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Ragtime at the Zoo: Animal Rags

Featuring piano rags on the theme of animals


By Ted Tjaden

(originally published June 2006 and updated periodically)


There are links in the table below to 209 classic piano rags or ragtime-era compositions that are named after animals or have animals on their sheet music covers. Beneath the table is a list of 23 additional "print only" classic piano rags and 26 modern era rags on the theme of animals, some of which are widely available in various ragtime folios (as indicated). I realize that some of the rags below are only marginally related to animals but I have decided to err on the side of inclusiveness. Almost all of the rags on this page are instrumentals; however, I made a few exceptions such as for Moving Day in Jungle Town  (see below) and Gila, Galah, Galoo! (see below) because the artwork on these covers was so fantastic.


Classic Piano Rags on the Theme of Animals


Alaska Rag Sheet Music Cover

Alaska Rag
. Alec Malin. Seattle, WA: Erho Music Pub Co, 1915.

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Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Anaconda: Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Anaconda: Two-Step
. Sylvester Grant. New York: Old Colony Piano Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: INHarmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Armadillo Rag sheet music cover

Armadillo Rag
. Clarence Brown. Galveston, TX: Thomas Goggan & Brothers, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by Michael Chisolm [also available here on Hathi Trust] [top]

Arrival of the Mocking Bird:
                              Characteristic Intermezzo Sheet Music

Arrival of the Mocking Bird: Characteristic Intermezzo
. Alan Brown. New York: McKinley Music, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

At the Grasshopper's Hop Sheet Music

At the Grasshopper's Hop
. Allan Sanson. Philadelphia, PA: Alberts Publishing Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

At the Post: March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

At the Post: March and Two-Step
. Walter Hawley. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Baboon Bounce Sheet Music Cover

The Baboon Bounce: A Rag-Step Intermezzo
. George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Bantam Step Sheet Music Cover

Bantam Step
. Harry Jentes. New York: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Bees-Wax Rag Sheet Music Cover

Bees-Wax Rag
. Harry J Lincoln. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub  Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet music cover for Black Canary

Black Canary. Harry Austin Tierney. New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1911.

[view sheet music]x

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
Black Cat Rag Sheet Music Cover

Black Cat Rag
. Lina Mumford. Grand Rapids, MI: Mumford & Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy from Michael Chisolm [top]

Black Cat Rag Sheet Music Cover

Black Cat Rag
. Frank Wooster & Ethyl Smith. St Louis, MO: Frank Wooster Company, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Black Feather: Two Step Sheet Music

Black Feather: Two Step
. Irene M Giblin-O'Brien. New York: Vinton Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Black Wasp Rag: A Stinger Sheet
                                Music Cover

Black Wasp Rag: A Stinger
. HA Fischler. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

Blue Goose Rag Sheet Music Cover

Blue Goose Rag
. Charles L Johnson (using the pseudonym Raymond Birch). Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet music cover for The Blue Jay
                              and the Squirrel: Woodland Chatter

The Blue Jay and the Squirrel: Woodland Chatter
. Charles L Johnson. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Co, 1902.

[view sheet music] [top
Blue Jay Rag Sheet Music Cover

Blue Jay Rag
. Wooster, Frank. St Louis. MO: Frank Wooster, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]

Blundering Buffalo by Sue Keller

Blundering Buffalo
. Keller, Sue. Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1991. Available for purchase here.
Boiled Owl Rag Sheet Music Cover

Boiled Owl Rag
. Margaret Woodin. New York: FB Havilland, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress, Music Division [top]

Sheet Music cover for Bounding Buck

The Bounding Buck.
Henry Lodge. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Bow-Wow: One Step (A Dog-Gone Good
                              Dance) Sheet Music Cover

Bow-Wow: One Step (A Dog-Gone Good Dance)
. F Henri Klickman. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Bow-Wow: One Step Sheet Music Cover

Bow-Wow: One Step
. Wheeler Wadsworth. San Francisco, CA: 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

First page of music of Broncho Billy

Broncho Billy. Nell Wright Slaughter. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gertz, 1914.

[view sheet music] [top]
First page of Buffalo Dish Rag

Buffalo Dish Rag
. Bernisne Clements. New York: FB Haviland, 1910.

