Alaska Rag. Alec Malin. Seattle,
WA: Erho Music Pub Co, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Anaconda: Two-Step. Sylvester
Grant. New York: Old Colony Piano Co, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: INHarmony:
Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Armadillo Rag. Clarence Brown.
Galveston, TX: Thomas Goggan &
Brothers, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Copy provided by
Michael Chisolm [also available here
on Hathi Trust] [top]
Arrival of the Mocking Bird:
Characteristic Intermezzo.
Alan Brown. New York: McKinley Music,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
At the Grasshopper's Hop. Allan
Sanson. Philadelphia, PA: Alberts Publishing
Co, 1906.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
At the Post: March and Two-Step.
Walter Hawley. New York: M Witmark &
Sons, 1903.
[view sheet
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
The Baboon Bounce: A Rag-Step Intermezzo.
George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs,
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Bantam Step. Harry Jentes. New
York: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1916.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Bees-Wax Rag. Harry J Lincoln.
Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music
Pub Co, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Black Canary. Harry Austin
Tierney. New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1911.
sheet music]x
of Colorado Digital Sheet
Music Collection [top]
Black Cat Rag. Lina Mumford.
Grand Rapids, MI: Mumford & Co, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: Digital copy from
Michael Chisolm [top]
Black Cat Rag. Frank Wooster
& Ethyl Smith. St Louis, MO: Frank
Wooster Company, 1905.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Black Feather: Two Step. Irene
M Giblin-O'Brien. New York: Vinton Music
Co, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Black Wasp Rag: A Stinger. HA
Fischler. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot
Music Pub Co, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
collection [top]
Blue Goose Rag. Charles L
Johnson (using the pseudonym Raymond
Birch). Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

The Blue Jay and the Squirrel: Woodland
Chatter. Charles L Johnson.
Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Co,
[view sheet music] [top]

Blue Jay Rag. Wooster, Frank.
St Louis. MO: Frank Wooster, 1907.
[view sheet music]
Source: Internet Archive [top]
Blundering Buffalo. Keller, Sue.
Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1991.
Available for purchase here.
Boiled Owl Rag. Margaret
Woodin. New York: FB Havilland, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Library
of Congress, Music Division [top]

The Bounding Buck. Henry Lodge.
New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Bow-Wow: One Step (A Dog-Gone Good
Dance). F Henri Klickman.
Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Bow-Wow: One Step. Wheeler
Wadsworth. San Francisco, CA: 1919.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Broncho Billy. Nell Wright
Slaughter. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gertz,
[view sheet music] [top]

Buffalo Dish Rag. Bernisne
Clements. New York: FB Haviland, 1910.
[view sheet
music] [recording]
Source: Bill's Audio
Reference Library [top]
The Buffalo March: For the Piano.
Thomas Preston Brooke. Cincinnati, OH:
John Church Co, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: University at
Buffalo Sheet
Music of the Pan American Exposition
The Buffalo Rag. Tom Turpin.
Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1904.
[view sheet
Source: Personal copy [top]

Bugs Rag. Nina Kohler.
Sherman, TX: Nina Kohler, 1913.
[view sheet music] [top]
Bull Dog Rag. Geraldine
Dobyns. Memphis, TN: Anderson-Rienhardt
Company, 1908.
[view sheet music]
Bull Frog Blues. Guy Shrigley
& Tom Brown. Chicago, IL: Will
Rossiter, 1916
[view sheet
Source: Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
Bulls and Bears: March and Two-Step.
RM Stults. Philadelphia, PA: JV Stults,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Bumble: A Characteristic Buzz
Two-Step Unique. Will Livernash:
Kansas City: Will Livernash, 1907.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)

Rag. E Clinton Keithley:
Louisville, KY: Keith Music, 1909.
[view sheet
music] [listen to piano roll]
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
The Bumble Bee: Characteristic Rag.
Harry Austin Tierney. New York: Ted Snyder
Company, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
The Bunny Hug Rag. Harry
DeCosta. New York: Waterson, Berlin &
Synder, 1912.
sheet music]
Bunny Hug Rag. George L Cobb.
Battle Creek, MI: Chas E Roat Music Co,
sheet music]
Source: Copy provided by a
user of this website [top]
Butterflies: Caprice. Charles L
Johnson. Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Buxton Slow Drag: A Snail Serenade.
Leonard Lewis. New York: Leo Feist, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Call of the Wild: March and Two-Step.
FH Losey. New York: Carl
Fischer, 1904.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]

