Axel Christensen: The
Czar of Ragtime and his Ragtime Review
Chapter 2: Ragtime Review (1914-1918)
By Ted Tjaden
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The Ragtime
Review played a major role in promoting the
popularity of ragtime music and the instruction of
ragtime piano (the entire run of the magazine is set
out below on this page, in
full-text). Axel Christensen was the founder and
editor of the Ragtime Review. Each monthly
edition contained several short articles on ragtime
music, short news and humor stories and sheet music,
typically including one instrumental rag and one
ragtime song in each volume. The magazine also
included numerous advertisements for sheet music and
Christensen's ragtime instructions manuals and schools
of ragtime. Jasen and Jones in That American Rag (2000:128)
describe the Ragtime Review as a "hodgepodge"
of "ragtime chatter."
is no evidence in Volume 4, No 2 (February 1918) – what appears to be
the final volume –
that this was to be the last volume published. In
fact, the final volume contains the exhortation for
readers to subscribe to the Ragtime Review and
includes "Part 1" of a short story (implying there
would be a "Part 2" in a future issue). However, it
appears that Christensen may have realized that the
era of classic ragtime piano music was in decline by
1918 in favour of emerging jazz piano. In addition, it
may be that Walter Jacob's monthly music magazine – That Tuneful
Yankee –
which started publication the year before in 1917 and
which was renamed Melody in 1918, was cutting
into the sale of Christensen's Ragtime Review.
What is known for sure, however, is that the cover of
the March 1918 edition of Melody (see the
cover below) announces with a "hasty" note that Walter
Jacobs had taken over the Ragtime Review and
promised to extend to subscribers of the Ragtime
Review the same number of issues of Melody
(and for those who subscribed to both magazines a
further extension to their Melody
Front cover of March 1918 edition of Melody
magazine (Walter Jacobs) announcing the
"take over" by Jacobs of Christensen's Ragtime
Left: Close of of blurb on the
front cover, above, of March 1918 edition
of Melody magazine (Walter Jacobs)
announcing the "take over" by Jacobs of
Christensen's Ragtime Review.
Set out below
on this page is the full-text of the entire run of the
Ragtime Review, divided by volume number:
Note on
quality of PDF images below: Unfortunately, the
quality of the PDF images below is not good (the
source material was on microfiche). I was close to
abandoning the effort to digitize this material to see
if I could obtain a better source for these images,
but I decided to proceed since most of the text and
the musical scores in the pages below are legible
(most of the photos are not, alas). Some access is
better than no access. In many cases, I cleaned up the
images to remove distortions and other imperfections
that affected legibility. Fortunately, the first
volume below (Vol 1, No 1) is available online from
the Library of Congress. If anyone is willing to
temporarily loan me print copies of the Ragtime
Review so that I could digitally scan them and
upload and replace the images below, please let me
know. If you are interested in any of the musical
scores found in the Ragtime Review by Axel
Christensen, Robert Marine, Bernard
Brin, Edward J. Mellinger or Marcella
Henry, please view or download the sheet music
found in Chapter
3 since I spent a fair bit of time cleaning up
the sheet music found in Chapter 3 (whereas some of the
sheet music below in this Chapter is not as legible).
Thanks to Rob
Crausaz for providing old scans of the original covers
for December 1914, and May and August 1915.
Ragtime Review, Volume 1 (December
1914 - September 1915, 9 issues) [top]

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 1, No 1: December
1914) [top]
entire issue (Library of Congress)
in this issue:
- Article:
"The Popularity of Ragtime" (page 1)
- Ragtime
song: In Love's Paradise
(music by Edw J Mellinger and words by
Noah G Henley) (pages 7-9) (sheet music
available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
instrumental: Minnesota Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 10-12) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 1) (by Axel Christensen) (pages