[view sheet music] [recording]

Source: Bill's Audio Reference Library [top]
The Buffalo March: For the Piano
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Buffalo March: For the Piano
. Thomas Preston Brooke. Cincinnati, OH: John Church Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: University at Buffalo Sheet Music of the Pan American Exposition [top]

                              Buffalo Rag Sheet Music Cover

The Buffalo Rag
. Tom Turpin. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Sheet music cover for Bugs (Kohler)

Bugs Rag. Nina Kohler. Sherman, TX: Nina Kohler, 1913.

[view sheet music] [top]
Sheet music cover for Bull Dog Rag
                              (Geraldine Dobyns)

Bull Dog Rag. Geraldine Dobyns. Memphis, TN: Anderson-Rienhardt Company, 1908.

[view sheet music] [top]

Bull Frog Blues Sheet Music Cover

Bull Frog Blues
. Guy Shrigley & Tom Brown. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1916

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Bulls and Bears: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bulls and Bears: March and Two-Step
. RM Stults. Philadelphia, PA: JV Stults, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Bumble: A Characteristic Buzz –
                              Two-Step Unique

Bumble: A Characteristic Buzz
Two-Step Unique. Will Livernash: Kansas City: Will Livernash, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Bumble-Bee Rag Sheet
                              Music Cover - Keithley 1909

Bumble-Bee Rag
. E Clinton Keithley: Louisville, KY: Keith Music, 1909.

[view sheet music] [listen to piano roll]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Bumble Bee: Characteristic Rag
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Bumble Bee: Characteristic Rag
. Harry Austin Tierney. New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Bunny Hug Rag Sheet Music Cover

The Bunny Hug Rag
. Harry DeCosta. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Synder, 1912.

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Bunny Hug Rag Sheet Music Cover

Bunny Hug Rag
. George L Cobb. Battle Creek, MI: Chas E Roat Music Co, 1913.

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Source: Copy provided by a user of this website [top]

Butterflies Caprice Sheet Music

Butterflies: Caprice
. Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Buxton Slow Drag: A Snail Serenade

Buxton Slow Drag: A Snail Serenade
. Leonard Lewis. New York: Leo Feist, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Call of the Wild: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Call of the Wild: March and Two-Step
FH Losey. New York: Carl Fischer, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Camel Walk Blues sheet music cover

Camel Walk Blues
. Ebon Gay. St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1919.

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Source: Mega [top]

The Canary Fox Trot Sheet Music

The Canary Fox Trot
. WB Kernell. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Synder, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

                              Captive: March and Two Step Sheet Music

The Captive: March and Two Step
. David Hawthorne. Boston: The Vinton Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Cat's Pajamas Sheet Music Cover

The Cat's Pajamas
. Harry Jentes. New York: Jack Mills, 1922.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy supplied by a user of this website [top]

The Cat on the Keyboard Sheet Music

The Cat on the Keyboard
. Harry Stafford. London: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Celebrated Barn Dance Sheet Music

Celebrated Barn Dance
Henry Sawyer. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music, 1908.

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Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Chantecler Sheet Music Cover

. Jeanne Delmar. Montreal, QC: Delmar Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag /
                              March / Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag / March / Waltz
. Richard Grant. Chicago: McKinley Music, 1910.

[view sheet music – rag] [
view sheet music – march[view sheet music – waltz]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag:
                              March Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Chanticleer (Cock a Doodle Doo) Rag: March Two-Step
. Albert Gumble. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Chasing the Chickens
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chasing the Chickens
. Abe Olman and Raymond Walker. Chicago, IL: Forster Music Publisher Inc., 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Chasing the Squirrels Schottische
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chasing the Squirrels Schottische
. H Reed. New York: Century Music Pub Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

The Chevy Chase: Fox Trot Sheet Music

The Chevy Chase: Fox Trot
. Eubie Blake. New York: Jos W Stern, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Chicken Charlie Sheet Music Cover

Chicken Charli
. Ashley Ballou. Chicago, IL: WC Polla, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy from a reader [top]

Chicken on the Fence Sheet Music

Chicken on the Fence
. Jacob Henry Ellis. New York: Willis Woodward & Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chicken Pickin's: Dance Descriptive
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chicken Pickin's: Dance Descriptive
. Thos S Allen. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chicken Walk: Eccentric Fox Trot
                              sheet music cover

Chicken Walk: Eccentric Fox Trot. Tom Brown. Chicago: Will Rossiter, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Hathi Trust [top]

