Gaines, J. Ragtime Razzmatazz
(1958) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60
Years of Ragtime Piano).
Gehr, Nettie. De Rag Man's A Comin'
(song). Saint Louis:
Thiebes-Stierlin, 1898 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gibbins, Eva. Idlewilde March Two
Step. Columbus, OH: WH Croner,
1905 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Giblin, Irene. The Aviator.
Detroit Michigan, IL: Jerome H Remick,
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Giblin-O'Brien, Irene. Black
Feather: Two Step. New York:
Vinton Music Co, 1908.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Giblin, Irene. Chicken Chowder:
Characteristic Two-Step.
Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1905.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Giblin, Irene. Columbia Rag.
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Giblin, Irene. Dixie Rag.
Boston, MA: Daly Music Publisher, 1913.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Giblin, Irene. Ketchup Rag.
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Giblin, Irene. P*ckaninny Rag.
Cleveland, OH: Sam Fox Publishing Co,
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Giblin, Irene. Sleepy Lou: A Raggy
Two-Step. New York: Jerome H
Remick & Co, 1906.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Giblin, Irene. Soap Suds.
New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1906.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gibson, Jenora. Strawberry
Shortcake: March and Two-Step.
Louisville, GA: Jenora Gibson, 1907 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Cascade Dreams
in Piano Solos – Marches and
Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions
by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH:
Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Dance of the Water
Lilies in Piano Solos –
Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of
Compositions by Hazel Gilbert.
Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Denise Dance
in Piano Solos – Marches and
Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions
by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH:
Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Gilbert Grand March
in Piano Solos – Marches and
Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions
by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH:
Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. March of the Royal
Guards in Piano Solos –
Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of
Compositions by Hazel Gilbert.
Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. March of the
Templars in Piano Solos –
Marches and Novelettes: A Collection of
Compositions by Hazel Gilbert.
Elyria, OH: Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Nodding Daisies
in Piano Solos – Marches and
Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions
by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH:
Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Ramona in Piano
Solos – Marches and Novelettes: A
Collection of Compositions by Hazel
Gilbert. Elyria, OH: Gilbert
Publishing Co, 1923.
[view sheet
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Gilbert, Hazel. Spring Time Revelry
in Piano Solos – Marches and
Novelettes: A Collection of Compositions
by Hazel Gilbert. Elyria, OH:
Gilbert Publishing Co, 1923.
sheet music]
of South Carolina Sheet Music
Collection [top]
Giles, Imogene. Red Peppers: Two
Step. Quincy, IL: Giles
Bros, 1907.
[view sheet
Junction (MSU) [top]
Gilmore, Mary. Electric Rag.
Kansas City, KS: WM Bodine, 1914.
[view sheet
Gilmore, Maude. Lorelei: A Reverie.
Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson &
Co, 1912.
[view sheet music]
[link broken during revamp
of sheet music collection by UMKC]
Source: UMKC
Digital Collections [top]
Maude. Peach Blossom Rag.
Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson &
Co, 1910.
sheet music] [listen to MIDI file
of Peach Blossom Rag]
Scans and MIDI provided courtesy of Rob
Crausaz [top]
Gilmore, Maude. Splinters: Two-Step.
Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson &
Co, 1910.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Gilmore, Maude. Slivers: Two-Step.
Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson &
Co, 1910. Also published as Splinters:
Two-Step. Kansas City, MO:
Charles L Johnson & Co, 1910.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Goben, Hattie. The Teddy Bear Rag.
Dallas, TX: Hattie Goben, 1907 (Morath
and Hasse).
sheet music]
Musescore.com [top]
Godinski, Sadie. Georgiana:
Characteristic March – Two Step.
Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1907 (Morath
and Hasse).
[view sheet music]
Source: Oregon Digital [top]

Goodfried, Gussie. The Peekaboo Peek
– A Different Syncopation: March.
New York: FA Mills, 1911 (Morath
and Hasse).
[view sheet music]
Source: York
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]

