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Female Composers of Ragtime

By Ted Tjaden


Sheet Music for Rags Composed by Women

By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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Set out below by surname (A to F) is a fairly complete list of ragtime compositions written by women:

Sheet music cover for Old Carpet Rag

Aaron, Jennie. Old Carpet Rag. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]
Belle of the Orient: Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Abbott, Josie. Belle of the Orient: Two-Step. Baltimore, MD: Geo Willig & Co, 1897.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for That Hateful
                              Rag (Berttha Allen)

Allen, Bertha. That Hateful Rag: Fox Trot. Des Moines, IA: Bertha Allen, 1925 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [purchase PDF and MIDI from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

                              Bit O' Sunshine: Novelty Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Allen, Daisy. A Bit O' Sunshine: Novelty Two Step. Kansas City, MO: Jones Publishing Co, undated.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Grand March to Jones' Sheet Music

Allen, Daisy. Grand March to Jones'. Kansas City, MO: Jones Publishing Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Sheet music cover for Gobbler Rag
                              (Libbie Allen)

Allen, Libbie.  Gobler Rag. St Louis: Shattinger Music Co, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry]
The Allen Glide Sheet Music Cover

Allen, Louise. Allen Glide. St Louis: Syndicate Music Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

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                            being sourced

Allyn, Opal. The Opalescent Rag. Modesto, IL: Opal Allyn, sd (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Dream of a Doll. New York: Mills Music, 193-.

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Ivory Tips [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. March of the Blues [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. The Merry Minnow [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Mindin' the Baby [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].
[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to MIDI] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Night of Romance [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Perils of Pauline. New York: Jack Mills, 1927 (Hulse and Bostick).

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [top]

Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Piano Poker [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].

[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Tut Tut [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].
[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [top]
Cover of folio of Pauline Alpert's

Alpert, Pauline. Wedding of the Painted Doll [in Pauline Albert Folio of Modern Piano Solos (New York: Mills Music, 193-)].
[sheet music available for purchase at SheetMusicNow and a larger folio from Piano Rare Scores] [listen to a performance] [top]
First page of music for Daffy Dill
                              (Edith Althoff)

Althoff, Edith. Daffy Dill. New York: Jack Mills, 1923.
[view sheet music]
Source: [Walter Cosand] [top]
Sheet music cover for Dancing Fingers
                              (Edith Althoff)

Althoff, Edith. Dancing Fingers. New York: Jack Mills, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: [Oregon Digital] [top]
Sheet music cover for Honky Dory
                              (Edith Althoff)

Althoff, Edith. Honky Dory. New York: Jack Mills, 1922.

[view sheet music

[sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]
Image of
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                            being sourced

Anderson, BJ. Conner Bayou Rag (Novelty Two Step). Self-published, 1920 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Our Company March Sheet Music Cover

Anderson, Marie Wilson. Our Company March. Denver, CO: HG Wilson, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Andrews, Gladys. Toothpick Rag. Buffalo, NY: Bixby and Brothers, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Aeroplane Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Appler, Mamie. Aeroplane Waltz. St Louis: Alice Martin, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Checker: Rag
                              Two Step (Bulah Arens) 

Arens, Bulah. Checker: Rag Two Step (arranged by Julia Rosenbush). Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Arlington, Marion (pseudonym for Luella Lockwood Moore). Flamingo: Two Step (1910). Recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Up and Doing:
                              March Two Step (Marion Arlington)

Arlington, Marion (pseudonym for Luella Lockwood Moore). Up and Doing: March Two Step. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Arnold, Alice. The Gaily Two Step. Rugby, IN: Alice Arnold, 1904 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Arnold, May Olive. Ragtime Follies. Mobile, AL: May Olive Arnold, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Cinder-Ella

Asher, Mabel. Cinder-Ella Rag. San Diego, CA: Mabel Asher, 1910.

[view sheet music] [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Atterbery, Corienne. The D***ies Serenade or Under the Sycamore Tree (song) (arranged by Mary Jacque) Webb City, MI: Corienne Atterbery, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]
Image of
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                            being sourced

Atwell, Winifred. Britannia Rag (1952). Recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano.