Chilly-Billy-Bee Rag: Instrumental
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chilly-Billy-Bee Rag: Instrumental
. Lewis F Muir. New York: J Fred Helf Pub Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Dance of the Crickets
                              Sheet Music Cover

Dance of the Crickets: Dance Characteristic. Barbara F. Kleinbeck. Dayton, KY: B.F. Kleinbeck, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Dance of the Hoo-Hoo Sheet Music

Dance of the Hoo-Hoo
. Emma Suckert. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson & Co, 1898. Recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dance of the Moon Birds Sheet Music

Dance of the Moon Birds
. AJ Stasny. Cleveland, OH: AJ Stasny Music Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Dance of the
                              Nightingales: Barn Dance Sheet Music

Dance of the Nightingales: Barn Dance
FH Losey. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Dance of the Song Birds Sheet Music

Dance of the Song Birds
. Benjamin Richard. New York: Willis Woodward & Co, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Dance of the Sparrows: Characteristic
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Dance of the Sparrows: Characteristic
. B Richmond. New York: Leo Feist, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Dance of the Taffy 'Possums Sheet
                              Music Cover

Dance of the Taffy 'Possums
. Harold Orlob. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dance Of The Teddy Bears Sheet Music

Dance of the Teddy Bears
. JS Fearis. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet music cover for Dog on the

Dog on the Piano. Ted Shapiro. New York: Jack Mills, 1924.

[view sheet music]

Source: International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

Dogzigity Rag Sheet Music Cover

Dogzigity Rag
. Billie Taylor. New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1910.

[view sheet music] [top]

Elephant Rag Sheet Music Cover

Elephant Rag
. Malvin M Franklin. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

The Elephant Trot Sheet Music Cover

The Elephant Trot: An Episode of the Jungle
. Carl Kahn. Toronto, ON: HH Sparks, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Feedin' the Kitty Sheet Music Cover

Feeding the Kitty: A Ragtime One-Step
. George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1919.

[view sheet music] [top]

Fire Fly Intermezzo Sheet Music

Fire Fly: Intermezzo
. Anita Owen. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

Fly Paper Rag Sheet Music Cover

Fly Paper Rag
. Lorne Lee. Toronto, ON: AH Goetting, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Four Little Butterflies Sheet Music

Four Little Butterflies
. Lawrence B O'Connor. Boston, MA: Colonial Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Fox Hunter's March and Two Step
                              Gallop Sheet Music Cover

Fox Hunter's March and Two Step Gallop
. William H Penn. Chicago, IL: Sol Bloom, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Fox Trail March Sheet Music Cover

Fox Trail: March
. JS Zamecnik. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Pub Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Frog Legs Rag Sheet Music Cover

Frog Legs Rag
. James Scott. New York: John Stark & Son, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Frog Puddles Sheet Music Cover

Frog Puddles
. Howard Whitney. Melbourne: Allan & Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

The Frolic of the Elks:
                              Characteristic Two Step Sheet Music Cover

The Frolic of the Elks: Characteristic Two Step
. Edmund Braham. Chicago, IL: Windsor Music Co, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Frolic of the Frogs Waltz Sheet Music

Frolic of the Frogs Waltz
JJ Watson. New York: De Luxe Music Co, 190-.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Gathering of the Moose: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Gathering of the Moose: March and Two Step
. Harry Williams. Providence, RI.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

                              Galah, Galoo! Sheet Music Cover

Gila, Galah, Galoo!
Walter Donovan (lyrics by Arthur Fields). New York: Leo Feist, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet music cover for Glad Cats Rag

Glad Cat Rag. Will Nash. Chicago, IL: Pioneer Music, 1905.

[view sheet music] [top]
Sheet music cover for Glory of the

Glory of the Cubs. Arthur Marshall (lyrics by F. R. Sweirngen). Chicago: H. & F. R. Sweigen, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress [top
Gobbler's Gambol Sheet Music Cover

Gobbler’s Gambol: The New Turkey-Trot
. Calvin Grooms. New York: Leo Feist, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Golden Spider Rag Sheet Music Cover

Golden Spider Rag
. Charles L Johnson. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Goose Step: Novelty One Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Goose Step: Novelty One Step
. Eugene Platzmann. New York: Church, Paxson, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

First page of Grasshopper Ragz
Grasshopper Rag
. Leon Eleizer. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1909.

