(using the pseudonym Raymond Birch). Powder
Rag. Kansas City, MO: Chas L
Johnson & Co, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. Queen of Fashion
Waltzes. Kansas City, MO:
Johnson Pub Co, 1911.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L.
Scandalous Thompson. Kansas
City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music Co, 1899.
[view sheet
Source: International
Music Score Library Project
(IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. School Life:
March and Two Step. Cleveland,
OH: Sam Fox Publishing, 1912.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Silver King Rag.
Chicago: Thompson Music Co, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music Collection
(MSU) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Silver Star:
Intermezzo. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins' Sons Music Co, 1910.
[view sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Sneaky Pete:
Characteristic Two Step. Kansas
City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music Co, 1907.
[view sheet
Source: International
Music Score Library Project
(IMSLP) [top]
Charles L. Snookums Rag.
Chicago: Forster Music, 1918.
sheet music]
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Southern
Beauties: March – Two Step.
Chicago: Forster Music, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Starlight
Serenade. Chicago: FJA Forster
Music Publisher, 1918.
[view sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Summer Breezes
Waltzes. Chicago: Forster Music,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Sunbeam:
Intermezzo. Kansas City, MO:
Chas L Johnson & Co, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: International
Music Score Library Project
(IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Swanee
Rag. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox,
[view sheet
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Johnson, Charles. Sweet Memories
Waltz. Chicago: Forster Music,
[view sheet music]
Source: MuseScore [top]
Johnson, Charles L.
Tar Babies Rag. Kansas City,
MO: Charles L Johnson, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Teasing
the Cat. Chicago: FJA Forster
Music Publisher, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
copy [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Tobasco: Rag-Time
Waltz. New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L.
Under the Southern Moon Two-Step.
Kansas City, MO. Charles L Johnson, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]

Johnson, Charles L (as "Charlie Johnson"). Warwick
Club March Two-Step. Kansas
City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons, 1898.
[view sheet music] [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Wedding of the
Fairies Waltz. Kansas City, MO:
Chas L Johnson & Co, 1909.
sheet music]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. A Whispered
Thought: Novelette. Kansas City,
MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music, 1904.
sheet music]
Source: Maine Music
Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. With Fire And
Sword: March & Two Step.
Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Co,
[view sheet
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Yankee Bird:
March and Two Step. Kansas City,
MO: Chas L Johnson & Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
b) Songs
Johnson, Charles L. Beautiful
Island of Dreams (lyrics by
Milton Harsha). Kansas City, MO: Chas L
Johnson, 1918.
sheet music] [UMKC sheet music
site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. By The Silvery
Nile (lyrics by Jack Yellen).
Chicago: Forster Music Pub, 1921.
[view sheet
Source: Hathi Trust [top]
Johnson, Charles L. By the Winding
Tennessee (lyrics by Malcolm
Nicolson). Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins'
Sons Music Co, 1899.
[view sheet
Source: Indiana
University, IN Harmony: Sheet Music
from Indiana [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Colorado and
You (lyrics by Carson Jay
Robison). Chicago: Forster Music, 1922.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Croon Time
(lyrics by James Royce Shannon). Chicago:
Forster Music, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]

Johnson, Charles L. Dear Little
Home Sweet Home. Chicago:
Forster Music, 1916.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Deep in My
Heart, Beloved (lyrics by
Addison Madeira). Chicago: Ted Browne
Music Co, 1920.
[view sheet
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Dill Pickles
Song (lyrics by Alfred Bryan).
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Down By The Old
Garden Gate (lyrics by William
Clay). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Dream Days
(song). Kansas City, MO: Chas L Johnson,
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections

Johnson, Charles L. The
Girl for Me (lyrics by Wm. R.
Clay). Kansas City, MO: Chas L Johnson,
[view sheet music]
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]

Johnson, Charles L. I Like the Name
of Dixie. Kansas City: Chas L
Johnson Music Co, 1917.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. I Never Thought
I'd Miss You So (Until You Went Away)
(lyrics by Roberts Spencer). Kansas City,
MO: Chas L Johnson Music Co, 1917.
sheet music] [UMKC
sheet music site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. If I Only Had A
Sweetheart (lyrics by Robert
Spencer). Kansas City, MO: Charles L
Johnson, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]

Johnson, Charles L (with James Royce
Shannon). I'll Be Waiting for You.
Chicago: FJA Forster Music Publisher,
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