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 2: January 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"How to Play a Vaudeville Show" (pages
- Ragtime
instrumental: Old Black Joe in
Ragtime (Simplified Version)
(by Axel Christensen) (page 7) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
song: He's My Ragtime Dancing Man
(words and music by EW Coulson) (pages
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 2) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Various
short news stories and humorous articles
- List
of Sheet Music for Sale, "Latest and Best
Popular Music" (page 20)
- Various
ads, including full page ad by Stark Music
Co ("Rags That Never Die") (page 23)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 3: March 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Ragtime on the Coast: Its Title
Discussed" (by WT Gleeson) (pages 5-6)
- Article:
"Ragtime the American National Music" (by
Bessie Hanson) (page 8)
- Ragtime
instrumental: Wesbter Grove Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 9-11) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Editorial:
"A Plea for Ragtime" (by Axel Christensen)
(page 12)
- Ragtime
Song: In My Mercer Racing Car
(by Axel Christensen and John Meck) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (e.g., "Notes for Picture
Pianists" on page 18)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 3) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Interesting
quote: "There will come a time when
we will be able to sit at the fireside and
listen to music over the telephone. It is
claimed that a phonetic apparatus has been
perfected that will enable us to do so"
(page 12).

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 4: April 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Ragtime Recital in Seattle" (pages 1-2),
plus various short "news" items
- Letter
to the Editor from John Stark complaining
about people who complain about ragtime
(page 3)
- Ragtime
instrumental: Marching Thro'
Georgia (by Axel Christensen)
(sheet music available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Agitation Rag
(by Robert Hampton) (pages 8-11)
- Editorial:
"Harmless Sexuality of Syncopated Music"
(pages 12, 28)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 4) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
quote: "A new parody on the well known
song "It's a Long Way to Tipperary" has
appeared. The title of it is "It's the Wrong
Way to Tickle Mary."

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 5: May 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 3-5)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 5) (by Axel Christensen) (pages 5-9)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Tango Tea: Dance
(by Ed Hallway) (pages 10-13)
- Miscellaneous
news and short articles (pages 14-20)
- Ragtime
Song: I Would Go To Sleep, And
Dream Forever (If I Knew That I Would
Dream Of You) (by Herbert
Collier) (pages 22, 24, 26)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 6: June 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Can Ragtime Be Suppressed?" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 3-4)
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 4-6)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Parade of the Goblins
(March & Two Step Intermezzo)
(by Charles Brown) (pages 8-11)
- Miscellaneous
news and short articles (pages 12-15)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 6) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Music
Exercise: Left-Handed William
(pages 18-19)
- Column:
Teachers' and Pupils' Corner (letters
testifying to results achieved under the
Christensen "system" (pages 20-26)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 7: July 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 3-5)
- Article:
"Touch and Tone for Ragtime" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 5-6)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Valse Eternal
(by Charles Brown) (pages 8-11)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 7) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Miscellaneous
news and short articles

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 1, No 8: August
1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 6-8)
- Article:
"Advertising Ragtime" (by Bernard Brin)
(page 9)
- Miscellaneous
short articles, including one describing
copyright infringement of one of
Christensen's instruction books (pages
- Ragtime
song: Jitney Bus Rag (by
Bernard Brin) (pages 16-19) (sheet music
available in Chapter 3)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 8) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Article:
"The Teaching of Ragtime Versus Classical"
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 21-22)
- Column:
Teachers' and Pupils' Corner (letters
testifying to results achieved under the
Christensen "system") (pages 25-28)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 1, No 9: September 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 32 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 5-10)
- Ragtime
Song: I Want My Dreams Of Yesterday
(music by Charles Brown and words by
Bessie Buchanan) (pages 11-13)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 9) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Miscellaneous
short articles and ads (pages 21-25)
- Column:
Teachers' and Pupils' Corner (pages 26-28)
Ragtime Review, Volume 2 (November
1915 - December 1916) [top]

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 2, No 1: November 1915) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Notes on New Popular Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 3-8)
- Ragtime
Song: In The Summer Time (Take A
Trip To The Seashore) (words
and melody by RD Klock, arranged by EH
See) (pages 13-16)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 11) (by Axel Christensen) (pages
- Column:
Teachers' and Pupils' Corner (pages 19-22)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 2:
December-January 1915-1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"The Vaudeville Agent" (by Frank Doyle)
(page 3)
- Miscellaneous
Articles (pages 3-8)
- Ragtime
Song: At The County Fair
(by Herb Hayworth and Allen Spurr) (pages
- Ragtime
Song: Ragtime Rings The Bell
(words and music by Axel Christensen)
(pages 13-15) (sheet music available in Chapter 3)
- Sample
of Cauldron Rag (by Axel
Christensen), single page of first page of
music (page 16)
- Note:
parts of pages 17 and 18 were "cut out"
from the source
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 17-22)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 2, No 3: February 1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PD, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"New and Popular Music" (page 3)
- Article:
"How To Become A Ragtime Teacher" (by
Jacob Schwartz) (pages 3-4)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 4-8)
- Ragtime
Song: Her Ragtime Romeo
(music by Billy Rogers and words by Ireve
Collins, Jr and Joe Griffin) (pages 9-12)
- Ragtime
Song: Good-Bye Little Country Girl
(music by Frank Butler and words by Lou
Cohan) (pages 13-16)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 12) (by Axel Christensen) (pages