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Musescore.com [top]
Grasshopper's Hop Sheet Music Cover

Grasshopper's Hop: A Bugtown Society Event
. Sadie Koninsky. New York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Grizzly Bear Rag Sheet Music Cover

Grizzly Bear Rag
. George Botsford. New York: Ted Snyder Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              Hen Cackle Rag: A Barnyard Disturbance
                              Sheet Music Cover

Hen Cackle Rag: A Barnyard Disturbance
. Charles L Johnson. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

First page of music for Hippo Hop

Hippo Hop: Fox Trot. Oswald B. Wilson. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: (January 1920) 4(1) Melody at 17 [top]

Hog-Town Pig-Aninnies: Two-Step
                              Cake-Walk: A Very Warm Number Sheet Music

Hog-Town Pig-Aninnies: Two-Step Cake-Walk: A Very Warm Number
. Edmund Braham. New York: Edmund Braham, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source:   Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for Honey Bee

The Honey Bee. Mamie Williams. Kansas City, MO: Williams Publishing Co, 1902.

[view sheet music] [top]
Hop Toad: March & Two Step

Hop Toad: March & Two Step
. Bessie Cummins. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Sons Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Horse Laugh Sheet Music Cover

The Horse Laugh. Sam Ewing. Cleveland, OH: Ewing Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Horse Show Ragtime March Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Horse Show: Ragtime March
. Gentry Shelton. St Louis, MO: Val A Reis Music Co, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Horse Trot: American Dance -
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Horse Trot: American Dance
. Uri Davis. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU)   [top]

Horse Shoe Rag Sheet Music Cover

Horseshoe Rag
. Julia Niebergall. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Jack Rabbit Rag Sheet Music Cover

Jack Rabbit Rag
. Donald Garcia. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection  [top]

Jim Crow Rag Sheet Music Cover

Jim Crow Rag
. Lizzie Mowen. Rochester, NY: CC Powell, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Kangaroo Hop Sheet Music Cover

The Kangaroo Hop
. Melville Morris. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

King-Bee Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

King-Bee: Waltzes
. Billy West. New York: Ed Rosenbaum, Jr, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

King of the Forest: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

King of the Forest: March and Two Step
. Abe Losch (pseudonym for Harry J Lincoln). Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

King of them All Rag Sheet Music

King of Them All Rag
. Wm Murray Simpson. Chicago, IL: Frank Root & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Kissing Bug Rag Sheet Music Cover

Kissing Bug Rag
. Charles L Johnson. Louisville, KY: Keith Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Kitten on the Keys Sheet Music Cover

Kitten on the Keys
. Zez Confrey. New York: Jack Mills, 1921.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Klondike Rag Sheet Music Cover

Klondike Rag
. George Botsford. New York: William R. Haskins Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Kookooburra Schottische Sheet Music

Kookooburra Schottische
. Arthur W Rooney. Sydney: Anglo American Music Pub, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

Krazy Kat sheet music cover

Krazy Kat
. Ben Ritchie. New York: Ben Ritchie, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Walter Cosand [top]

Leap Frog Rag Sheet Music Cover

Leap Frog Rag
. Edwin F Kendall. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Cover for Lion Tamer Galop (Cobb)

The Lion Tamer: Galop
. George L Cobb. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1926.

[view sheet music]

Source: Melody magazine (October 1926) [top]

The Lion Tamer Rag: A Syncopated
                              Fantasia Sheet Music Cover

The Lion Tamer Rag
. Al Marzian (as "Mark Janza"). Louisville, KY: AF Marzian, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Livery Stable Blues Sheet Music

Livery Stable Blues
. Alcide Nuanez & Grim Natwick. Chicago, IL: Roger Graham Music, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: The E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit Public Library [top]

The Lizard and the Frog:
                              Characteristic Sheet Music Cover

The Lizard and the Frog: Characteristic
. Theodore F Morse. New York: Carl Fischer, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Lobster Glide Sheet Music Cover

Lobster Glide. Malvin M Franklin. New York: The Great Eastern Music Publisher, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

A Lucky Duck Sheet Music Cover

A Lucky Duck
. Howard Whitney. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Stanford Libraries [top]
Sheet music cover of Magpie Rag

Magpie Rag
. Malvin M Franklin. New York: Joseph Stern, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Adrien Le Gallo (Let’s Rag) [top]
March of the Buffaloes Sheet Music

March of the Buffaloes
. Fred Ryder. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Me-ow: One-Step Sheet Music Cover