[purchase folio from Rare Piano Scores] [listen to performance by the composer] [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Atwell, Winifred. Coronation Rag. New York: Jefferson Music, 1953 (That American Rag).

[listen to performance by composer] [top]

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                            being sourced

Atwell, Winifred. Jubilee Rag. London, England: Francis, Day & Hunter, 1952 (sheet music in Hulse, Ragtime Refreshments).

[purchase folio from Rare Piano Scores] [listen to performance by the composer] [top]

The Batchelor's Waltz Sheet Music

Aufderheide, Frieda. The Batchelor's Waltz. Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Flyer Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, Frieda. The Flyer.  Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Blue Ribbon Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Blue Ribbon Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Buzzer Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Buzzer Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Drifting in
                              Dreams with You (May Aufderheide) 

Aufderheide, May. Drifting in Dreams with You (lyrics by Rudolph Aufderheide). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide Music Publishers, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Libraries – Digital Collection [top]

Dusty Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Dusty Rag. Indianapolis, IN: Duanne Crabbe Publishing Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Dusty Rag (Song) Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Dusty Rag (song) (words by J Will Callahan). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

I Want a Patriotic Girl Sheet Music

Aufderheide, May. I Want a Patriotic Girl (words by Bobby Jones). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

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                            being sourced

Aufderheide, May (with Paul Pratt). I Want a Real Lovin' Man. 1911 (Bill Edwards).

[available in print at the University of South Florida] [top]

I'll Pledge My Heart To You Sheet
                              Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. I'll Pledge My Heart to You (song). Cincinnati, OH: Mentel Bros Pub Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

First Page of "In Bamboo
                              Land" Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. In Bamboo Land (words by Earle C Jones). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana State University [top]

Sheet music cover for My Girl of the
                              Golden Days (May Aufderheide) 

Aufderheide, May. My Girl of the Golden Days (words by Earle C Jones). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Novelty Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Novelty Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Pelham Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Pelham Waltzes. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Pompeian Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. Pompeian Waltzes. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Richmond Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. The Richmond Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Thriller Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. The Thriller Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

A Totally
                              Different Rag Sheet Music Cover

Aufderheide, May. A Totally Different Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

 A Totally Different Rag Sheet Music

Aufderheide, May. A Totally Different Rag (Song) (words by Earl Jones). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

First page of music for You and Me in
                              the Summertime (May Aufderheide) 

Aufderheide, May. You and Me in the Summertime (words by Rudolph Aufderheide). Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Bailey, Queenie. El Cosmopolita Rag, transcribed by Clarence Wheeler. Mentioned in Ragtime Review 3, no 4 (April 1917): 7 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

First page of music for Blooie

Baker, Edythe. Blooie-Blooie (1920) recorded by Nora Hulse on 25 Piano Rags by Women (archived page).

[view sheet music] [view handwritten manuscript by composer] [listen to 1920 piano roll]

Source: Musescore [top] 
Image of
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                            being sourced

Baker, Lula. Jolly Club Two Step. Kansas City, MO: Baker Publishing Co, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]
Sorority RagSheet Music Cover

Bartlett, Margaret. Sorority Rag. Chicago, IL: Thompson Music Co, 1909 (recorded by Nora Hulse on
60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Baumgartner, Charlotte. Just Some Rag. New York: New York Sheet Music Clearing House, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Nora Bayes Foxtrot Sheet Music Cover

Bayes, Nora & Donald Ganiard. Nora Bayes Fox Trot. Chicago, IL: Forster Music Publishing, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Shine on Harvest Moon Sheet Music

Bayes, Nora (lyrics by Jack Norworth). Shine on Harvest Moon. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

First page of music for Brush Creek

Beauchamp, Eleanora. Brush Creek Rag. Cincinnati, OH: Geo B Jennings, 1913 ( recorded by Nora Hulse on
60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragnar Hellspong: Rag's Rag  [top]

You're Talking Ragtime Sheet Music

Beaumont Sisters, The. You're Talking Ragtime (song). New York: TB Harms, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: New York Public Library Digital Collections [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Becker, Josephine. Oh You Rag. Cincinnati? 1910? (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Becker, Josephine. Walli-Ki-Ki: Jungle Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Emerson Music Publishing Co, 1911 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Merry Madcap: March Characteristique
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bell, May. Merry Madcap: March Characteristique. New York: Will Wood, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sheet music cover for One More Rag 

