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Female Composers of Ragtime

By Ted Tjaden


Sheet Music for Rags Composed by Women

By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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Set out below by surname (G to L) is a fairly complete list of ragtime compositions written by women:

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Gaines, J. Ragtime Razzmatazz (1958) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).
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                            being sourced

Gehr, Nettie. De Rag Man's A Comin' (song). Saint Louis: Thiebes-Stierlin, 1898 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Gibbins, Eva. Idlewilde March Two Step. Columbus, OH: WH Croner, 1905 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Aviator Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. The Aviator. Detroit Michigan, IL: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Black Feather: Two Step Sheet Music

Giblin-O'Brien, Irene. Black Feather: Two Step. New York: Vinton Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Chicken Chowder: Characteristic
                              Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Chicken Chowder: Characteristic Two-Step. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Columbia Rag Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Columbia Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dixie Rag Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Dixie Rag. Boston, MA: Daly Music Publisher, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Ketchup Rag Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Ketchup Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pickaninny Rag Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. P*ckaninny Rag. Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sleepy Lou: A Raggy Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Sleepy Lou: A Raggy Two-Step. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Soap Suds Sheet Music Cover

Giblin, Irene. Soap Suds. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

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                            being sourced

Gibson, Jenora. Strawberry Shortcake: March and Two-Step. Louisville, GA: Jenora Gibson, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Cascade Dreams in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Dance of the Water Lilies in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Denise Dance in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Gilbert Grand March in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. March of the Royal Guards in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. March of the Templars in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Nodding Daisies in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Ramona in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cover to Hazel Gilbert Piano Solos
                              (Marches and Novelettes)

Gilbert, Hazel. Spring Time Revelry in Piano Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of South Carolina Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Red Peppers Rag Sheet Music Cover

Giles, Imogene. Red Peppers: Two Step. Quincy, IL: Giles Bros, 1907.

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Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

Electric Rag Sheet Music Cover

Gilmore, Mary. Electric Rag. Kansas City, KS: WM Bodine, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Sheet music cover for Lorelei: A

Gilmore, Maude. Lorelei: A Reverie. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson & Co, 1912.

[view sheet music] [link broken during revamp of sheet music collection by UMKC]

Source: UMKC Digital Collections [top]

Peach Blossom Rag Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Gilmore, Maude. Peach Blossom Rag. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music] [listen to MIDI file of Peach Blossom Rag]

Source: Scans and MIDI provided courtesy of Rob Crausaz [top]

Splinters Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Gilmore, Maude. Splinters: Two-Step. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Slivers:

Gilmore, Maude. Slivers: Two-Step. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson & Co, 1910. Also published as Splinters: Two-Step. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 The Teddy Bear Rag first page of

Goben, Hattie. The Teddy Bear Rag. Dallas, TX: Hattie Goben, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]
Georgiana: Characteristic March sheet
                              music cover

Godinski, Sadie. Georgiana: Characteristic March – Two Step. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital
 Sheet music cover for The Peekaboo
                              Peek – A Different Syncopation: March

Goodfried, Gussie. The Peekaboo Peek – A Different Syncopation: March. New York: FA Mills, 1911 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

The Fadettes Call: Rag One Step Trot
                              sheet music cover

Gooding, Grace. The Fadettes Call: Rag One Step Trot. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

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                            being sourced

Goodwin, Hassie. Dixie Doodle Dum: March Two-Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Gould, Lena. Ragged Edge: Two Step. Brooklyn, NY: Lena Gould, 1901 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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Graham, Anna. Ujiji: Cake Walk. Toledo, OH: Hayes Music Co, 1902 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Gray, Winnie. Dandy Da**town Dinah (song). New York: Joseph W Stern, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Green, Evangeline. Green Rag. New York: Shapiro Music Publishing Co, 1913 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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Greenlee, Victoria. Colored Coles: Cake Walk and Two Step. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

In Mississippi: March Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Greenwood, Winnifred. In Mississippi: March Two Step. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]


Grey, Vivian. See entries for Mabel McKinley, next chapter).

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Grubbs, M Ethel. Yum Yum: Two Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Gunn, Mamie. El Merito: Two Step. Saint Louis: Mamie Gunn, 1898 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Nashville: Rag and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Gunn, Mamie. The Nashville: Rag and Two Step. Saint Louis: Mamie Gunn, 1898.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

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Gunn, Mamie. Silver King: Polka March. Saint Louis: Thiebes-Stierlin Music Co, 1897 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Anniversary Two Step sheet music cover

Gustin, Louise. Anniversary Two Step. Detroit: Jerome H Remick, 1900.