Me-ow: One-Step
. Mel Kaufman. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing Co, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Microbe: A Contagious Rag Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Microbe: A Contagious Rag
. Webb Long. Wichita, KS: Marsh & Needles, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Missouri Mule March Sheet Music

The Missouri Mule March
. Charlotte Blake. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Mocking Bird Rag: Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Mocking Bird Rag: Two-Step
. Chas T Straight. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Monarch March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Monarch March and Two-Step
. Harry Parker. Erie, PA: Frank Brehm, Jr, 1897.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Monarch of the Glen: March and
                              Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Monarch of the Glen: March and Two-Step
. JH Miller. South Whitley, IN: Norris & Sterling, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Monkey-Bizniz:
                              Novelty for Piano

Monkey-Bizniz: Novelty for Piano. Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: Forster Music Publisher, 1928.

[view sheet music] [top]
Monkey Blues Sheet Music Cover

Monkey Blues
. Max Darewski. London: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Monkey Doodle: Two Step Sheet Music

Monkey Doodle: Two Step
. G Selig. Brooklyn, NY: Hirsekorn & Selig, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital scan provided by reader [top]

Moose March Sheet Music Cover

Moose March
. P Hans Flath. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Moose Rag Sheet Music Cover

Moose Rag
. Ted Johnson. Erie, PA: Brehm Bros, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Mosquito Bites Sheet Music Cover

Mosquito Bites
. Edwin F Kendall. New York: Seminary Music, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Mosquito Dance sheet music cover

Mosquito Dance. Charles N Daniels. Kansas City, MO: Western Music Publishing Co, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Stanford Libraries [top]
The Mosquitoes' Parade: A Jersey
                              Review Sheet Music Cover

The Mosquitoes' Parade: A Jersey Review
. Howard Whitney. New York: M Witmark, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

The Mouse and the Clock: Novelty for
                              Piano Sheet Music Cover

The Mouse and the Clock: Novelty for Piano
. Howard Whitney. M Witmark & Sons, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Moving Day in Jungle Town Sheet Music

Moving Day in Jungle Town
Nat D Ayer (lyrics by A Seymour Brown). New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

My Pet Sheet Music Cover (Zez

My Pet. Zez Confrey. New York: Jack Mills, 1921.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top
Sheet music cover for Octopus Rag

Octopus Rag
. John Oliver Erlan. Chicago, IL: Darrow & Quadland, 1907.

[view sheet music]

International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]
First page of music for Oh, You Bear
                              Cat Rag

Oh, You Bear Cat Rag
.  Fred Watson & Lewis F. Muir. NY: Fred Helf Company, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Oh You Tigers:
                              Rag Two Step

Oh You Tigers: Rag Two Step
. Anna DeVarennes. Bay City, MI: Anna DeVarennes, 1909 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano )

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress

Sheet music cover in black and white
                              of Oh You Turkey! A Rag Trot (Lodge)

Oh You Turkey! A Rag Trot
. Henry Lodge. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Synder, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Peter Persoff [top]

Old Crow Rag Sheet Music Cover

Old Crow Rag
. George Botsford. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Old Faithful: March and Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Old Faithful: March and Two Step
. Abe Holzmann. New York: Leo Feist, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Old Grey Mare (The Whiffle-Tree):
                              One-Step, Two-Step & March Sheet Music

The Old Grey Mare (The Whiffle-Tree): One-Step, Two-Step & March
. Frank Panella. Pittsburgh, PA: Panella Music, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Oriole: Characteristique Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Oriole: Characteristique Two-Step
. John B. Lowitz. New York: Seminary Music, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Ostrich Walk - First Page of Sheet

Ostrich Walk. Nick La Rocca & Larry Shields. New York: Leo Feist, 1917.

[view sheet music] [listen to 1918 Victor recording from the Library of Congress]

Walter Cosand [top]
The Oyster Rag Sheet Music Cover

The Oyster Rag
. Tom Lyle. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Parade of the Hummingbirds Sheet
                              Music Cover

Parade of the Hummingbirds
FH Losey. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Parson Johnson's Rag-Time Mule: A
                              Characteristic Two Step and Cakewalk Sheet
                              Music Cover

Parson Johnson's Rag-Time Mule: A Characteristic Two Step and Cakewalk
. EE Huston. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

First page of music for Le pas du
                              serpent: danse nouvelle (genre de one step
                              et rag time)

Le pas du serpent: danse nouvelle (genre de one step et rag time). Enrique Arenas. Paris: Georges Parmentier, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) [top]

Pegasus Sheet Music Cover

. James Scott. St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1920.