Gooding, Grace. The Fadettes Call:
Rag One Step Trot. New York:
Jerome H Remick, 1914 (recorded by Nora
Hulse on
Years of Ragtime Piano).
sheet music]
Goodwin, Hassie. Dixie Doodle Dum:
March Two-Step. Sedalia, MO:
AW Perry & Sons, 1914 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gould, Lena. Ragged Edge: Two Step.
Brooklyn, NY: Lena Gould, 1901 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Graham, Anna. Ujiji: Cake Walk.
Toledo, OH: Hayes Music Co, 1902 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gray, Winnie. Dandy Da**town Dinah
(song). New York: Joseph W
Stern, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Green, Evangeline. Green Rag.
New York: Shapiro Music Publishing Co,
1913 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Greenlee, Victoria. Colored Coles:
Cake Walk and Two Step. Kansas
City, MO: Carl Hoffman, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Greenwood, Winnifred. In
Mississippi: March Two Step.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co,
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Vivian. See entries for Mabel McKinley, next chapter).
Grubbs, M Ethel. Yum Yum: Two Step.
Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gunn, Mamie. El Merito: Two Step.
Saint Louis: Mamie Gunn, 1898 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gunn, Mamie. The Nashville: Rag and
Two Step. Saint Louis: Mamie
Gunn, 1898.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Gunn, Mamie. Silver King: Polka
March. Saint Louis:
Thiebes-Stierlin Music Co, 1897 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]

Gustin, Louise. Anniversary
Two Step. Detroit: Jerome H
Remick, 1900.
sheet music]
Source: Let's
Rag (Adrien Le Gallo) [top]
Gustin, Louise. Carmelita: A
Mexican Dance (Whaley &
Royce) (British Library).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. Daughter of the
Regiment: Two Step March.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1900.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Gustin, Louise. Dominion March:
Two-Step (Bowmanville, ON:
Imperial Music Publishers, 1899?).
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
Gustin, Louise In Love's
Garden. Detroit, MI: Whitney
Warner, 1904.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. Janice Meredith
Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney
Warner, 1900.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Gustin, Louise. Let's Trot: Fox
Trot. New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1915 (British Library).
[view sheet music on
Source: Musescore [top]
Gustin, Louise. Lindy.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1902.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
Gustin, Louise. Maids of Paradise:
Waltzes (Whaley & Royce)
(British Library).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. MM (Master
Mechanics) and MCB (Master Car
Builders) March Two-Step.
Cincinnati, OH: The Philip Carey Mfg Co,
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Gustin, Louise. Mistress Nell
Waltzes. Detroit, MI: Whitney
Warner, 1901.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. Neome Waltzes.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co,
[view sheet
Personal Collection (copy obtained from
Southern Utah University) [top]
Gustin, Louise. An Old Virginia
Cake Walk. Detroit, MI:
Belcher & Davis, 1899.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Gustin, Louise. Soldiers of Fortune
March. Detroit, MI: The
Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1901.
[view sheet
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Gustin, Louise. Topsy Turvy: Two
Step. Detroit, MI:
Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1899.
sheet music]
Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Gustin, Louise. Viola Waltzes.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1901.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. Waltz With Me
Waltzes. New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1915 (British Library).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Gustin, Louise. When Knighthood was
in Flower Waltzes. Detroit,
MI: Whitney Warner Publishing Co, nd.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Gustin, Louise. X-N-Tric: Two Step.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner, 1900.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Hall, Lola. The Harem Skirt Girl:
Two Step. Sedalia, MO: Perry
Music, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hamel, Kittie. White Seal Rag.
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.
[view sheet
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Hamshaw, Grace. Mione: Two Step.
Kansas City, MO: The Treloar Music Co,
1907 (Hulse
and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hannah, Ethel. Sleepy Hollow: Two
Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry
and Sons' Music Co, 1907 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hanshaw, Laverne. Niagara Rag.
Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Harlowe, Marie Lord. Dress Parade:
Two Step. Milwaukee, WI:
Rohlfing Sons Music Co, 1897.
sheet music]
Photocopy from University
of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

Minnie. Moonlight Makes me Dream of
You. Chicago: Harold Rossiter
Music Company, 1911.
[view sheet music]
Source: York
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]
Harris, Minnie. That Haunting
Rag-Time Strain (words by Will
J Harris). Chicago, IL: Harold Rossiter,
1912 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Harte, Emma. Cherry Blossoms: Three
Step Caprice. Chicago, IL:
Will Rossiter, 1907.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Hatch, Emma Lyon (with David Sequeira). The
Hyacinth: Intermezzo. New
York: M Witmark & Sons, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).
[view sheet music]
Source: Ohio State University
Knowledge Bank [top]
Hawes, Lenora Searls. Arkansaw Two
Step. Fort Wayne, IN: CC
Powell, 1906.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Hawes, Lenora Searls. Blarney March
and Two Step. Decatur, IN: JB
Stoneburner, 1905 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hawes, Lenora Searls. D*rk Town
C**n Step. Fort Wayne, IN: CC
Powell, 1903? (Morath and Hasse).
Hawes, Lenora Searls. In the Heart
of Dixie: Characteristic March and
Two-Step. Fort Wayne,
IN: CC Powell, 1903.
sheet music]
Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana
Hawes, Lenora Searls. Keep A Comin'
Ma Honey: A Rag-Time Speciality.
Jackson, MI: Louis F Boos, 1899 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top
Hawkins, LN. The Carnation: Two
Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Geo
Jaberg Music Company, 1908 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Heckard, Bessie Blanton. Swellest
in Town: March & Two Step.
Topeka, KS: WF Roehr Music Co, 1903.
[view sheet
Junction (MSU)