Camel Walk Blues. Ebon Gay. St
Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1919.
sheet music]
Source: Mega
The Canary Fox Trot. WB
Kernell. New York: Waterson, Berlin &
Synder, 1919.
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Captive: March and Two Step.
David Hawthorne. Boston: The Vinton Music
Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
The Cat's Pajamas. Harry
Jentes. New York: Jack Mills, 1922.
sheet music]
Source: Photocopy supplied
by a user of this website [top]
The Cat on the Keyboard. Harry
Stafford. London: Francis, Day &
Hunter, 1915.
[view sheet
Source: Personal copy [top]
Celebrated Barn Dance. Henry
Sawyer. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music, 1908.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Chantecler. Jeanne Delmar.
Montreal, QC: Delmar Music Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Library
and Archives Canada [top]

Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag /
March / Waltz. Richard Grant.
Chicago: McKinley Music, 1910.
sheet music – rag] [view
sheet music – march] [view
sheet music – waltz]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag:
March Two-Step. Albert Gumble.
New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Chasing the Chickens. Abe
Olman and Raymond Walker. Chicago, IL:
Forster Music Publisher Inc., 1917.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Chasing the Squirrels Schottische.
H Reed. New York: Century Music Pub Co,
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
The Chevy Chase: Fox Trot.
Eubie Blake. New York: Jos W Stern, 1914.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Chicken Charlie. Ashley
Ballou. Chicago, IL: WC Polla, 1905.
sheet music]
Source: Digital copy from
a reader [top]

Chicken on the Fence. Jacob
Henry Ellis. New York: Willis Woodward &
Co, 1905.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Chicken Pickin's: Dance Descriptive.
Thos S Allen. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs,
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chicken Walk: Eccentric Fox Trot.
Tom Brown. Chicago: Will Rossiter, 1917.
sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust [top]
Chilly-Billy-Bee Rag: Instrumental.
Lewis F Muir. New York: J Fred Helf Pub
Co, 1910.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)

Dance of the Crickets:
Dance Characteristic. Barbara F.
Kleinbeck. Dayton, KY: B.F. Kleinbeck, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
Dance of the Hoo-Hoo. Emma
Suckert. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson & Co,
1898. Recorded by Nora Hulse on
60 Years of Ragtime Piano.
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Dance of the Moon Birds. AJ
Stasny. Cleveland, OH: AJ Stasny Music Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Dance of the Nightingales: Barn Dance.
FH Losey. Williamsport, PA:
Vandersloot Music Pub, 1908.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920
(from Duke University) [top]
Dance of the Song Birds.
Benjamin Richard. New York: Willis
Woodward & Co, 1902.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
The Dance of the Sparrows:
Characteristic. B Richmond.
New York: Leo Feist, 1903.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Dance of the Taffy 'Possums.
Harold Orlob. New York: Jerome H Remick,
[view sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester
S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Dance of the Teddy Bears. JS
Fearis. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Dog on the Piano. Ted Shapiro.
New York: Jack Mills, 1924.
[view sheet music]
Source: International Music
Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
Dogzigity Rag. Billie Taylor.
New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1910.
sheet music] [top]
Elephant Rag. Malvin M
Franklin. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
collection [top]
The Elephant Trot: An Episode of the
Jungle. Carl Kahn. Toronto,
ON: HH Sparks, 1904.
sheet music]
Source: Library
and Archives Canada [top]
Feeding the Kitty: A Ragtime One-Step.
George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs,
sheet music] [top]
Fire Fly: Intermezzo. Anita
Owen. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: International
Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)
Fly Paper Rag. Lorne Lee.
Toronto, ON: AH Goetting, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Four Little Butterflies.
Lawrence B O'Connor. Boston, MA: Colonial
Music, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Fox Hunter's March and Two Step Gallop.
William H Penn. Chicago, IL: Sol Bloom,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Fox Trail: March. JS Zamecnik.
Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Pub Co, 1917.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Frog Legs Rag. James Scott.
New York: John Stark & Son, 1906.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Frog Puddles. Howard Whitney.
Melbourne: Allan & Co, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: National
Library of Australia Digital
Collections [top]
The Frolic of the Elks: Characteristic
Two Step. Edmund Braham.
Chicago, IL: Windsor Music Co, 1900.
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Frolic of the Frogs Waltz. JJ
Watson. New York: De Luxe Music Co, 190-.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920
(from Duke University) [top]
Gathering of the Moose: March and Two
Step. Harry Williams.
Providence, RI.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Gila, Galah, Galoo! Walter
Donovan (lyrics by Arthur Fields). New
York: Leo Feist, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Glad Cat Rag. Will Nash.
Chicago, IL: Pioneer Music, 1905.
[view sheet music] [top]