[view sheet music] [top]

Persian Lamb Rag Sheet Music Cover

Persian Lamb Rag: A Pepperette
. Percy Wenrich. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Pig Ankles: A Grotesque Intermezzo
                              Sheet Music Cover

Pig Ankles: A Grotesque Intermezzo
. Mamie E Williams. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Kansas City, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pigeon Walk Sheet Music Cover

Pigeon Walk
. James Monaco New York: Broadway Music, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Pigeon Wing Rag Sheet Music Cover

Pigeon Wing Rag
. Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Pink Poodle One
                              Step (Charles Johnson)

Pink Poodle One Step. Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: FJA Forster Music Publisher, 1914.

[view sheet music] [top]
Poodles and Pugs sheet music cover

Poodles & Pugs: Waltzes
. Archie Scheu. Chicago: Monroe Pub Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Gonzaga University Digital Archives, Wildin Collection [top]
Poodle's Parade Sheet Music Cover
                              Showing a Parade of Poodles

Poodles' Parade
. Salisbury, Cora. St Louis: Thiebes Stierlin Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Porcupine Rag Sheet Music Cover

Porcupine Rag
. Charles L Johnson. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Possum and Taters: A Ragtime Feast
                              Sheet Music Cover

Possum and Taters: A Ragtime Feast
. Charles Hunter. Nashville, TN: HA French, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The 'Possum Barbecue Sheet Music

The 'Possum Barbecue
. John Martin. New York: S Brainard's Sons, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Possum Hall Rag: Cake Walk and
                              Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Possum Hall Rag: Cake Walk and Two-Step
. Bennett Fritch. Copyright: Bennett FFritch, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Possum Rag Sheet Music Cover

Possum Rag
. Geraldine Dobyns. Memphis, TN: OK Houck Piano Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Potato-bug Parade: An Aroostook
                              Episode Sheet Music Cover

Potato-bug Parade: An Aroostook Episode
. George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, Inc., 1922.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

That Potatoe Bug Rag

That Potatoe Bug Rag
. Axel Christensen. Chicago, IL: Christensen School, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol. 2, no. 11, pages 16-17: May 1916) [top]

Pretty Polly Fox Trot Sheet Music

Pretty Polly: Fox Trot
. Dan Caslar. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Rabbit's Foot Sheet Music Cover

Rabbit's Foot
. George Cobb. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Cadenza (magazine) (July 1915) [top]

The Race Course: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Race Course: March and Two-Step
. Jack Glogau (arranged by ET Paull). New York: ET Paull, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Race Horse Rag: Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Race Horse Rag: Two Step
. Philadelphia, PA: Jos Morris, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Mightingale Rag Sheet Music Cover

The Ragtime Nightingale
. Joseph Lamb. St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1915.

[view sheet music] [top]

Ragtime Oriole Sheet Music Cover

Ragtime Oriole
. James Scott. St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1911.

[view sheet music] [top]

Rats!!! Sheet Music Cover

Rats!!! M Kendree Miller. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.

[view sheet music] [top]
First page of music for The Rattler

The Rattler Rag. Susie Wells. Henrietta, TX: Susie Wells, 1912.

[view sheet music] [top]
Sheet music cover for
                              Rattlesnake Rag

Rattlesnake Rag. Ethwell Hanson. Neenah, WI: Ethwell Hanson, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Red Mouse Rag Cover

Red Mouse Rag
. Wilbur Piper. Sidney, OH: HR McClure Company, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Musescore [top]
Red Raven Rag Sheet Music Cover

Red Raven Rag
. Carl Olson. Wichita, KS: Olson-Edwards Music, Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Red Raven Rag Sheet Music Cover

Red Raven Rag
. Charley Straight. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Reindeer Rag Sheet Music Cover

Reindeer: Ragtime Two Step
. Joseph Lamb. St Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1915.