Berger, Minnie. One More Rag (arranged by Arthur Campbell). St Louis: Stark Music Co, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Berger, Minnie. St Louis: March and Two Step. St Louis: JL Cuddy, 1909 (Morath and Hasse)

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [print copy available from University of Colorado] [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Berger, Minnie. St. Loui-Loui (song). St Louis: JL Cuddy, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bergman, Flora. Cat Grin Rag. New York: Ted Snyder Co, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [listen to performance] [top]

Oak Leaf Shuffle first page of music

Best, Marvel Doris. Oak Leaf Shuffle. Des Moines, IA: Koch Bros Printing, 1912 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

 Image of
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                            being sourced

Bianchi, Palmiro. Stegomyia: A Ragtime Two Step. New Orleans, LA: Cable Co, 1905  (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Biba, Emma. Helter-Skelter Rag. Washington, DC: Marks-Goldsmith Co, 1914 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Slippery Elm:
                              That Raggy Tango - Sheet Music Cover

Biba, Emma. Slippery Elm: That Raggy Tango. n.p.: Emma Biba, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Andrew Barrett [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Bierbaum, Nancy. Yankee Breezes: National Rag Medley. Cincinnati, OH: Groene Music Publishing Co, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bierbaum, Nancy. Zinzinnati: German Rag. Cincinnati, OH: Nancy Bierbaum, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Laughing Water: Syncopated Intermezzo
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bierman, Ida G. Laughing Water: Syncopated Intermezzo. St Louis: Louis Retter Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Sheet music cover for Pike Pickers: A
                              Rag (Ida Bierman)

Bierman, Ida G. Pike Pickers: A Rag. Chicago, IL: WC Polla Co, 1904.

[view sheet music] [top]

Visions of Love Waltz Sheet Music

Bierman, Ida G. "Visions of Love" Waltz. Chicago, IL: Arnett Delonais Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sheet music cover for Evolution March
                              (Harriet Bird) 

Bird, Harriet. Evolution March. Kansas City, MO: Jones Publishing Co, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Sheet music cover for Delta Rag
                              (Virginia Birdson) 

Birdson, Virginia. Delta Rag. New Orleans, LA: L Grunewald Co, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [purchase PDF and MIDI from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

Bridal Veil: Waltzes Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Bridal Veil: Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Could You Read My Heart Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Could You Read My Heart (words by Arthur Gillespie) Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Curly: March and Two-Step Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Curly: March and Two-Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Dainty Dames: Novelette Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Dainty Dames: Novelette. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Gonzaga University Digital Archives [top]

The Gravel Rag Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. The Gravel Rag. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Harbor of Love Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Harbor of Love (words by Earle Jones). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Hip Hip Hurrah March Two Step

Blake, Charlotte.  Hip! Hip! Hurrah! March Two Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

Honey Bug Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Honey Bug (words by Earle Jones). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Honey, When It's Sunny Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Honey, When It's Sunny (words by Arthur Gillespie and Collin Davis). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

I Wonder if it's You Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte (words by Vincent Bryan). I Wonder if it's You. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

It Makes A Lot Of Diff'rence When
                              You're With The Girl You Love Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. It Makes A Lot Of Diff'rence When You're With The Girl You Love (words by Arthur Gillespie and Harold Ward). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sheet music cover for King Cupid:
                              March Two-Step Characteristic (Charlotte

Blake, Charlotte. King Cupid: March Two-Step Characteristic. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1903 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Land of Beautiful Dreams Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Land of Beautiful Dreams (words by Maurice Marks). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

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                            being sourced

Blake, Charlotte. Last Kiss Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1907.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Lily Eyes: Valse Poetique Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Lily Eyes: Valse Poetique. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Love is King Waltzes Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. Love is King Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Love-Tree Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Love-Tree Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy [top]

The Mascot: March-Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. The Mascot: March-Two Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection  [top]

The Missouri Mule March Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte. The Missouri Mule March. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections  [top]