Johnson, Charles L. I'll Meet You
on the Golden Shore (words by
William Clay). Chicago: Forster Music
Publisher, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. I'm Goin',
Goodbye, I'm Gone (song).
Chicago: Forster Music Publisher, 1912.
sheet music]
Baylor: Frances G Spencer Collection
of American Popular Sheet Music [top]
Johnson, Charles L. In the Hills of
OId Kentucky (My Mountain Rose).
Chicago: Forster Music, 1914.
[view sheet
Duke University:
Historic American Sheet Music
Johnson, Charles
L. Iola (lyrics by James
O'Dea). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1906.
sheet music]
Source: Maine Music Box
Johnson, Charles L. Little Star
Won't You Twinkle (lyrics by
Tell Taylor). Kansas City, MO: Chas L
Johnson Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Lucinda's
Ragtime Ball. Chicago: Forster
Music Pub, 1913.
[view sheet
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Johnson, Charles L. Ma Pic**ninny
Babe. Chicago: Forster Music,
[view sheet
Duke University:
Historic American Sheet Music
Johnson, Charles L. Meet Me Where
The Shadows Fall (song).
Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson, 1912.
[view sheet
Scholars Junction
Johnson, Charles L. My Dreamy Rose
(lyrics by William Clay). Kansas
City, MO: JW Jenkins Sons Music Co, 1912.
[view sheet
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Only A Faded
Rosebud (lyrics by William
Clay). Kansas City, MO: Chas L Johnson,
[view sheet
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]

Johnson, Charles L (as Herbert Leslie). Our
Yesterdays. Chicago: Forster
Music Publisher, 1918.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Rose of
Tennessee (lyrics by Frank
Watkins). Chicago: Forster Music
Publisher, Inc, 1918.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. Shadow-Time
(lyrics by James Royce Shannon). Chicago:
Forster Music, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Silver Star
(song). Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1911.
sheet music]
Baylor: Frances G Spencer Collection
of American Popular Sheet Music

Johnson, Charles L. Sly Old Moon.
Chicago: Forster Music, 1911.
[view sheet
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Sweet
and Low (lyrics by James
Stanley Royce). Chicago: Forster Music,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. The Sweetheart
Trail (lyrics by Al Neal).
Kansas City, MO: Neal Pub Co, 1925.
sheet music] [UMKC sheet music site
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. That Little
Sunny Southern Girl of Mine
(lyrics by JE Jeter). Denver, CO: Tolbert
R Ingram Music Co, 1907.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Wanda: Fox Trot
(lyrics by Dan Ashba). Kansas City, MO:
Dan Ashba, 1922.
sheet music] [UMKC
sheet music site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. When Clouds
Have Vanished and Skies Are Blue
(lyrics by F Restor and William Clay).
Chicago: Forster Music, 1923.
[view sheet
Source: York
University, John Arpin Music
Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. When I Dream of
You (lyrics by William Clay).
Kansas City, MO: Johnson Pub Co, 1911.
[view sheet
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Johnson, Charles L. When The War Is
Over (lyrics by Robert
Spence). Chicago: Forster, Music
Publisher, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Johnson, Charles L. When The Roses
Fade Away (lyrics by Martha
Thomas). Kansas City, MO: M.B. Thomas,
sheet music] [UMKC
sheet music site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. When You Dream
Of The Girl You Love (song).
New York: Ted Snyder, 1914.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Johnson, Charles L. When You And I
Were Sweethearts Long Ago
(lyrics by George McCrary). Kansas City,
MO: Chas L Johnson & Co, 1912.
sheet music] [UMKC sheet
music site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Where The
Lanterns Glow (lyrics by James
Stanley Royce). Chicago: Forster Music,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]