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 4: March
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"New and Popular Music" (pages 3-4)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 4-8)
- Ragtime
Song: Rosalie (by Will
Carroll) (pages 9-11)
- Article:
"A Course in Vaudeville Piano Playing"
(Part 13) (by Axel Christensen) (pages

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 5: April
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Seen Through the Publisher's Window"
(review of new songs) (pages 1-2). Note:
Page 1 is almost illegible.
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 2-4)
- Note:
Pages 5 to 8 were missing from the source
- Ragtime
Song: My Little Irish Girl
(music by H Berry and words by Connett and
Gregg) (pages 9-11)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Marine Fox Trot
(by Robert Marine) (pages 12-14) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- One
page samples for each of Star and
Garter Ragtime Waltz (by Axel
Christensen) and The Cauldron Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 15-16)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 6: May
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 16 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
The Orchestral Organ At Covent Garden"
(page 1)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 1-4)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Glittering Stars:
Ragtime Waltz (by Marcella
Henry) (pages 5-8) (sheet music available
in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: That Easy Rag
(by Edward Mellinger) (pages 9-11) (sheet
music available in Chapter
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-15)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 2, No 7: July 1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 16 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Seen Through The Publisher's Window"
(pages 1-2)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 1-4)
- Ragtime
Song: I Can't Forget You, Mary
(music by Merlin Dappert and words by JR
Shannon) (pages 5-8)
- Ragtime
Song: Goodbye My Dear Old GOP (music
by LA Clark and words by J "Happy" Reed)
(pages 9-11)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-14)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 2, No 8: August 1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 18 pages)
in this issue:
- Article:
"Ragtime Our Standard Music" (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 1-2)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 2-6, 11-16)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Pianophiend (A
Musical Eccentricty) (by
Reuben Hasken) (pages 7-10)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 9: October
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 22 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Betty Weston's Triumph
(by Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 1-2)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 2-6)
- Article:
"Review of New Music" (pages 6)
- Ragtime
Song: I'm Sure I Wasn't Raised To
Be A Soldier (But I'll Fight For Dear
Old Red White And Blue) (words
and music by Charles Campbell) (pages 7-9)
- Movie
Music: Hurry (Pursuit and Capture)
(page 10)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 11-17)
- Article:
"Notes From The Studios" (pages 18-20)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 10: November
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 26 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Why Bonehead Billings
Couldn't Pitch (A Comical Story of a
Baseball Twirler and his
Susceptibility to Ragtime) (by
Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-5)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 5-9)
- Column:
"Among the Theatres" (page 10)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Press Club Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 11-14) (sheet
music available in Chapter
- Ragtime
Song: Rube From A High Grass Town
(words and music by Cal Stewart (page 15)
- Ragtime
Song: The Song She Sang To Me
(words by Cal Stewart, arranged by
Chalmers Rego) (pages 16-17)
- Ragtime
Song: I Laughed At The Wrong Time
(words and music by Cal Stewart) (page 18)
- Column:
"Movie Monologues" (by Treve Collins, Jr)
(page 21)
- Column:
"Notes From The Studios" (pages 24, 26)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 2, No 11: December
1916) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Kid McCann's Waterloo (How
Ragtime Affected a Prizefighter's
Career) (by Peter Frank
Meyer) (pages 3-5, 26)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 5-7)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music: As Seen Through
the Publisher's Window" (pages 8-10)
- Column:
"Among the Theatres" (page 10)
- Ragtime
Song: You (words and music
by Grace Tilden Burrows) (pages 11-13)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: The Oliver Twist
(by Otto Fessler) (pages 14-15)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: That Potatoe Bug Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 16-17) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Movie
music: Moonlight Scenes
(page 18)
- Article:
"Neutrality and Other Things" (by
Courtland Christiani) (page 19)
- Column:
"Movie Monologues" (by Treve Collins, Jr)
(pages 21-22)
- Column:
Notes From The Studios" (pages 24, 26)
Ragtime Review,
Volume 3 (January 1917 - December 1917) [top]