Cover art for My Lady Laughter:
                              Waltzes (Blake)

Blake, Charlotte. My Lady Laughter Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Gonzaga University Digital Archives [top]
A Night, a Girl, a Moon Sheet Music

Blake, Charlotte (words by Vincent Bryan). A Night, a Girl, a Moon. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Orchids: Novelette Three Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Orchids: Novelette Three Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Poker Rag Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Poker Rag. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

That Tired Rag Sheet Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. That Tired Rag. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Wish Bone: Ragtime Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. The Wish Bone: Ragtime Two-Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Yankee Kid: March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blake, Charlotte. Yankee Kid: March and Two Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Ain't You Coming Out Tonight Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. Ain't You Coming Out Tonight (words by Ren Shields). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital Library [top]

Colleen: An Irish Love Song Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. Colleen: An Irish Love Song (words by Eddie Dustin). Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

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                            being sourced

Blanke, Henriette. Cubanola: A Spanish Love Serenade. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Enchantress: Waltzes Sheet Music

Blanke, Henriette. The Enchantress: Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Image of
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                            being sourced

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Franceska Waltzes. 1902

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Hearts Courageous: Waltzes Sheet
                              Music Covers

Blanke, Henriette. Hearts Courageous: Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
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                            being sourced

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Hearts' Haven Waltzes. 1905

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Honeyland Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Honeyland (words by Stanley Murphy). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

I Will Try Sheet Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. I Will Try (words by BB Ellison). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

In the Good Old Irish Way: A Celtic
                              Waltz Song Sheet Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. In the Good Old Irish Way: A Celtic Waltz Song (words by Will Heelan). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Just as Long as the Swanee Flows
                              Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Just as Long as the Swanee Flows. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Lazarre Waltzes. 1901

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Lonesome Land Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Lonesome Land (words by Bartley Costello). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Love Dreams Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette (words by JJ Crawford). Love Dreams. New York: Jerome Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Loyalty Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Loyalty Waltz. 1918.
Marsovia Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Marsovia: Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Maxine Valse Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Maxine: Valse. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

My Irish Girl Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. My Irish Girl (words by Alfred Bryan). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. My Lady of the North Waltzes. 1904

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

My Only One Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette (words by William Parquet). My Only One. New York: Jerome Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

My Wigwam Queen Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. My Wigwam Queen (words by James O'Dea). Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Blanke, Henriette. The New Barn Dance. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Peggy O'Neil Waltzes. 1903.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Put Your Head on my Shoulders Sheet
                              Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette (words by Alfred Bryan). Put Your Head On My Shoulders. New York: Jerome Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Stingy Moon Sheet Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. Stingy Moon (words by Will Heelan). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Telling Lies Sheet Music Cover

Blanke-Belcher, Henriette. Telling Lies (words by Irving Berlin). New York: Ted Snyder Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Under the Rose: Waltzes Sheet Music

Blanke, Henriette. Under the Rose: Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

When the Mocking Birds are Singing in
                              the Wildwood Sheet Music Cover

Blanke, Henriette. When the Mocking Birds are Singing in the Wildwood. New York Jerome H Remick, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Libraries: Repository and Archives [top]

First page of music for One of the
                              Boys: The Novelty Two Step (Evelyn Bloom) 

Bloom, Evelyn. One of the Boys: The Novelty Two Step. New York: Sol Bloom, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

 Sheet Music Cover for The Black
                              Diamond March Two Step (Grace Bolen)

Bolen, Grace. The Black Diamond. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman, 1899.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bolen, Grace. The Fair: March and Two Step (1898) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bolen, Grace. From Sea to Sea: March. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman, 1899 (transferred to Whitney-Warner, Detroit, 1903) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Smoky Topaz Sheet Music Cover

Bolen, Grace. The Smoky Topaz. Kansas City, MO: Daniels &  Russell, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Daphne: Two Step first page of music 

Boniel, Bessie & J Russel Robinson. Daphne: Two Step. New York: Chas K Harris, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Harlequin: Intermezzo, Two Step first
                              page of music 