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Source: Let's Rag (Adrien Le Gallo) [top]

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                            being sourced

Gustin, Louise. Carmelita: A Mexican Dance (Whaley & Royce) (British Library).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Daughter of the Regiment: Two Step

Gustin, Louise. Daughter of the Regiment: Two Step March. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1900.

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Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dominion March: Two-Step Sheet Music

Gustin, Louise. Dominion March: Two-Step (Bowmanville, ON: Imperial Music Publishers, 1899?).

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
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Gustin, Louise  In Love's Garden. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1904.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

anice Meredith Waltzes Sheet Music

Gustin, Louise. Janice Meredith Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for Let's Trot: Fox

Gustin, Louise. Let's Trot: Fox Trot. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915 (British Library).

[view sheet music on Musescorc]

Source: Musescore [top]

                              Sheet Music Cover

Gustin, Louise. Lindy. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

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                            being sourced

Gustin, Louise. Maids of Paradise: Waltzes (Whaley & Royce) (British Library).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

M.M. (Master Mechanics) and M.C.B.
                              (Master Car Builders) March Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Gustin, Louise. MM (Master Mechanics) and MCB (Master Car Builders) March Two-Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Philip Carey Mfg Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Gustin, Louise. Mistress Nell Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1901.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Gustin, Louise. Neome Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal Collection (copy obtained from Southern Utah University) [top]

An Old Virginia Cake Walk Sheet Music

Gustin, Louise. An Old Virginia Cake Walk. Detroit, MI: Belcher & Davis, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Soldiers of Fortune March Sheet Music

Gustin, Louise. Soldiers of Fortune March. Detroit, MI: The Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Topsy Turvy: Two Step Sheet Music

Gustin, Louise. Topsy Turvy: Two Step. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

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                            being sourced

Gustin, Louise. Viola Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1901.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Gustin, Louise. Waltz With Me Waltzes. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915 (British Library).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

When Knighthood was in Flower Waltzes
                              Sheet Music Cover

Gustin, Louise. When Knighthood was in Flower Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co, nd.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

X-N-Tric: Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Gustin, Louise. X-N-Tric: Two Step. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Hall, Lola. The Harem Skirt Girl: Two Step. Sedalia, MO: Perry Music, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

White Seal Rag Sheet Music Cover

Hamel, Kittie. White Seal Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

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                            being sourced

Hamshaw, Grace. Mione: Two Step. Kansas City, MO: The Treloar Music Co, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Hannah, Ethel. Sleepy Hollow: Two Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry and Sons' Music Co, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

First page of music for Niagara Rag 

Hanshaw, Laverne. Niagara Rag. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.

[view sheet music] [top]

Dress Parade: Two Step Sheet Music

Harlowe, Marie Lord. Dress Parade: Two Step. Milwaukee, WI: Rohlfing Sons Music Co, 1897.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

Moonlight Makes me Dream of You Sheet
                              Music Cover

Harris, Minnie. Moonlight Makes me Dream of You. Chicago: Harold Rossiter Music Company, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Harris, Minnie. That Haunting Rag-Time Strain (words by Will J Harris). Chicago, IL: Harold Rossiter, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Cherry Blossoms: Three Step Caprice
                              Sheet Music Cover

Harte, Emma. Cherry Blossoms: Three Step Caprice. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top].

First page of music from The
                              Hyacinth: Intermezzo. 

Hatch, Emma Lyon (with David Sequeira). The Hyacinth: Intermezzo. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Ohio State University Knowledge Bank [top]

Arkansaw Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Hawes, Lenora Searls. Arkansaw Two Step. Fort Wayne, IN: CC Powell, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

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                            being sourced

Hawes, Lenora Searls. Blarney March and Two Step. Decatur, IN: JB Stoneburner, 1905 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Hawes, Lenora Searls. D*rk Town C**n Step. Fort Wayne, IN: CC Powell, 1903? (Morath and Hasse).