Anna (performer). My Pony Boy
(composed by Charlie O'Donnell, words by
Bobby Heath). New York: Jerome H Remick,
sheet music]
Source: York
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]

Anna (performer). Where is My
Wandering Boy Tonight? (composed
by Dave Stamper, words by Gene Buck). New
York: Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1914.
[view sheet music]
Source: York
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]
Anna (performer). Music by Melville J
Gideon. Yankiana Rag. New
York: Shapiro Music Publisher,
[view sheet
Source: Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Henry, Marcella. Broadway Rag.
Chicago, IL: Christensen School of Popular
Music, 1917.
sheet music]
Ragtime Review
(Vol 3, no 10, pages 9-10: October
1917) [top]
Henry, Marcella. The Covent Garden:
Rag-Time Waltz. Chicago, IL:
Christensen School of Popular Music, 1917
[view sheet
Ragtime Review
(Vol 3, no 10, pages 11-12: October
1917) [top]
Henry, Marcella. Glittering Stars:
Rag-Time Waltz. Copyright:
Marcella Henry, 1916.
sheet music]
Ragtime Review
(Vol 2, no 6, pages 5-8: May 1916)
Henry, Marcella. The Green Mill:
Rag. Chicago, IL: Christensen
School of Popular Music, 1917.
sheet music]
Ragtime Review
(Vol 4, no 1, pages 12-13: January
1918) [top]
Henry, Marcella. Kentucky Rag.
Published in Ragtime Review 3, no 7
(July 1917): 10-11
sheet music]
Ragtime Review
(Vol 3, no 7: July 1917) [top]
Henry, Marcella. National Colors
Rag. Published in Ragtime
Review 3, no 6 (June 1917): 10-11
sheet music]
Ragtime Review
(Vol 3, no 8: June 1917) [top]
Henry, Marcella. Player Piano Rag:
Fox Trot. Issued on piano
roll: Kimball 7582.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Henry, Marcella. Who Got The Lemon?
Buck Dance Rag. Peru, IL:
Marcella. Henry Pub Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: Digital copy provided
by Andrew Barrett [top]
Hightower, Winifred. Hightower Rag.
Fort Worth, TX: Winifred Hightower, 1914 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hill, May. Dublin Mary Brown
(words by Marvin Lee & Roger Graham).
Chicago, IL: Roger Graham, 1916.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Hill, May. Sortie "E-X-I-T": Half
Tango, Half Turkey-Trot.
Chicago, IL: Ellis & Co, 1914
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Hill, May. Until I Say Goodbye
(words by Walter Hirsch). Chicago, IL:
Roger Graham, 1920.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Hill, May (with Armand Piron). You
Can Have It, I Don't Want It
(words by Clarence Williams). New York:
Frank K Root & Co, 1918.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Hillman, Dora Loucks. Moustache
Johnson: A Glad Rag Two-Step.
Chicago, IL: Miller Music Publishing, 1909
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hopkins, Bertha. Society Rag-Time
Amanda (song). Bertha Hopkins,
1906 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Houston, Annie. Motor Bus.
Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1914.
[view sheet music] [view
transcription by Ragnar Hellspong] [listen
to performance] [top]
Hoy, Myrtle. Chippewa Rag.
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1911.
sheet music]
Photocopy from Center
for Popular Music [top]
Huddleston, Corrie. Call 'Em
Toodles. New York: Jack Mills,
1921 (Hulse and Bostick).
sheet music]
Source: Walter
Cosand [top]
Hudson, Lora. Bittersweet Rag.
Chicago, IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here
for Google search results trying to source
an online copy] [top]
Hudson, Lora. Hudson Rag: Rag
Two-Step. Chicago, IL: Lora
Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hudson, Lora. Irresistible Fox Trot
Rag. Issued on piano roll: US
Music 7589 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hudson, Lora. Phantom Waltz:
Hesitation. Chicago, IL: FJA
Forster Music Publisher, 1914.
sheet music]
Music Box [top]
Hudson, Lora. Pomp and Pride: March
and Two-Step. Chicago, IL:
Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hudson, Lora. Woodland Pranks:
March and Two-Step. Chicago,
IL: Lora Hudson, 1914 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hult, Irma. That Jumping Rag.
Washington, DC: H Kirkus Dugdale, 1914 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Hupp, Mary Edna. The Katy Flyer:
Descriptive Two Step. Sedalia,
MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1904.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Igelman, Clara Campbell. Solitaire:
Rag Two-Step. Richmond, IN:
Wilson Music Publisher, 1909 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Irwin, May. May Irwin's Rag-Time
Dance. Boston, MA: GM
Setchell, 1906.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
Irwin, May. May Irwin's Rag-Time
Dance (song). Boston, MA: GM
Setchell, 1906 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Jacobson, Alice. Leslie's March
& Two Step. Santa Cruz,
CA: Alice Jacobson, 1908 (Morath
and Hasse).
[view sheet music]
Source: Oregon Digital [top]
Janis, Elsie. Anti Ragtime Girl.
New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Janis, Elsie. Fo' de Lawd's Sake,
Play a Waltz (Song). New York:
TB Harms, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [listen to a 1912
recording] [top]