Boniel, Bessie. Harlequin: Intermezzo, Two Step (1906) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bouska, Emma. Kehama Rag. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer Co, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Canadian Boy Scout: March Song
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bowles, Grace Haanel.  The Canadian Boy Scout: March Song. Montreal, QC: Delmar Music Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

The Derby March and Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Boyd, Martha Alice. The Derby: March and Two Step. New York: Holmes Music Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Boyer, Opal. Purdue Rag. Lafayette, IN: Opal Boyer, 1914 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Kabe Yun (West Wind): March - Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Boysen, Mary. Kabe Yun (West Wind): March-Two Step. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Bradford, Bessie. Sunny Smiles. New York: FB Haviland Pub Co, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Rio Grande: March - Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Bray, Vivian. Rio Grande: March-Two Step. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Breen, Alma. Fire Fly. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Brown, Fleta Jan. Fancies (song). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1908.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Brown, Fleta Jan. I Wish I was in Heaven Sittin' Down (song). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1908.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

In the Candle-Light (Intermezzo Sheet
                              Music Cover

Brown, Fleta Jan. In the Candle-Light (intermezzo). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

In the Candle-Light Song Sheet Music

Brown, Fleta Jan. In the Candle-Light (song). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

The Party That Wrote "Home Sweet
                              Home" Sheet Music Cover

Brown, Fleta Jan. The Party That Wrote "Home Sweet Home." New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Brown, Fleta Jan. Tangle Foot Rag. New York: Joseph W Stern, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Brown, Mae. Highbrow Rag: Syncopated Operatic Melodies. Issued on piano roll: US Music 6486 (Hulse and Bostick).

 Sheet music cover for Baby Blues: Fox

Bruggeman, Carrie (as "Cal Stark"). Baby Blues: Fox Trot. St Louis: Syndicate Music Company, 1917.

[view sheet music] [top]

Comus: Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Bruggeman, Carrie. Comus: Two Step. St Louis: Stark Music Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

                              Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun' Sheet
                              Music Cover

Bruggeman, Carrie (as "Cy Perkins" as composer and "Webb Oungst" as lyricist). They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun.' New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Rag-Alley Dream Sheet Music Cover

Burgess, Mattie Harl. Rag-Alley Dream. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1902.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Wiggy Waggy first page of music

Burgess, Mattie Harl."Wiggy Waggy" Rag (arranged by William H Tyers). New York: Leo Feist, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Burnett, Ada. The Nicklelodeon Rag. Cincinnati, OH: AdaBurnett, 1909.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Cosmopolitan America Sheet Music

Butler, Helen May. Cosmopolitan America. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Cady, Gertrude. T*r Baby: Ragtime Two Step. New York: HL Walker, 1904 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Ford Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Cannon, Pauline. The Ford Waltz. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry's Sons, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Carew, Millie. I'll Take a Little Ragtime for Mine (song). St Louis: Stark Music Co, 1908.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Carney, Mabelle. The Jolly Bachelor: Intermezzo-Two Step. New York: Joseph W. Stern, 1909.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Glad Rags Sheet Music Cover

Carpenter, Anna Hughes. Glad Rags. Cincinnati, OH: George Jaberg, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Maid of the Mist: Schottische Sheet
                              Music Cover

Cary, Edna Nichols. Maid of the Mist: Schottische. Boston, MA: Cary Brothers Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sheet music cover for Metropolitan
                              Rag. (Anna Case) 

Case, Anna. Metropolitan Rag. Newark, NJ: TW Allen, 1917.

[view sheet music] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Case, Anna. I Know an Irish Garden (words by Gerald Fitzgerald). Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Pub Co, 1938.