                              The Heart Of Dixie: Characteristic March
                              And Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Hawes, Lenora Searls. In the Heart of Dixie: Characteristic March and Two-Step.  Fort Wayne, IN: CC Powell, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

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                            being sourced

Hawes, Lenora Searls. Keep A Comin' Ma Honey: A Rag-Time Speciality. Jackson, MI: Louis F Boos, 1899 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top

Image of question mark indicating this
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Hawkins, LN. The Carnation: Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Geo Jaberg Music Company, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Swellest in Town: March & Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Heckard, Bessie Blanton. Swellest in Town: March & Two Step. Topeka, KS: WF Roehr Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

                              Pony Boy Sheet Music Cover

Held, Anna (performer). My Pony Boy (composed by Charlie O'Donnell, words by Bobby Heath). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
Where is my Wandering Boy Tonight?
                              Sheet Music Cover

Held, Anna (performer). Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight? (composed by Dave Stamper, words by Gene Buck). New York: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
Yankiana Rag Sheet Music Cover

Held, Anna (performer). Music by Melville J Gideon. Yankiana Rag. New York: Shapiro Music Publisher,

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]
Broadway Rag

Henry, Marcella. Broadway Rag. Chicago, IL: Christensen School of Popular Music, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 3, no 10, pages 9-10: October 1917) [top]

                              Covent Garden: Rag-Time Waltz

Henry, Marcella. The Covent Garden: Rag-Time Waltz. Chicago, IL: Christensen School of Popular Music, 1917

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 3, no 10, pages 11-12: October 1917) [top]

Glittering Stars: Rag-Time Waltz

Henry, Marcella. Glittering Stars: Rag-Time Waltz. Copyright: Marcella Henry, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 2, no 6, pages 5-8: May 1916) [top]

The Green Mill: Rag

Henry, Marcella. The Green Mill: Rag. Chicago, IL: Christensen School of Popular Music, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 4, no 1, pages 12-13: January 1918) [top]

Kentucky Rag

Henry, Marcella. Kentucky Rag. Published in Ragtime Review 3, no 7 (July 1917): 10-11

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 3, no 7: July 1917) [top]

National Colors Rag Sheet Music

Henry, Marcella. National Colors Rag. Published in Ragtime Review 3, no 6 (June 1917): 10-11

[view sheet music]

Source: Ragtime Review (Vol 3, no 8: June 1917)  [top]

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                            being sourced

Henry, Marcella. Player Piano Rag: Fox Trot. Issued on piano roll: Kimball 7582.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Who Got The Lemon? Buck Dance Rag -
                              Sheet Music Cover

Henry, Marcella. Who Got The Lemon? Buck Dance Rag. Peru, IL: Marcella. Henry Pub Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Andrew Barrett [top]

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                            being sourced

Hightower, Winifred. Hightower Rag. Fort Worth, TX: Winifred Hightower, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Dublin Mary Brown Sheet Music Cover

Hill, May. Dublin Mary Brown (words by Marvin Lee & Roger Graham). Chicago, IL: Roger Graham, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sortie "E-X-I-T": Half
                              Tango, Half Turkey-Trot Sheet Music Cover

Hill, May. Sortie "E-X-I-T": Half Tango, Half Turkey-Trot. Chicago, IL: Ellis & Co, 1914

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Until I Say Goodbye Sheet Music

Hill, May. Until I Say Goodbye (words by Walter Hirsch). Chicago, IL: Roger Graham, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

You Can Have It, I Don't Want It
                              Sheet Music Cover

Hill, May (with Armand Piron). You Can Have It, I Don't Want It (words by Clarence Williams). New York: Frank K Root & Co, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Hillman, Dora Loucks. Moustache Johnson: A Glad Rag Two-Step. Chicago, IL: Miller Music Publishing, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Hopkins, Bertha. Society Rag-Time Amanda (song). Bertha Hopkins, 1906 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

First page of music for Motor Bus

Houston, Annie. Motor Bus. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.