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 1: January
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: The Taming Of Bad Buck
Wendell, Part 1 (by Peter
Frank Meyer) (pages 3-4, 6-7, 26)
- One
page "portrait" of Axel Christensen
wishing "A Happy New Year to Readers of
the Ragtime Review" (page 5)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (pages 8-9)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Irmena Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 11-14) (sheet
music is available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Progressive Rag
(Dance Comique) (by Tobe
Brown) (pages 15-17) (sheet music
available in Chapter 3)
- Movie
music: "Pantaloon" Danse Grotesque
(for Comic Scenes) (page 18)
- Column:
"Hotel and Club Entertainment" (by Ernest
Briggs) (pages 20-23)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (page 24)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 2: February
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: The Taming Of Bad Buck
Wendell, Part 2 (by Peter
Frank Meyer) (pages 3-6)
- Article:
"Ragtime in AD 2017" (by Courtland
Christiani) (pages 7, 25)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 8-9)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Star and Garter:
Ragtime Waltz (by Axel
Christensen) (pages 11-14) (sheet music
available in
Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: The Cauldron Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 15-18) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Column:
"Among the Theatres" (page 19-21)
- Column:
"Musical Musings" (by Treve Collins, Jr)
(pages 21-23)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 24-26)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 3: March
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: That Harmony Quartette (The
Trials, Tribulations and Adventures of
Four Musical "Mokes"), Part 1
(by Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-4, 10)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 5-9)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 8-9)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Pathetic Rag
(by Axel Christensen) (pages 15-18) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Column:
"Among the Theatres" (page 19)
- Column:
"Hotel and Club Entertainment" (by Ernest
Briggs) (pages 20-21)
- Article:
"Answering the Critics" (by WT Gleason)
(pages 22-23)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 24-25)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 4: April
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: That Harmony Quartette (The
Trials, Tribulations and Adventures of
Four Musical "Mokes"), Part 2
(by Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-6)
- Article:
"Life in a Ragtime Studio" (by Young
Rocky) (pages 6-7)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 8-9)
- Article:
"An Experience" (by Marcella Henry" (page
- Article:
"Proper Photo-Playing" (by ME Gregory)
(page 10)
- Ragtime
Song: Nothing to do But Love You
(words by Bessie Moore and music by Paul
Nixon) (pages 11-13)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: The Tantalizer Rag
(by Frank Butler) (pages 14-17) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Column:
"Among the Theatres" (pages 19-20)
- Article:
"Some Sidelights" [humorous stories] (by
Dap) (pages 22-23)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 24-25)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 5: May
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 28 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: That Harmony Quartette (The
Trials, Tribulations and Adventures of
Four Musical "Mokes"), Part 3
(by Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-6)
- Short
story: Adventures of an Old Cello
(by Professor Hans Mettke) (pages 6-7)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 8-9)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 9-10)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Sweet Baby Blues
(by Ralph Williams) (pages 11-13)
- Ragtime
Song: Little Honey (by
Zella Estelle Leighton) (pages 14-15)
- Movie
music: Coronation March (Also for
Court Scenes, Pageants, Etc)
(by JS Meck) (pages 16-17)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Star Spangled Banner
(page 18)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 19-23)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 24-25)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 6: June
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Bad Buck Wendell's Return,
Part 1 (by Peter Frank Meyer)
(pages 3-5, 14)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 6-7)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 7-8)
- Movie
music: For Introductions, Lively
Scenes, Western Pictures, Etc (page
- Ragtime
Instrumental: National Colors Rag
(by Marcella Henry) (pages 10-11) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Simple Confession in
Ragtime (by Axel Christensen)
(page 12)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-17)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (page 18)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 7: July
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Bad Buck Wendell's Return,
Part 2 (by Peter Frank Meyer)
(pages 3-5, 14)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 6-7)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 7-8)
- Movie
music: Quarrel or Struggle Scenes
(page 9)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Kentucky Rag
(by Marcella Henry) (pages 10-11) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Mendelssohn's Wedding
March in Ragtime (by Axel
Christensen) (page 12) (sheet music
available in Chapter 3)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-17)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (page 18)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 8: August
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by FG Corbitt)
(pages 1, 3)
- Short
story: Bad Buck Wendell's Return,
Part 3 (by Peter Frank Meyer)
(pages 3-5, 13)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 6-8)
- Ragtime
Song: Nothing to Do but Love You
(words by Bessie Moore and music by Paul
Nixon) (pages 9-11)
- Movie
music: Turkish (page 12)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-17)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 18-19)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 9: September
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: Wanted - A Model (by
Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-5, 13)
- Column:
"Review of New Music" (page 6)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 6-8)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Reinette Rag
(by David Reichstein) (pages 9-12) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-19)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 18-19)