Source: Print copy held by the Sam DeVincent Collection of American Sheet Music IU Lilly Library [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Chapman, Lylian. Echoes of the Congo. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Santa Fe Silver Two Step Sheet Music

Chesney, Maud Curlett. Santa Fe Silver Two Step. Topeka, KS: Maud C Chesney, 1897.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Chesnut, Goldie. Rusty Rag. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Clark, Sadie. H-A-S-H, Dat Am De Word I Love (song). New York: M Witmark and Sons, 1908 (
Morath and Hasse).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Coldwater Rag

Cloud, Mollie. Coldwater Rag. Lincoln, NB: GL Dearing Music Pub, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

 Sheet music cover for The Georgia
                              Cracker: March and Two Step

Cocroft, Nellie Weldon. The Georgia Cracker: March and Two Step. Thomasville, GA: CC Cocroft Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music] [top]

First page of music for Nellie
                              Cocroft sheet music 

Cocroft, Nellie Weldon. I'se Gwine to Highball (lyrics by CC Cocroft). Thomasville, GA: CC Cocroft Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: UNC Greensboro Digital Collections [top]

Kute Kids sheet music cover 

Cocroft, Nellie Weldon. Kute Kids (1909) (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

The Pinywoods Rag Sheet Music Cover

Cocroft, Nellie Weldon. The Pinywoods Rag. Thomasville, GA: CC Cocroft Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

When the Autumn Turns the Forest
                              Leaves to Gold Composer Sheet Music Cover

Cocroft, Nellie Weldon. When the Autumn Turns the Forest Leaves to Gold Composer. Thomasville, GA: C. C. Cocroft Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections  [top]

Coffee Rag Sheet Music Cover

Coffee, Lily. Coffee Rag. Houston, TX: W.C. Munn Company, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by Michael Chisolm [top]

                              Rag Sheet Music Cover

Coffee, Lily. Regal Rag. Self-published, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by Michael Chisolm [top]

Lewis and Clark Exposition Waltz
                              Sheet Music Cover

Cohen, Frieda Pauline. Lewis and Clark Exposition Waltz. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Coker, Mrs Leona. Leona Rag. St. Joseph, MO: EC Coker, 1906 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Saturn Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Colby, Gertrude. Saturn Waltzes. Erie, PA: CC Colby, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Colvin, Leafy. Derby Day Rag. Kansas City, MO: Leafy F Colvin, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Combs, Dora Belle. Sun Down Dance: Two Step. South Whitely, IN: Dora Belle Combs, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Comfort, Anita. Diamond Kat Patrol & Cakewalk. St Louis: Shattinger Piano & Music Co, 1898 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Comfort, Anita. Anita (mentioned on the cover of Imogene).

Imogene Sheet Music Cover

Comfort, Anita. Imogene (words by FW Swan). Supplement to the New York World, April 29, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Comfort, Anita. Mexican Dances (mentioned on the cover of Imogene).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Comfort, Anita. Monterey (mentioned on the cover of Imogene).

Sheet Music Cover for Mopsy Massy of
                              Talahassee: Plantation Song and Rag Dance 

Comfort, Anita. Mopsy Massy of Talahassee: Plantation Song and Rag Dance. New York: Anita Comfort, 1898 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital [top]

Alice, The Bride of the White House:
                              Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Comfort-Brooks, Anita. Alice, The Bride of the White House: Waltz. New York: N Weinstein, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

estless Rag: Two Step sheet music

Cook, Sarah. Restless Rag: Two Step. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1908 (recorded by Nora Hulse on
60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Let's Rag (Adrien Le Gallo) Musescrore.com [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Cowan, Martha Hare. Mammy's Little Coal Black Dove: A Negro Lullaby (lyrics by Annie Hare). Boston, MA: Charles L Homeyer & Co, 1908.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Affinity Rag Sheet Music Cover

Cozad, Irene. Affinity Rag. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Cozad, Irene. Because. (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Eatin' Time Rag Sheet Music Cover

Cozad, Irene. Eatin' Time Rag. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Kansas City Town Sheet Music Cover

Cozad-Sherer, Irene and Mrs JW Sherer. Kansas City Town. Kansas City, MO: Million Population Club of Greater Kansas City, 1920.