[view sheet music] [view transcription by Ragnar Hellspong] [listen to performance] [top]

Chippewa Rag Sheet Music Cover

Hoy, Myrtle. Chippewa Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]

Sheet music cover for Call 'Em

Huddleston, Corrie. Call 'Em Toodles. New York: Jack Mills, 1921 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Walter Cosand [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Hudson, Lora. Bittersweet Rag. Chicago, IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Hudson, Lora. Hudson Rag: Rag Two-Step. Chicago, IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Hudson, Lora. Irresistible Fox Trot Rag. Issued on piano roll: US Music 7589 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Phantom Waltz: Hesitation Sheet Music

Hudson, Lora. Phantom Waltz: Hesitation. Chicago, IL: FJA Forster Music Publisher, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

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                            being sourced

Hudson, Lora. Pomp and Pride: March and Two-Step. Chicago, IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Hudson, Lora. Woodland Pranks: March and Two-Step. Chicago, IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Hult, Irma. That Jumping Rag. Washington, DC: H Kirkus Dugdale, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Katy Flyer: Descriptive Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Hupp, Mary Edna. The Katy Flyer: Descriptive Two Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Igelman, Clara Campbell. Solitaire: Rag Two-Step. Richmond, IN: Wilson Music Publisher, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

May Irwin's Rag-Time Dance Sheet
                              Music Cover

Irwin, May. May Irwin's Rag-Time Dance. Boston, MA: GM Setchell, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Irwin, May. May Irwin's Rag-Time Dance (song). Boston, MA: GM Setchell, 1906 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Leslie's March 

Jacobson, Alice. Leslie's March & Two Step. Santa Cruz, CA: Alice Jacobson, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital [top]

Anti Ragtime Girl Sheet Music Cover

Janis, Elsie. Anti Ragtime Girl. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced 

Janis, Elsie. Fo' de Lawd's Sake, Play a Waltz (Song). New York: TB Harms, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [listen to a 1912 recording] [top]

I Would Rather Love What I Cannot
                              Have Than Have What I Cannot Love Sheet
                              Music Cover

Janis, Elsie. I Would Rather Love What I Cannot Have Than Have What I Cannot Love.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Hoe-Cake Shuffle: A Characteristic
                              Virginia Dance Sheet Music Cover

Jenkins, Claudia. Hoe-Cake Shuffle: A Characteristic Virginia Dance. Boston, MA: BF Wood Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music] Note: A "hoe-cake" is a type of cornmeal pancake, originally cooked on the blade of a hoe.

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Johnson, Alice. Arabian Nights. Chicago, IL: White-Smith Music Publishing Co, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Leap-Year Girl: Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Johnston, Chastine. The Leap-Year Girl: Two Step. Kansas City, KS: JO Young & Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Just You Sheet Music Cover

Joly, Louise. Just You (Montreal, QC: Delmar Music Co, 1910).

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Dance of the Brownies Sheet Music

Kamman, Effie. Dance of the Brownies. Detroit, MI: CJ Whitney, Whitney-Warner, and Jerome H Remick, 1893.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Kamman, Effie. Dance of the White Rat. New York: Witmark & Sons, 1901 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

D*rkey Doings: A Bl**kville
                                  Frolic sheet music cover

Kamman, Effie. D*rkey Doings: A Bl*ckville Frolic. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1899 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: IMSLP [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Kamman, Effie. Kitty Clover. Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1898 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Kamman, Effie. Skirmish – Characteristic.  Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet Music cover for What's Your
                              Hurry (Effie Kamman) 

Kamman, Effie. What's Your Hurry? New York: Remick, 1923 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Oregon Digital [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Karns, Verdi. Black Beauty: A Rag Two-Step. Bluffton, IN: Verdi Karns, 1898 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Bluffton Carnival Rag: Cake Walk
                              Sheet Music Cover

Karns, Verdi. Bluffton Carnival Rag: Cake Walk. Bluffton, IN: Verdi Karns, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections  [top]

Blufftonian Waltzes
                              first page of music 

Karns, Verdi. Blufftonian Waltzes. Mt. Clemens, MI: Remer Music House, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Karns, Verdi. Giuseppe March (1898) (Hulse and Bostick).

 [click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Karns, Verdi. Kentucky Rag (1898) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Ragamuffin 

Karns, Verdi. Ragamuffin. Bluffton, IN: Verdi Karns, 1899.

[view sheet music] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Karns, Verdi. Yo' Got to Hab a License or Yo' Can't Get In (lyrics by Laverne Brown). Bluffton, IN: Karns Music Publishing Co, 1905 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Leader: Anniversary March Sheet Music

Kaufman, MR. The Leader: Anniversary March. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Kaufman, Mabel. Namrah, A Reverie. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Kaufman, Mabel. Sapphire: Two-Step. Baltimore, MD: Harman's Publishing Co, 1906 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Kay, Thelma. That Tantalizing Rag. Washington, DC. H Kirkus Dugdale, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Keene, Edna. At the Jamestown Exhibition (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Keene, Edna. Teddy Bear Dance (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Keene, Edna. Yanghidunia: March Two-Step (arranged by James Keene). Washington, DC: Sanders & Stayman Co, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Blundering Buffalo by Sue Keller

Keller, Sue. Blundering Buffalo. Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1991. Available for purchase here.