Glory of the Cubs. Arthur Marshall
(lyrics by F. R. Sweirngen). Chicago: H.
& F. R. Sweigen, 1908.
[view sheet music]
Source: Library of Congress

Gobbler’s Gambol: The New Turkey-Trot.
Calvin Grooms. New York: Leo Feist, 1913.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Golden Spider Rag. Charles L
Johnson. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot
Music, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
Goose Step: Novelty One Step.
Eugene Platzmann. New York: Church,
Paxson, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Grasshopper Rag. Leon Eleizer.
Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore.com [top]

Grasshopper's Hop: A Bugtown Society
Event. Sadie Koninsky. New
York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
University Sheet Music Collections
Grizzly Bear Rag. George
Botsford. New York: Ted Snyder Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Hen Cackle Rag: A Barnyard Disturbance.
Charles L Johnson. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins, 1912.
[view sheet
Source: Kansas City
Sheet Music Collection [top]

Hippo Hop: Fox Trot. Oswald
B. Wilson. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1920.
sheet music]
Source: (January
1920) 4(1) Melody at 17 [top]
Hog-Town Pig-Aninnies: Two-Step
Cake-Walk: A Very Warm Number.
Edmund Braham. New York: Edmund Braham,
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The
Lester S Levy Sheet Music

The Honey Bee. Mamie Williams.
Kansas City, MO: Williams Publishing Co,
[view sheet music] [top]
Hop Toad: March & Two Step.
Bessie Cummins. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins Sons Music Co, 1906.
[view sheet
Source: Kansas City
Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Horse
Laugh. Sam Ewing. Cleveland, OH:
Ewing Music, 1909.
[view sheet
Source: Charles
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
The Horse Show: Ragtime March.
Gentry Shelton. St Louis, MO: Val A Reis
Music Co, 1899.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)

The Horse Trot:
American Dance. Uri Davis. New
York: Jerome H Remick, 1912.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
Horseshoe Rag. Julia
Niebergall. Indianapolis, IN: JH
Aufderheide, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
copy [top]
Jack Rabbit Rag. Donald
Garcia. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot
Music Pub Co, 1910.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Jim Crow Rag. Lizzie Mowen.
Rochester, NY: CC Powell, 1910.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
The Kangaroo Hop. Melville
Morris. New York: Jerome H Remick &
Co, 1915.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
King-Bee: Waltzes. Billy West.
New York: Ed Rosenbaum, Jr, 1918.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
King of the Forest: March and Two Step.
Abe Losch (pseudonym for Harry J Lincoln).
Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub
Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
King of Them All Rag. Wm
Murray Simpson. Chicago, IL: Frank Root
& Co, 1909.
sheet music]
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Kissing Bug Rag. Charles L
Johnson. Louisville, KY: Keith Music Co,
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Kitten on the Keys. Zez
Confrey. New York: Jack Mills, 1921.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Klondike Rag. George Botsford.
New York: William R. Haskins Co, 1908.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Kookooburra Schottische.
Arthur W Rooney. Sydney: Anglo American
Music Pub, 1919.
sheet music]
Library of Australia Digital
Collections [top]

Krazy Kat. Ben Ritchie. New
York: Ben Ritchie, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: Walter Cosand [top]
Leap Frog Rag. Edwin F
Kendall. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