[view sheet music] [link is currently broken pending revamping of sheet music collection by UMKC]

Source: UMKC Digital Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Cozad, Irene. Minute Circle Whirl (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Cozad-Sherer, Irene. That Sunday Wedding Day (words by Gwen Meredith). Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Son's Music Co, 1914.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Sheet music cover for Talk of the

Cranston, Marietta. Talk of the Town (with Elijah W Jimerson). St Louis: Syndicate Music Co, 1919 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Crump, Margaret. The Billie Richie Rag (1915) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Fraternity Belle: March & Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Cummins, Bessie. The Fraternity Belle: March & Two Step. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Sons Music Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Hop Toad: March & Two Step

Cummins, Bessie. Hop Toad: March & Two Step. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Sons Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Digital Collections [top]

First Page of Music for Salted
                              Peanuts: Two Step

Dahlman, Anna. Salted Peanuts: Two Step. Milwaukee, WI: Joseph Flanner, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Davis, Fleta Brownfield. Freckles. Indianapolis, IN: Fleta Brownfield Davis, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Virginia Creeper: Characteristic
                              March Sheet Music Cover

Davis, Mae. The Virginia Creeper: Characteristic March. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Fluffy Ruffle Girls Rag Sheet Music

Davis, Marian. Fluffy Ruffle Girls Rag. Cleveland, OH: Charles I Davis, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cotton Belt Rag sheet
                              music cover 

Dawson, Irma. Cotton Belt Rag. Galveston, TX: Thomas Goggan & Bros., 1916 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Mollycoddle Dance Sheet Music Cover

Day, Dora. Mollycoddle Dance. New York, Joseph W Stern, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Fried Chicken

Day, Ella Hudson. Fried Chicken Rag. Houston & Galveston, TX: Thos. Goggan & Bros., 1912.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Quality Rag sheet music cover

Day, Ella Hudson. Quality Rag. Dallas, TX: JP Juckolls, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Automobile: Characteristic March And
                              Two Step Sheet Music Cover

De Haven, Rose. Automobile: Characteristic March And Two Step. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Carolina Chimes: March, Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

De Haven, Rose. Carolina Chimes: March, Two-Step. New York: Shapiro, Remick & Co, 1904, recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Rose De Haven's Devil
                              March sheet music cover 

De Haven, Rose. Rose De Haven's Devil March. New York: Ted Synder Co, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com  [top]

Chantecler Sheet Music Cover

Delmar, Jeanne. Chantecler (Montreal, QC: Delmar Music Co, 1910).

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

                              Hurdler: March and Two Step Sheet Music

Dennis, Margery. The Hurdler: March and Two Step. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for Oh You Tigers:
                              Rag Two Step 

DeVarennes, Anna. Oh You Tigers: Rag Two Step. Bay City, MI: Anna DeVarennes, 1909 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano)

[view sheet music]

Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Dickey, Minnie. A New King: March and Two Step. Toledo, OH: McCormick Music Co, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              From Old Kentucky: March, Two-Step and
                              Cake Walk.

Dillingham, Mynnie. Echoes From Old Kentucky March. Chicago, IL: Windsor Music Co, 1901 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Peter Persoff

Sheet music cover for Bull Dog Rag
                              (Geraldine Dobyns) 

Dobyns, Geraldine. Bull Dog Rag. Memphis, TN: Anderson-Rienhardt Company, 1908.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Sheet music cover for Holly And
                              Mistletoe Rag (Geraldine Dobyns)

Dobyns, Geraldine. Holly And Mistletoe Rag. New Orleans, LA: Philip Werlein Ltd, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]

Possum Rag Sheet Music Cover

Dobyns, Geraldine. Possum Rag. Memphis, TN: O K Houck Piano Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Dominique, Viola. Nervy George. New Orleans, LA: Viola Dominique, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Gem Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Doughty, Mabelle. The Gem Waltzes. Portland, MA: Forest City Pub Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Machigonne: March, Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Doughty, Mabelle. Machigonne: March, Two-Step. Mabelle Doughty, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Clarice Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Doro, Marie. Clarice: Waltzes. London, Joseph W Stern, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Duryee, Maud Clair. The Old Virginia Plantation. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson Co, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Dutton, Doris. Iris: March and Two Step. Boston, MA: Joseph M Daly, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

Mop Rag: A Slow Drag Sheet Music

Eaton, Helen. Mop Rag: A Slow Drag. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Ecuyer, Leonie. Peter Pan Rag. New Orleans, LA: Leonie Ecuyer, 1906 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Egan, Sara. Flowerland Reverie (1907) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Trophies Rag: An Oriental Rag Sheet Music