[view sheet music] [top]

Rooster Rag Sheet Music Cover

Rooster Rag
. Muriel Pollock. New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Russian Pony Rag: A Syncopated Prance
                              Sheet Music Cover

Russian Pony Rag: A Syncopated Prance
. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Shovel Fish Rag Sheet Music Cover

Shovel Fish Rag
. Harry Cook. Louisville, KY: Herman Straus & Sons, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Silver Fox: A Raggy Fox Trot Sheet
                              Music Cover

Silver Fox: A Raggy Fox Trot
. Henry Lodge. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Silver Spur: March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Silver Spur: March and Two-Step
. Budd Cross. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Picture of Tom Brier from one of his

Skunk Hollow. Tom Brier (2001).

[view sheet music] [listen to performance by the composer] [top]
Snappin' Turtle Sheet Music Cover

nappin' Turtle. Charles Cooke. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Snipes: Two-Step Characteristic sheet
                              music cover

Snipes: Two-Step Characteristic. Mamie Williams. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Cover for Melody magazine (March

Snuggle Pup. George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1929. Listed in TAR. Copyright registration date: 4 March 1929.

[view sheet music]

Source: Melody magazine (March 1929)

Speckled Spider Rag Sheet Music

Speckled Spider Rag
. Harry French. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Squirrel Food Rag Sheet Music Cover

Squirrel Food Rag. RG Gradi. Cincinnati, OH: Olympic Music, 1916.

[view sheet music]

IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]
The Squirrel Rag Sheet Music Cover

Squirrel Rag
. FH Klickmann and Paul Biese. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Stewed Chicken Rag Sheet Music Cover

Stewed Chicken Rag
. Glenn Leap. New York: GlennLeap, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana Historical Society - Digital Images Collection [top]

The Stinging Bee Characteristic Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Stinging Bee Characteristic
. Mike Bernard. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Tale of a Kangaroo Sheet Music

The Tale of a Kangaroo
. Gustav Luders. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Tangle-Foot Rag Sheet Music Cover

Tangle-Foot Rag
. FH Losey. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Tango Toreador Sheet Music Cover

Tango Toreador
. Lew Pollack. New York: Joe Morris, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Teasing the Cat Sheet Music Cover

Teasing the Cat
. Charles L Johnson. Chicago, IL: FJ Forster Music Publisher, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Teddy Bear March Sheet Music Cover

Teddy Bear March and Two Step
. Albert Williams. New Haven, CT: Albert Williams, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Texas Steer Rag Sheet Music Cover

Texas Steer Rag
. George Botsford. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Thanks for the Lobster (Merci du
                              Homard) Sheet Music Cover

Thanks for the Lobster (Merci du Homard)
. Clarence Jones. Chicago, IL: Frank K Root & Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

That Dawggone Rag Sheet Music Cover

That Dawggone Rag
. Maurice Smith. Los Angeles, CA: WA Quincke, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

                              Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun' Sheet
                              Music Cover

They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'
Carrie Bruggeman (as "Cy Perkins" as composer and "Webb M Oungst" as lyricist). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Thoroughbreds: March and Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Thoroughbreds: March and Two Step
. Emil Seidel. Indianapolis, IN: Seidel Music Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana Historical Society

Tiger Rag Sheet Music Cover

Tiger Rag
. Nick LaRocca. New York: Leo Feist, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: New York Public Library Digital Collections [top]

A Tip
                              on the Derby: March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

A Tip on the Derby: March and Two-Step
. Charles Gebest. New York: Harry von Tilzer Music Pub Co, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana Historical Society Digital Images Collection [top]

Tom Cat Rag First Page

Tom Cat Rag
. Harry Weston. New Orleans, LA: Music Shop, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Walter Cosand [top]
The Top Notch: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

The Top Notch: March and Two-Step
. Charles Arthur. New York: Carl Fischer, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Turkey in the Straw Sheet Music

Turkey in the Straw. A Rag-Time Fantasie
. Otto Bonnell. New York: Leo Feist, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Turkey Trot Sheet Music Cover

Turkey Trot
. Joseph Daly. Boston, MA: Joseph Daly, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

The Turkey Trot First Page of Music

The Turkey Trot
. Ribé Danmark. London: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

The Whistler and His Dog Sheet Music

The Whistler and His Dog
. Arthur Pryor. New York: Carl Fischer, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Who Let the Cows Out? Sheet Music

Who Let the Cows Out? Charles Humfeld. St Louis, MO: Howard & Browne, 1910.