Janis, Elsie. I Would
Rather Love
What I Cannot
Have Than
Have What
I Cannot
sheet music]
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]
Jenkins, Claudia. Hoe-Cake Shuffle:
A Characteristic Virginia Dance.
Boston, MA: BF Wood Music Co, 1903.
[view sheet
music] Note: A "hoe-cake"
is a type of cornmeal pancake,
originally cooked on the blade of a hoe.
Source: Scholars
Junction (MSU) [top]
Johnson, Alice. Arabian Nights.
Chicago, IL: White-Smith Music Publishing
Co, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Johnston, Chastine. The Leap-Year
Girl: Two Step. Kansas City,
KS: JO Young & Co, 1904.
[view sheet
Joly, Louise. Just You (Montreal,
QC: Delmar Music Co, 1910).
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
Kamman, Effie. Dance of the Brownies.
Detroit, MI: CJ Whitney, Whitney-Warner,
and Jerome H Remick, 1893.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Kamman, Effie. Dance of the White
Rat. New York: Witmark &
Sons, 1901 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kamman, Effie. D*rkey Doings: A
Bl*ckville Frolic. New York: M
Witmark & Sons, 1899 (Hulse and Bostick).
sheet music]
Source: IMSLP
Kamman, Effie. Kitty Clover.
Detroit, MI: Whitney-Warner, 1898 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kamman, Effie. Skirmish –
Characteristic. Detroit,
MI: Whitney-Warner, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kamman, Effie. What's Your Hurry?
New York: Remick, 1923 (Hulse and Bostick).
[view sheet music]
Source: Oregon Digital
Karns, Verdi. Black Beauty: A Rag
Two-Step. Bluffton, IN: Verdi
Karns, 1898 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Karns, Verdi. Bluffton Carnival
Rag: Cake Walk. Bluffton, IN:
Verdi Karns, 1899.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Karns, Verdi. Blufftonian Waltzes.
Mt. Clemens, MI: Remer Music House, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).
sheet music]
Karns, Verdi. Giuseppe March
(1898) (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an
online copy] [top]
Karns, Verdi. Kentucky Rag
(1898) (recorded by Nora Hulse on
Years of Ragtime Piano).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Karns, Verdi. Ragamuffin.
Bluffton, IN: Verdi Karns, 1899.
[view sheet music] [top]
Karns, Verdi. Yo' Got to Hab a
License or Yo' Can't Get In
(lyrics by Laverne Brown). Bluffton, IN:
Karns Music Publishing Co, 1905 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kaufman, MR. The Leader:
Anniversary March. Detroit,
MI: Jerome H Remick, 1906.
[view sheet
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Kaufman, Mabel. Namrah, A Reverie.
Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kaufman, Mabel. Sapphire: Two-Step.
Baltimore, MD: Harman's Publishing Co,
1906 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kay, Thelma. That Tantalizing Rag.
Washington, DC. H Kirkus Dugdale, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Keene, Edna. At the Jamestown
Exhibition (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Keene, Edna. Teddy Bear Dance
(Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Keene, Edna. Yanghidunia: March
Two-Step (arranged by James
Keene). Washington, DC: Sanders &
Stayman Co, 1907 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Keller, Sue. Blundering Buffalo.
Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1991.
Available for purchase here.
Keller, Sue. Cranberry Stomp.
Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1983.
Available for purchase here.
Keller, Sue. Wanhal Stomp.
Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1996.
Available for purchase here.
Kenny, Margaret. Loretta: March
Two-Step. New York:
Shapiro-Remick & Co, 1903 (Morath
and Hasse).
sheet music]
Source: Musescore.com
Kibbey, Violet Snow. Syncopation.
Unpublished manuscript dated 1915.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
King, Laura Schick. At the Panama
Pacific Fair (song). Los
Angeles, CA: Hatch & Loveland, 1918.
[view sheet
Source: Scholars
Junction (MSU)
King, Mollie. If My Dream Were True
(song) (lyrics by Verner Cavers).
Montreal, QC: Harmonic Pub, 1907.
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
King, Mollie. Niscona
(song) (lyrics by Clifton Wright).
Montreal, QC: Royal Music, 1905.
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
King, Mollie. The Village Barn
Dance. Montreal, QC: Delmar
Music, 1909.
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
King, Mollie. Yokohama: March and
Two-Step. Montréal, QC: WH
Scroggie 1904.
sheet music]
and Archives Canada [top]
Klaphake, Lillian Rose. Improved
Rapid System of Ragtime Piano Playing.
Cincinnati, OH: Cincinnati School of
Popular Music, 1910 (Morath
and Hasse).
sheet music] [Note: This
document has the "title page" to this
title but the subsequent pages are sheet
music for ""Bag 'O' Rags"]
Source: Walter
Cosand [top]