Johnson, Charles L. With You (lyrics
by William Clay). Chicago: Forster Music
Publisher, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: York
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections (Toronto) [top]
Johnson, Charles L. Why Can't I
Make A Hit (song). Kansas
City, MO: Chas L Johnson & Co, 1909.
sheet music] [UMKC sheet music
site currently
offline for redesign]
City Sheet Music Collection [top]
Johnson, Charles L. You're The Girl
That I've Been Longing For
(lyrics by James Stanley Royce).
Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
c) As publisher
In addition to the foregoing, see also Charles L Johnson's Picture
Show Music No 2 (Chicago: Forster
Music Publisher, 1914) from the the Silent
Film Sound & Music Archive.
d) Additional
compositions (print versions)
The following list of
compositions was compiled using information from the
L Johnson papers at the Kansas City Public Library
and other sources. If I am able to obtain copies of
any of the compositions below that are in the public
domain, I will digitize them and add them to the
appropriate tables above (many of the post-1923
works are likely still protected by copyright).
As composer:
- Charles L Johnson. Adam’s Red Book of
Songs (Forster) (Includes 7 of
Johnson’s songs)
Charles L Johnson. Bungalow
Town. (Johnson-Bennett, 1937).
Charles L Johnson. Can
You Bring Back the Heart I Gave You
(Forster, 1924).
Charles L Johnson. Carry
Me on Old Pardner (Forster, 1939).
Charles L Johnson. Come
Back To-Night in My Dreams (Forster,
Charles L Johnson. Dedication:
March and Two Step (Oklahoma, OK:
Frederickson-Kron Music Co, 1906).
Charles L Johnson. Doodle-De-Dum
(Johnson, 1916).
Charles L Johnson. Down
Where the Trail Divides (Reynolds,
Larson, 1914)
Charles L Johnson. Everybody
Calls Her Sunshine (Forster, 1922).
Charles L Johnson (with
Holtaus). French Auto Cylinder Oil
(Marshall Oil Co, 1910).
Charles L Johnson. Gaytella
Waltz (Jenkins, 1898).
Charles L Johnson. Golden
Hours Forster Chas. Johnson 1916.
Charles L Johnson (with
Harsha). Good Bye Susanna
(Hoffman, 1905).
Charles L Johnson. He’s
For Us All (Sentinel, 1936).
Charles L Johnson. Henry’s
Slip’ry Slidin’ Trombone (Johnson,
Charles L Johnson. In
the Good Old USA (Forster, 1939).
Charles L Johnson. Jubilee
in the Sky (Johnson-Bennett, 1930).
Charles L Johnson. The
Louisiana Purchase (RA Saalfield,
Charles L Johnson. Love
Token (Jenkins, 1899).
Charles L Johnson. Lucy
Lee (lyrics by William Clay). Kansas
City, MO: Johnson Pub Co, 1911.
Charles L Johnson. March
of the Air Cadets (Comer, 1940).
Charles L Johnson. Meet
Me on the Santa Fe Trail (Johnson,
Charles L Johnson (with
Cassandra). My May Day Fortune
(Hoffman, 1906).
Charles L Johnson. My
Missouri Cabin (Vandiver, 1929).
Charles L Johnson (with
French). ‘Neath the Skies of California
Far Away (French, 1905).
Charles L Johnson. One
Night in Mexico (Johnson, 1915).
Charles L Johnson. Over
the Old Back Fence (Forster, 1927).
Charles L Johnson. Someday
You'll Love Me (lyrics by William
Clay). Kansas City, MO: Johnson Pub Co, 1911.
Charles L Johnson. Spanish
Moon (Forster, 1922).
Charles L Johnson. Sweet
Memories Waltz (Forster, 1918).
Charles L Johnson (with
Madeira). Sweetheart (Johnson,
Charles L Johnson. A
Tally-Ho Party: March Two-Step.
Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music Co,
Charles L Johnson. Thelma
Waltzes (Jenkins, 1899).
- Charles L Johnson. When We Shall Meet
Again (song). Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins' Music Co, 1900.
As publisher:
- Chas A Gish. Twinkles (Chas L
Johnson, 1909).
- Hi Wilson et al. When My Ship Comes in
From Sea (Johnson, 1916).
- Lyle Weaver Sparks. White Feather
(Johnson, 1911).
- Walton Process. Merry Widow Valse (?)
e) Unpublished
The following titles were compiled from the Charles
L Johnson Papers at the Kansas City Public Library.
- After the Rain Comes My Sunshine
- Annabella
- The Army, the Navy, and Marines
- Baby Doll
- Because I Love You So
- Cactus Pete
- Carlotta
- The Coppers on Parade
- The Cowboy’s Lament