Cranberry Stomp by Sue Keller

Keller, Sue. Cranberry Stomp. Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1983. Available for purchase here.

Wanhal Stomp by Sue Keller

Keller, Sue. Wanhal Stomp. Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1996. Available for purchase here.

Loretta: March Two-Step sheet music

Kenny, Margaret. Loretta: March Two-Step. New York: Shapiro-Remick & Co, 1903 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Kibbey, Violet Snow. Syncopation. Unpublished manuscript dated 1915.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

At the Panama Pacific Fair Sheet
                              Music Cover

King, Laura Schick. At the Panama Pacific Fair (song). Los Angeles, CA: Hatch & Loveland, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

If My Dream Were True Sheet Music

King, Mollie. If My Dream Were True (song) (lyrics by Verner Cavers). Montreal, QC: Harmonic Pub, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Niscona Sheet Music Cover

King, Mollie. Niscona (song) (lyrics by Clifton Wright). Montreal, QC: Royal Music, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

The Village Barn Dance Sheet Music

King, Mollie. The Village Barn Dance. Montreal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Yokohama March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

King, Mollie. Yokohama: March and Two-Step. Montréal, QC: WH Scroggie 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Image of title page for Improved
                              Rapid System of Ragtime Piano Playing 

Klaphake, Lillian Rose. Improved Rapid System of Ragtime Piano Playing. Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati School of Popular Music, 1910 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music] [Note: This document has the "title page" to this title but the subsequent pages are sheet music for ""Bag 'O' Rags"]

Source: Walter Cosand [top]

Dance of the Crickets
                              Sheet Music Cover

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Dance of the Crickets: Dance Characteristic. Barbara F. Kleinbeck. Dayton, KY: B.F. Kleinbeck, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. ****y in the Wood Pile: Cakewalk. Cincinatti, OH: Union Music Co., 1900.

[view sheet music]

Walter Cosand [top]
                              Homestead Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Old Homestead Waltzes. Cincinnati, OH: The Union Music Co, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Eliza's Trip to
                              the Pan-American: March and Two Step 

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Eliza's Trip to the Pan-American: March and Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: Union Music Co., 1901 (recorded by Nora Hulse on
60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Alabama Libraries [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Knippenberg, Ruth. College Rag. Milwaukee, WI: Central Music Co, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Knippenberg, Ruth. Cupid's Prank (advertised in That's Telling immediately below)

Love Me Won't You Really Try Sheet
                              Music Cover

Knippenberg, Ruth. Love Me, Won't You Really Try: Waltz Song (words by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee, WI: Central Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

That's Telling Sheet Music Cover

Knippenberg, Ruth. That's Telling (words by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee, WI: Central Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library  [top]

University Rag Sheet Music Cover

Knippenberg, Ruth. University Rag (words by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee, WI: Pollworth Music Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library  [top]

 Sheet music cover for Bugs (Kohler)

Kohler, Nina. Bugs Rag. Sherman, TX: Nina Kohler, 1913.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. Belles of Andalusia: Valse Espagnole. New York: M Witmark and Sons, 1894. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Beneath the Starry Flag: March and
                              Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym Jerome Hartman). Beneath the Starry Flag: March and Two Step. New York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1900

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Sheet music cover for Boardin' House
                              Johnson: Cake Walk

Koninsky, Sadie. Boardin' House Johnson: Cake Walk. New York: Joseph W Stern, 1899.