[view sheet music]

York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
Whoa! Nellie! Sheet Music Cover

Whoa! Nellie!
George Gould. San Francisco, CA: Sherman, Clay & Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy from a reader [top]

Whoa! You Heiffer Sheet Music Cover

Whoa! You Heiffer
. Al Verges. New Orleans, LA: Hakenjos, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy from a reader [top]

Wild Cat Blues First Page

Wild Cat Blues
. Thomas "Fats" Waller and Clarence Williams. New York: Clarence Williams Music, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Musescore [top]
Wildfire March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Wildfire: March and Two-Step
. Walter Rolfe. Rumford, ME: Walter Rolfe Music Co, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Charles H Templeton Sheet Music Collection Ragtime (MSU) [top]

Additional "print only" piano rags on the theme of animals

Set out below is a list of 23 additional piano rags from the ragtime era and 26 modern era rags that are "print only" on the theme of animals. If any readers have copies of any of the following pieces that are in the public domain, I would welcome getting a copy of those pieces to add to a link to the sheet music in the list above.

The following animal-related ragtime era compositions are all likely in the public domain:

  • Black Crow. Max Schuldt, Jr. Chippewa Falls, WI: Max Schuldt, Jr, 1912 [check Google]
  • Black Crow Rag. Tommy Moreland. Idaho Falls, ID: Tommy Moreland, 1914 [check Google]

  • Bug-House Rag. Randolph Newton & Will Skidmore. Kansas City, MO: Skidmore Music Company, 1916 [check Google].
  • Bull Moose Rag. KM Gilham. Alameda, CA: KM Gilham, 1912 [check Google].
  • Chasing the Fox. Percy Wenrich. Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1922 [check Google].
  • Chicken Dance. Herbert Cortess. Kyserike, NY: Chauncey Van Denmark, 1913 [check Google].
  • Chicken's Rag. Rafael Balseiro. New York: J Fischer & Bro, 1915 [check Google].
  • Crazy Horse Rag. Roscoe Carter. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1909 [check Google].
  • Dance of the Crocodiles Rag. HH Whiting. Sanford, ME: HH Whiting, 1912 [check Google].
  • Fox-Terrier Rag. John Lang. Indianapolis, IN: John Lang, 1915 [check Google].
  • It's a Bird! Cliff Hess. Cincinnati, OH: Groene Music, 1905 [check Google].
  • Rabbit Foot Rag. Al Harriman. Boston, MA: Al Harriman, 1910 (available in print at the University of Colorado Library) [check Google].
  • Rattle Snake Rag. Clyde W. Hedley. Washington, DC: H Kirkus Dugdale, 1910 [check Google].
  • Rooster Reel: Two-Step and Buck Dance. Dan Goldsmith. Winnipeg, MB? (23 November 1912) [check Google].
  • That Tiger Rag. WJ Rawson, Jr. Aberdeen, SD: WJ Rawson, 1911 [check Google].
The following animal-related ragtime or stride piano compositions are all likely still covered by copyright and are therefore unlikely to be found online for free unless for purchase, as indicated below:
  • Bird-Brain Rag. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • The Birds' Carnival. Zez Confrey. New York: Robbins Music, 1935. Sheet music available in Ragtime: 100 Authentic Rags (Jasen).
  • Chasing the Fox. J Louis Merkur. New York: Jack Mills, 1928.
  • Cottontail Rag. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • Dancing Animal Crackers. Harry DeCosta & Herbert Steiner. New York: Mills Music, 1929.
  • Firefly Rag. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • Kautious Kitties. Silvio DeRienzo. New York: Alfred & Company, 1930.
  • Mouse's Hoofs. Zez Confrey. New York: Exclusive Publications, 1935.
  • Old Tom-Cat on the Keys. Bob Zurke. New York: Leo Feist, 1940. Sheet music available in Ragtime: 100 Authentic Rags (Jasen).
  • Poodle Rag. Bill Krenz. New York: Mills Music, 1954.
  • Pussy Cat Rag. David R Lee. Dundas, ON: Dun-Val Music Publishers, 1975.
  • Ragtime Bobolink. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • Silver Swan Rag. Scott Joplin. Los Angeles, CA: Maple Leaf Club, 1971.
  • Thoroughbred Rag. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • Toad Stool Rag. Joseph Lamb. New York: Mills Music, 1964. Sheet music available in Joseph Lamb, Ragtime Treasures Piano Solos. New York: Mills Music, 1964.
  • Tuxedo Cat Rag. Bill Edwards (2004). Purchase details here.



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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.




That C