- Dance of the Midgets
- Dear Little Lady
- Dear Little Rose
- Desert Moon
- Dreamin’ Tonight of My Darlin’
- Ev’ry-Thing I Do Seems Wrong
- Forgive and Forget
- Girls (1923)
- Goin’ Back to My Hometown in Sunny Tennessee
- Go’ Long Jasper
- Good Morning Mr. Sunshine
- Graceful
- Gunner Bill
- Hand in Hand
- He’s My Pappy
- Hittin’ the Trail
- Hold Me in Your Arms
- Hold Me in Your Arms Again
- Honey Don’t Be Mean to Me
- Honolulu Lou
- I Got a Gal in Arkansaw
- “I Have No Name for This” (Quote at top of
- I Love Somebody
- I Love the Ladies
- I Never Thought I’d Miss You So
- I Want a Man (not titled)
- I Wonder if You Ever Think of Me
- Idaho
- I’m a Ho-Bo (not titled)
- In the Cradle of the Rockies
- In the Twilight Glow
- It May Be Just a Notion (That’s All)
- Jesus Will Welcome You Home
- Johnny Don’t Be Mean to Me
- June Time
- Just a Quaint Old Melody
- Just a Sweet Old Melody
- Keep Smiling and You Can’t Go Wrong
- Let’s Dream Back to the Day We Met
- Let’s Paint the Old Town Red
- Lonesome Little Girl Love
- Mammy Jinny’s Lullaby
- Maybe
- Meet Me By the Haystack
- Memphis Buddy’s Swing-Time Band
- Midgets on Parade
- Mississippi Shore
- Missouri (three parts for male quartet)
- Mother’s Arms
- My Heart’s in Dixie Today
- My Old Home
- Nancy Jane
- Oh You Man
- Old Glory
- On a Honeymoon (Just We Two)
- On Our Golden Wedding Day
- On the Banks of the Winding Tennessee
- One Kiss, and Then Goodnight
- Our Battle Song
- Out in the Golden West
- Overture
- Packin’ My Grip, Headin’ for Home
- Pappy Don’t Care for Onions
- Peace to the World (Good Will Toward All)
- Ploddin' Along
- Roll Deep River Roll
- Roll on Brothers
- Rural Capers
- Send Me a Rose She’s Irish
- Snooty Little Cutie
- Soldier’s Farewell
- Somewhere
- Somewhere on the Deep Blue Sea
- Song of the Bride
- Song of the Soul
- Spooky Blues
- Steppin’ On the Gas
- Sunshine and Moonlight
- Sweet Girl
- Sweet Ida May
- That Jones Girl
- Tell Your Troubles to the Moon
- There Never Was, There’ll Never Be
- Uncle Billy
- Untitled (Two different works without titles
or words)
- Up in the Air with Sally
- Voice on the Radio
- Waltz (not titled)
- When I Found You When Mother Rocked Baby to
- When the Boys Come
- When the Frost is on the Clover
- When the Toot-Toot, Toots for Memphis
- While I’m Away
- Why Did You Leave Me
- You Don’t Want Me Around Anymore
- You, Just You (words and melody similar “Just
- You’re the Sweetest Girl I Know
3) Commercial
Recordings of Charles L Johnson Compositions
I highly recommend the ragtime playing of Sue
Keller. Her CD entitled a/k/a Charles
Johnson contains 20 compositions by Charles L
Johnson. You can sample her playing of these pieces
Amazon has an entry for a CD by pianist Miguel
Pineda-Van Gelder. The CD is entitled A
Ragtime Feast: Forgotten Rags #3, Charles L
Johnson (2002).
4) Bibliography
The following resources provide information on
Charles L Johnson:
- Blesh, Rudi & Harriet
Grossman Janis. They All Played Ragtime.
4th ed. New York: Oak Publications, 1966 [Internet Archive version].
- "Charles L Johnson." American Musician and
Art Journal (11 June 1909).
- Charles
L Johnson Papers at the Kansas City Public
- Finch, Brad. "Ragtime in Kansas City: The
Charles L. Johnson Debate" (January 1993) 26:5 The
Rag Times 2.
- Hasse, John Edward.
"Johnson, Charles." Grove Music Online (ed
L Macy) (Accessed 26 May 2006).
- Jasen, David & Gene Jones.
That American Rag: The Story of Ragtime from
Coast to Coast. New York: Schirmer Books,
2000 [Internet Archive version].
- Jasen, David & Trebor Jay
Tichenor. Rags and Ragtime: A Musical History.
New York: Dover Publications, 1978 [Internet Archive version].
- Stewart, Philip. Charles Leslie Johnson
(website) (view archived version of website here).
- Stewart, Philip, ed. Rags and Other Riches.
Addison, TX: Aquila Media Productions, 2009 [Amazon.com
- Stewart, Philip. The Music of Charles Leslie
Johnson: A Collector's Journey.
Addison, TX: Aquila Media Productions, 2009 [Amazon.com
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updated: January 2025.