The Lion Tamer: Galop. George L
Cobb. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1926.
[view sheet music]
Source: Melody magazine
(October 1926) [top]
The Lion Tamer Rag. Al Marzian
(as "Mark Janza"). Louisville, KY: AF
Marzian, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Livery Stable Blues. Alcide
Nuanez & Grim Natwick. Chicago, IL:
Roger Graham Music, 1917.
sheet music]
Source: The
E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit
Public Library [top]
The Lizard and the Frog:
Characteristic. Theodore F
Morse. New York: Carl Fischer, 1901.
sheet music]
Source: University of
South Carolina Sheet Music Collection
The Lobster Glide.
Malvin M Franklin. New York: The Great
Eastern Music Publisher, 1909.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)

A Lucky Duck. Howard Whitney.
New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1903.
sheet music]
Source: Stanford
Libraries [top]

Magpie Rag. Malvin M Franklin.
New York: Joseph Stern, 1908.
sheet music]
Source: Adrien
Le Gallo (Let’s Rag) [top]
March of the Buffaloes. Fred
Ryder. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Me-ow: One-Step. Mel Kaufman.
Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
The Microbe: A Contagious Rag.
Webb Long. Wichita, KS: Marsh &
Needles, 1909.
sheet music]
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
The Missouri Mule March.
Charlotte Blake. Detroit, MI:
Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1904.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Mocking Bird Rag: Two-Step.
Chas T Straight. New York: M Witmark &
Sons, 1912.
[view sheet
Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
The Monarch March and Two-Step.
Harry Parker. Erie, PA: Frank Brehm, Jr,
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Monarch of the Glen: March and
Two-Step. JH Miller. South
Whitley, IN: Norris & Sterling, 1903.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

Monkey-Bizniz: Novelty for Piano.
Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: Forster
Music Publisher, 1928.
[view sheet music] [top]
Monkey Blues. Max Darewski.
London: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1918.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Monkey Doodle: Two Step. G
Selig. Brooklyn, NY: Hirsekorn &
Selig, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: Digital scan
provided by reader [top]
Moose March. P Hans Flath.
Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1910.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Moose Rag. Ted Johnson. Erie,
PA: Brehm Bros, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Mosquito Bites. Edwin F
Kendall. New York: Seminary Music, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Mosquito Dance. Charles N
Daniels. Kansas City, MO: Western Music
Publishing Co, 1900.
sheet music]
Source: Stanford
Libraries [top]
The Mosquitoes' Parade: A Jersey
Review. Howard Whitney. New
York: M Witmark, 1900.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920
(from Duke University) [top]
The Mouse and the Clock: Novelty for
Piano. Howard Whitney. M
Witmark & Sons, 1905.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Moving Day in Jungle Town. Nat
D Ayer (lyrics by A Seymour Brown). New
York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana

My Pet. Zez Confrey. New York:
Jack Mills, 1921.
[view sheet music]
Source: Musescore.com [top]

Octopus Rag. John Oliver Erlan.
Chicago, IL: Darrow & Quadland, 1907.
sheet music]
Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)

Oh, You Bear Cat Rag. Fred
Watson & Lewis F. Muir. NY: Fred Helf
Company, 1910.
[view sheet music]
Source: York University
Libraries, Sheet Music Collections

Oh You Tigers: Rag Two Step.
Anna DeVarennes. Bay City, MI: Anna
DeVarennes, 1909 (recorded by Nora Hulse on
Years of Ragtime Piano
sheet music]
Source: Library of Congress

Oh You Turkey! A Rag Trot. Henry
Lodge. New York: Waterson, Berlin &
Synder, 1914.
[view sheet music]
Source: Digital copy provided by Peter Persoff [top]
Old Crow Rag. George Botsford.
New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
Old Faithful: March and Two Step.
Abe Holzmann. New York: Leo Feist, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection
The Old Grey Mare (The Whiffle-Tree):
One-Step, Two-Step & March.
Frank Panella. Pittsburgh, PA: Panella
Music, 1915.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Oriole: Characteristique Two-Step.
John B. Lowitz. New York: Seminary Music,
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]

Ostrich Walk. Nick La Rocca
& Larry Shields. New York: Leo Feist,
sheet music] [listen
to 1918 Victor recording from the
Library of Congress]
Source: Walter Cosand
The Oyster Rag. Tom Lyle.
Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Parade of the Hummingbirds. FH
Losey. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music
Pub, 1906.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920
(from Duke University) [top]
Parson Johnson's Rag-Time Mule: A
Characteristic Two Step and Cakewalk.
EE Huston. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram
Music Co, 1900.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]