Egan, Sara. Turkish Trophies Rag: An Oriental Rag. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1907

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Erickson, Libbie. Palmah House Shuffle (1906) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Skip:Characteristic Sheet Music

Erickson, Libbie. Skip: Characteristic. Chicago, IL: Arnett-Delonais Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Sunshine Three Step Sheet Music

Erickson, Libbie. Sunshine: Three Step. Chicago, IL: Arnett-DeLonais Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Topsy: Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Erickson, Libbie. Topsy: Two Step. Chicago, IL: WC Polla Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Trixy: Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Erickson, Libbie. Trixy Two Step. Chicago, IL: WC Polla Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

outhern Echoes: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Faucette, Nanka Estelle. Southern Echoes: March and Two-Step. Boston, MA: White-Smith Music Publishing Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Old Hickory March Sheet Music Cover

Fay, Catherine. Old Hickory March. Chicago, IL: Sol Bloom, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

The Missouri Rag Sheet Music Cover

Fitzgerald, Maie. The Missouri Rag. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Oklahoma Sheet Music Cover

Fleeman, Mary Virginia. Oklahoma. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons' Music Company, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for Shifty
                              Shuffles: Buck Dance 

Flennard, Eva Note. Shifty Shuffles: Buck Dance. Philadelphia, PA: Welch & Wilsky, 1897 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Libraries – Digital Collection [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Ford, Abbie. Blue-Eyed Violets: Waltz. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music Co, 1912.

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

Corona March Sheet Music Cover

Ford, Abbie. Corona March. Chicago, IL: Harold Rossiter, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections  [top]

Image of folio book containing A
                              Happy C**n from Dixie 

Ford, Abbie. A Happy C**n from Dixie. Chicago, IL: McKinley Music, 1901 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Walter Cosand [top]

                              Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Ford, Abbie. Juno Waltz. Chicago, IL: Harold Rossiter, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: DigitalCommons@UMaine [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Ford, Abbie. Le Tournoi (The Tournament): Grand March and Two Step. New York: S Brainard's Sons & Co, 1899 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

No Blossoms (Song) Sheet Music Cover

Ford, Abbie. No Blossoms (song). Chicago, IL: McKinley Music, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sweet Recollections: Reverie Sheet
                              Music Cover

Ford, Abbie. Sweet Recollections: Reverie. Rochester, NY: Henry S Mackie, 1870.

[view sheet music]

Source: Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music [top]

Waltz Memories Sheet Music Cover

Ford, Abbie. Waltz Memories. Chicago, IL: Ted Browne Music, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Toronto Reference Library [top]

The Pelican's Parade: One Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Forster, Dorothy. The Pelican's Parade: One Step. New York: Chappell & Co, 1914 (British Library). Sheet music available here on ParlourSongs.com (requires free Scorch viewer from Sibelius).

Image source: ParlourSongs.com [top]

There's a Little Green Cabin Sheet
                              Music Cover

Forster, Dorothy. There's a Little Green Cabin. London: Ascherberg, Hopwood and Crew Ltd, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Foster, Jessie. The Lallapoloosa: Cake Walk and Two Step. St Louis: Balmer and Weber Music House, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here to check for Google search results for trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Chop-House Rag Sheet Music Cover

Fowler, Edna May (with William Foster). The Chop-House Rag (song). New York: Shapiro Music Pub Co, 1911.

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Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

I'm A-Bring up the Family Sheet Music

Franklin, Irene & Bert Green. I'm A'Bringing up the Family. New York: Leo Feist, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              Got The Mumps Sheet Music Cover

Franklin, Irene and Bert Green. I've Got the Mumps. New York: Leo Feist, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress, Historic Sheet Music Collection (1800 to 1992) [top]

Want to be a Janitor's Child sheet
                            music cover

Franklin, Irene and Bert Green. I Want to be a Janitor's Child. New York: Leo Feist, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Readhead Song Sheet Music Cover

Franklin, Irene and Bert Green. Redhead (song). New York: Leo Feist, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Redhead Rag Sheet Music Cover

Franklin, Irene and Bert Green. Redhead Rag. New York: Leo Feist, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]


By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.