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 3, No 10: October
1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: That Harmony Quartette (Some
More of the Trials, Tribulations and
Adventures of Four Musical "Mokes")
(by Peter Frank Meyer) (pages 3-5, 13)
- Column:
"New Music Review" (pages 6-7)
- Short
story: A Wee Widow Wanders in
Cabaret Land: The Adventure of the
Spinning Dime (by Jane
Lamoureux) (pages 8, 19)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Broadway Rag
(by Marcella Henry) (pages 9-10) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Ragtime
Song: Covent Garden: Ragtime Waltz
(by Marcella Henry) (pages 11-12) (sheet
music available in Chapter 3)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-17)
- Column:
"Notes from the Studios" (pages 18-19)

Christensen, Ragtime Review
(Vol 3, No 11: December 1917) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 20 pages)
in this issue:
- Short
story: The Kid (In Which A Young
Woman Of Fixed Intentions Marries A
Vaudeville Star With Unexpected
Results), Part 1 (by Peter
Frank Meyer) (pages 3-5, 13)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (pages 6-7)
- Short
story: A Wee Widow Wanders in
Cabaret Land: The Adventure of the
Frozen Girl (by Jane
Lamoureux) (pages 8, 14)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Curious Cornelius:
Ragtime March (by Oscar
Chilton) (pages 9-10)
- Ragtime
Song: Uncle Sam is Calling You
(by William Herbst) (pages 11-12)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 13-19)
Ragtime Review, Volume 4 (January
1918) [top]

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 4, No 1: January
1918) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 23 pages)
in this issue:
this issue appears to have been missing page
2 (usually advertisements) from the source
material and is not included here]
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 3 to 6, 7-8)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" (by Jane
Damoureaux) (pages 6-7)
- Short
story: The Kid, Part 2 (by
Peter Frank Meyer) (page 8, 17-20))
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Over the Top
(by Maxwell Goldman) (page 9)
- Ragtime
Song: I'll Take Your Heart To
Mexico (And Leave My Heart Behind)
(words by Arthur Lamb and music by Charles
Brown) (pages 10-11)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: The Green Mill Rag
(by Marcella Henry) (pages 12-13) (sheet
music available in Chapter
- Ragtime
Song: When the Lips Say "Yes" and
the Heart Says "No" (words by
Arthur Lamb and music by Charles Brown)
(pages 14-15)
- Ragtime
Instrumental: Waltz Rag Arrangement
of Chorus of When the Lips Say "Yes"
and the Heart Says "No" (page

Axel Christensen, Ragtime
Review (Vol 4, No 2: February
1918) [top]
View entire
issue (PDF, 24 pages)
in this issue:
- Ad
for Christensen School of Popular Music
(page 2)
- Article:
"A Week in Vaudeville" by Axel Christensen
(pages 3 to 4)
- Miscellaneous
short articles (pages 3 to 4, 8, 18-22)
- Short
story: "Pussy Grey Mow's Revolt" (Part I)
by Peter Frank Meyer (pages 5, 17-18)
- Column:
"Review of the New Music" by Jane
Lamoureaux (pages 6-7)
- Ragtime
song: Mother's Old Rocking Chair
by Charles B. Brown (page 9)
- Ragtime
song: Ragtime Rings The Bell
(and simplified arrangement of chorus) by
Axel Christensen (pages 10-11)
- Ragtime
instrumental: Happy Sam: One Step
Or Two Step by Oscar Chilton
(pages 12-13)
- Ragtime
instrumental: The Cactus Rag
by Lucian Porter Gibson (pages 14-16)
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