Le pas du serpent: danse nouvelle
(genre de one step et rag time).
Enrique Arenas. Paris: Georges Parmentier,
[view sheet music]
Source: Bibliothèque nationale
de France (BnF) [top]
Pegasus. James Scott. St
Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1920.
sheet music] [top]
Persian Lamb Rag: A Pepperette.
Percy Wenrich. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs,
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy [top]
Pig Ankles: A Grotesque Intermezzo.
Mamie E Williams. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins Kansas City, 1905.
[view sheet
Source: Kansas City
Sheet Music Collection
Pigeon Walk. James Monaco New
York: Broadway Music, 1914.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Pigeon Wing Rag. Charles L
Johnson. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1909.
[view sheet
Personal copy [top]

Pink Poodle One Step. Charles
L Johnson. Chicago, IL: FJA Forster Music
Publisher, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]

Poodles & Pugs: Waltzes.
Archie Scheu. Chicago: Monroe Pub Co, 1906.
sheet music]
Source: Gonzaga
University Digital Archives, Wildin
Collection [top]

Poodles' Parade. Salisbury,
Cora. St Louis: Thiebes Stierlin Music Co,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Porcupine Rag. Charles L
Johnson. New York: M Witmark & Sons,
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Possum and Taters: A Ragtime Feast.
Charles Hunter. Nashville, TN: HA French,
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
The 'Possum Barbecue. John
Martin. New York: S Brainard's Sons, 1899.
[view sheet
University of
Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Possum Hall Rag: Cake Walk and
Two-Step. Bennett Fritch.
Copyright: Bennett FFritch, 1899.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
copy [top]
Possum Rag. Geraldine Dobyns.
Memphis, TN: OK Houck Piano Co, 1907.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Potato-bug Parade: An Aroostook
Episode. George L Cobb.
Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1922.
sheet music]
Source: Maine
Music Box [top]
That Potatoe Bug Rag. Axel
Christensen. Chicago, IL: Christensen
School, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Ragtime
Review (Vol. 2, no. 11, pages
16-17: May 1916) [top]
Pretty Polly: Fox Trot. Dan
Caslar. New York: Jerome H Remick &
Co, 1918.
[view sheet
Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
Rabbit's Foot. George Cobb.
Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: Cadenza (magazine)
(July 1915) [top]
The Race Course: March and Two-Step.
Jack Glogau (arranged by ET Paull). New
York: ET Paull, 1910.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
The Race Horse Rag: Two Step.
Philadelphia, PA: Jos Morris, 1911.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
The Ragtime Nightingale.
Joseph Lamb. St Louis, MO: Stark Music
Company, 1915.
sheet music] [top]
Ragtime Oriole. James Scott.
St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1911.
[view sheet
music] [top]

Rats!!! M Kendree Miller.
Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]

The Rattler Rag. Susie Wells.
Henrietta, TX: Susie Wells, 1912.
[view sheet music] [top]

Rattlesnake Rag. Ethwell
Hanson. Neenah, WI: Ethwell Hanson, 1917.
sheet music]
Source: Scholar's
Junction (MSU) [top]

Red Mouse Rag. Wilbur Piper.
Sidney, OH: HR McClure Company, 1910.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
Red Raven Rag. Carl Olson.
Wichita, KS: Olson-Edwards Music, Co, 1910.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
Red Raven Rag. Charley
Straight. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
Reindeer: Ragtime Two Step.
Joseph Lamb. St Louis, MO: Stark Music
Company, 1915.
sheet music] [top]
Rooster Rag. Muriel Pollock.
New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1917.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Russian Pony Rag: A Syncopated Prance.
Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs 1910.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Shovel Fish Rag. Harry Cook.
Louisville, KY: Herman Straus & Sons,
sheet music]
Personal copy [top]
Silver Fox: A Raggy Fox Trot.
Henry Lodge. New York: Jerome H Remick
& Co, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Silver Spur: March and Two-Step.
Budd Cross. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox
Publishing, 1912.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]