[view sheet music] [top]

Cause The Sandman's Comin' Around
                              Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. 'Cause The Sandman's Comin' Around (song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. Cleopatra: An Egyptian Intermezzo. New York: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1902. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

College Days Waltzes Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. College Days Waltzes. New York: Koninsky Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Eli Green's Cake Walk Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. Eli Green's Cake Walk: March & Two Step. New York: Jos W. Stern & Co, 1898.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Eli Green's Cake Walk Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. Eli Green's Cake Walk (song) (words by Dave Reed). New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1896.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholars Junction (MSU) [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. Forever (song). Troy, NY: M Edw M Koninsky, 1902. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Grasshopper's Hop Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. Grasshopper's Hop: A Bugtown Society Event. New York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Heart of the Rose Waltzes Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. Heart of the Rose Waltzes. New York: Koninsky Music Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

I Didn't Think You Care To Have Me
                              Back Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. I Didn't Think You Cared To Have Me Back (words by Stewart Washburn). New York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. I Wants A Man Who Ain't Afraid To Work (words by Harry E. Stanley). New York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1902. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

If I Had All the World Besides I'd
                              Still Want You Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. If I Had All the World Besides I'd Still Want You (song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

If You Loved Me As I Loved You Sheet
                              Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. If You Loved Me As I Loved You (song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. I'll Be Your Friend Through All (song). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1898. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Am Lonely Here Without You, Nellie Dear
                              Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. I'm Lonely Here Without You, Nellie Dear (song). Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. In a Japanese Tea House: Japanese Waltzes.  Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1901. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

In Lovers' Lane Waltzes Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. In Lovers' Lane Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. In Yucatan: Novelty Fox Trot. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1918
(Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

June Roses: Waltzes

Koninsky, Sadie. June Roses: Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Life in Camp: March Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym Jerome Hartman). Life in Camp: March. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Love Tales Waltzes sheet music cover

Koninsky, Sadie. Love Tales: Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Sheet music cover for Mae Marsh

Koninsky, Sadie. Mae Marsh Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Margaret Herrick Library: Digital Collections [top]

Sheet music cover for Maid of the
                              Mist Waltzes 

Koninsky, Sadie. Maid of the Mist Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music] [listen to performance]

Source: Hathi Trust [top]

The Minstrel King March Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. The Minstrel King March. Albany, NY: Albany Music Pub Co, 1895.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Old Glory: March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym Jerome Hartman). Old Glory: March and Two Step. New York: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

On to Victory
                              Sheet Music Cover 

Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym Jerome Hartman). On to Victory: March and Two Step. Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Phoebe Thompson's Cake Walk Sheet
                              Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. Phoebe Thompson's Cake Walk. New York: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Return of the Troops: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym Jerome Hartman). Return of the Troops: March and Two Step. Troy, NY: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

The River of Dreams Sheet Music

Koninsky, Sadie. The River of Dreams (song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Sing Me A Song Of Other Days Sheet
                              Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. Sing Me A Song Of Other Days. Brooklyn, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

                              You Sheet Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. 'Tis You (song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from New York State Library [top]

Uncle Sam's Boys sheet music cover

Koninsky, Sadie. Uncle Sam's Boys. New York: Koninsky Music Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: IMSLP [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. When I Return We'll Be Wed (words by Stewart Washburn). Troy, NY: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1899 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. When You Are Near (song). Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. When Mammy Puts The Little C**ns To Bed (Lullaby). Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1901. Sheet music available at the British Library.
 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. Where Love Is King: Waltzes. New York: Howley, Haviland & Co, 1898. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

A Wigwam Courtship: Intermezzo Sheet
                              Music Cover

Koninsky, Sadie. A Wigwam Courtship: Intermezzo. Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Koninsky, Sadie. You Alone (song). New York: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1900. Sheet music available at the British Library.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Kuykendall, Grace. Budweiser Rag. Morgantown, KY: Grace Kuykendall, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Watermelon Breezes: An African
                              American Characteristic: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Kyro, Kate. Watermelon Breezes: An African American Characteristic: March and Two Step. Boston, MA: Louis H. Ross & Co, 1904 (Morath and Hasse). Sheet music available here on ParlourSongs.com (requires free Scorch viewer from Sibelius).

Image source: ParlourSongs.com [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Lantz, Dena Merle. Sprint Splinter Rag. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer Co, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Lawler, Lillian. Classy Rag. New Orleans, LA: Lillian Lawler, 1917
(Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Twentieth Century Blues first
                                  page of music

Lawnhurst, Vee. Twentieth Century Blues. New York: Jack Mills, 1923 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com  [top

Manitoba Nelledi Waltzes Sheet Music

Lawrie, Edith & Nellie Lake. Manitoba Nelledi Waltzes. Toronto, ON: The Canadian-American Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes Sheet
                              Music Cover

LeBoy, Grace. Bring Along Your Dancing Shoes (words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: UCLA Archive of Popular Music [top]

Everybody Rag With Me: One Step sheet
                              music cover 

LeBoy, Grace. Everybody Rag With Me: One Step. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore [top]

Everybody Rag With Me Sheet Music

LeBoy, Grace. Everybody Rag With Me (lyrics by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Good Ship Mary Ann Sheet Music

LeBoy, Grace. The Good Ship Mary Ann (words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: DigitalCommons@UMaine [top]

                              Wish I Had A Girl Sheet Music Cover

LeBoy, Grace. I Wish I Had A Girl (words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: DigitalCommons@UMaine  [top]

Pass The Pickles: Tango Sheet Music

LeBoy, Grace. Pass The Pickles: Tango. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Those Olden Golden Days of Long Ago
                              Sheet Music Cover

LeBoy, Grace. Those Olden Golden Days of Long Ago (lyrics by Daisy Sullivan). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Toronto Reference Library [top]

Will You Be Sorry? Sheet Music Cover

LeBoy, Grace. Will You Be Sorry? (words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1928.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Wanita: Intermezzo Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Lee, Lora. Wanita: Intermezzo Two Step. Buffalo, NY: HC Weasner & Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Automobile Spin Sheet Music Cover

Linn, Grace. Automobile Spin. Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Lloyd, Mrs. EE. The Seldom Seen: A Society March and Two Step. Muskegon, MI: EE Lloyd, 1906
(Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Fragrant Violets Waltz

Loeb-Evans, Matilee. Fragrant Violets Waltz. Erie, PA: Brehm Bros, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Loeb-Evans, Matilee. The Savannah Side-Swing Rag Two-Step. Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1912 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [t

Yellow Butterflies

Loeb-Evans, Matilee. Yellow Butterflies Waltz. Philadelphia, PA: Theodore Presser Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Longino, Eva. Paramount Rag. 1915 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Longino, Eva. Red Rooster Rag. 1915 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]


Note: I received an email on July 15, 2012, from a grandson of Johann Schmid who points out that Maria Louka was a pseudonym used by Johann Schmid. See the information compiled by John McDonnell called "Information about Johann C Schmid's 'Marie Louka' Music." As such, Maria Louka should not likely be listed here but I will keep the listing below for the next short while, if only to make others aware of this development.


 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Louka, Marie. Cap and Gown March. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for The Captain
                              General: March and Two Step. 

Louka, Marie. The Captain General: March and Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1906
Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music] [top]

Cupid's Dart: Idyll Caprice Sheet
                              Music Cover

Louka, Marie. Cupid's Dart: Idyll Caprice. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Louka, Marie. Dance of the Dewdrops. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1905.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Louka, Marie. Dance of the Snowflakes. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1904.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Louka, Marie. Dance of the Toys. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Louka, Marie. Dancing Dolls: Waltz.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Fadettes: March and Two-Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Louka, Marie. The Fadettes: March and Two-Step. Philadelphia, PA: World Publishing Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Fire and Flame: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Louka, Marie. The Fire and Flame: March and Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Louka, Marie. Flowers from the Dust (1941)?

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Hour of Prayer: Reverie Sheet
                              Music Cover

Louka, Marie. The Hour of Prayer: Reverie. Philadelphia, PA: Weymann & Son, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from Duke University) [top]

Japanese Fire Dance Sheet Music

Louka, Marie. Japanese Fire Dance. Pittsburgh, PA: Volkwein Bros Music Publishers, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy from University of Toronto Music Library [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Louka, Marie. Kamara (World Publishing Company, 1903) (available at Millersville University, PA).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Louka, Marie. Mission Bells: Descriptive Tone Poem. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The North American: March and Two
                              Step Sheet Music Cover

Louka, Marie. The North American: March and Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy from University of Toronto Music Library [top]

Ocean Spray: Mazurka Caprice Sheet
                              Music Cover

Louka, Marie. Ocean Spray: Mazurka Caprice. Melbourne: Allan, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

                              Rajah: March and Two Step Sheet Music

Louka, Marie. The Rajah: March and Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son, 1902.

[view sheet music] [listen to 1902 Berliner .mp3 recording by Sousa's Band from Library and Archives Canada]

Source: University of Toronto Music Library [top]

A Silent Prayer: Reverie Sheet Music

Louka, Marie. A Silent Prayer: Reverie. Philadelphia, PA: Weymann & Son, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Louka, Marie. Sunset on the Ocean: Reverie. Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]


By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.