Skunk Hollow. Tom Brier
sheet music] [listen to performance by
the composer] [top]
Snappin' Turtle.
Charles Cooke. New York: Jerome H Remick,
[view sheet
Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
Snipes: Two-Step Characteristic.
Mamie Williams. Kansas City, MO: JW
Jenkins, 1909.
[view sheet music]
Source: Musescore.com [top]
Snuggle Pup. George L Cobb.
Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1929. Listed in TAR.
Copyright registration date: 4 March 1929.
[view sheet music]
Source: Melody magazine
(March 1929)
Speckled Spider Rag. Harry
French. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1910.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)

Squirrel Food Rag. RG Gradi.
Cincinnati, OH: Olympic Music, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]
Squirrel Rag. FH Klickmann and
Paul Biese. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter,
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Stewed Chicken Rag. Glenn
Leap. New York: GlennLeap, 1912.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
Historical Society - Digital Images
Collection [top]
The Stinging Bee Characteristic.
Mike Bernard. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter,
[view sheet
Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
The Tale of a Kangaroo. Gustav
Luders. New York: M Witmark & Sons,
[view sheet
Source: Johns
Hopkins University: The Lester S
Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Tangle-Foot Rag. FH Losey.
Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music, 1910.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Tango Toreador. Lew
Pollack. New York: Joe Morris, 1914.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Teasing the Cat. Charles L
Johnson. Chicago, IL: FJ Forster Music
Publisher, 1916.
sheet music]
Source: Personal
copy [top]
Teddy Bear March and Two Step.
Albert Williams. New Haven, CT: Albert
Williams, 1907.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Texas Steer Rag. George
Botsford. New York: Jerome H Remick &
Co, 1909.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)
Thanks for the Lobster (Merci du
Homard). Clarence Jones.
Chicago, IL: Frank K Root & Co, 1914.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
That Dawggone Rag. Maurice
Smith. Los Angeles, CA: WA Quincke, 1914.
sheet music]
Source: Personal copy
They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'.
Carrie Bruggeman (as "Cy Perkins" as
composer and "Webb M Oungst" as lyricist).
New York: M Witmark & Sons,
sheet music]
Source: York University
Libraries, Sheet Music Collections
Thoroughbreds: March and Two Step.
Emil Seidel. Indianapolis, IN: Seidel
Music Co, 1912.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
Historical Society
Tiger Rag. Nick LaRocca. New
York: Leo Feist, 1917.
[view sheet
Source: New
York Public Library Digital
Collections [top]
A Tip on the Derby: March and Two-Step.
Charles Gebest. New York: Harry von Tilzer
Music Pub Co, 1902.
sheet music]
Source: Indiana
Historical Society –
Digital Images Collection [top]

Tom Cat Rag. Harry Weston. New
Orleans, LA: Music Shop, 1912.
sheet music]
Source: Walter
Cosand [top]
The Top Notch: March and Two-Step.
Charles Arthur. New York: Carl Fischer,
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Turkey in the Straw. A Rag-Time
Fantasie. Otto Bonnell. New
York: Leo Feist, 1899.
sheet music]
Source: IN
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]
Turkey Trot. Joseph Daly.
Boston, MA: Joseph Daly, 1912.
[view sheet
Charles H
Templeton Sheet Music Collection
Ragtime (MSU)
The Turkey Trot. Ribé Danmark.
London: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1912.
[view sheet
Source: Personal copy [top]
The Whistler and His Dog.
Arthur Pryor. New York: Carl
Fischer, 1905.
[view sheet
Source: Historic
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920
(from Duke University) [top]

Who Let the Cows Out? Charles
Humfeld. St Louis, MO: Howard & Browne,
[view sheet music]
York University
Libraries, Sheet Music Collections
Whoa! Nellie! George Gould.
San Francisco, CA: Sherman, Clay & Co,
sheet music]
Source: Digital copy from
a reader [top]
Whoa! You Heiffer. Al Verges.
New Orleans, LA: Hakenjos, 1904.
sheet music]
Source: Digital copy from
a reader [top]

Wild Cat Blues. Thomas "Fats"
Waller and Clarence Williams. New York:
Clarence Williams Music, 1923.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
Wildfire: March and Two-Step.
Walter Rolfe. Rumford, ME: Walter Rolfe
Music Co, 1919.
[view sheet
H Templeton Sheet Music
Collection Ragtime (MSU)