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Dance of the
Crickets: Dance Characteristic.
Barbara F. Kleinbeck. Dayton, KY: B.F.
Kleinbeck, 1913.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore

Kleinbeck, Barbara F. ****y
in the Wood Pile: Cakewalk.
Cincinatti, OH: Union Music Co., 1900.
sheet music]
Source: Walter
Cosand [top]
Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Old Homestead
Waltzes. Cincinnati, OH: The
Union Music Co, 1900.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Kleinbeck, Barbara F. Eliza's Trip
to the Pan-American: March and Two
Step. Cincinnati, OH: Union
Music Co., 1901 (recorded by Nora Hulse on
Years of Ragtime Piano).
[view sheet music]
Source: University of Alabama
Libraries [top]
Knippenberg, Ruth. College Rag.
Milwaukee, WI: Central Music Co, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Knippenberg, Ruth. Cupid's Prank (advertised
in That's
Telling immediately below)
Knippenberg, Ruth. Love Me, Won't
You Really Try: Waltz Song
(words by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee,
WI: Central Music Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Photocopy from University
of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]
Knippenberg, Ruth. That's Telling (words
by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee, WI:
Central Music Co, 1910.
sheet music]
Photocopy from University
of Wisconsin-Madison Library
Knippenberg, Ruth. University Rag
(words by Adelyn Knippenberg). Milwaukee,
WI: Pollworth Music Co, 1912.
sheet music]
Photocopy from University
of Wisconsin-Madison Library
Kohler, Nina. Bugs Rag.
Sherman, TX: Nina Kohler, 1913.
[view sheet music] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. Belles of
Andalusia: Valse Espagnole.
New York: M Witmark and Sons, 1894.
Sheet music available at the British
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym
Jerome Hartman). Beneath the Starry
Flag: March and Two Step. New
York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1900
sheet music]
Music Box [top]

Koninsky, Sadie. Boardin' House
Johnson: Cake Walk. New York:
Joseph W Stern, 1899.
[view sheet music] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. 'Cause The
Sandman's Comin' Around
(song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.
[view sheet
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. Cleopatra: An
Egyptian Intermezzo. New York:
Shapiro, Bernstein & Co, 1902. Sheet
music available at the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. College Days
Waltzes. New York: Koninsky
Music Co, 1907.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Koninsky, Sadie. Eli Green's Cake
Walk: March & Two Step.
New York: Jos W. Stern & Co, 1898.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Koninsky, Sadie. Eli Green's Cake
Walk (song) (words by Dave
Reed). New York: Jos W Stern & Co,
[view sheet
Junction (MSU) [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. Forever
(song). Troy, NY: M Edw M
Koninsky, 1902. Sheet music available at
the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. Grasshopper's Hop:
A Bugtown Society Event. New
York: Edward M Koninsky & Bros, 1901.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Koninsky, Sadie. Heart of the Rose
Waltzes. New York: Koninsky
Music Co, 1911.
sheet music]
Music Box [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. I Didn't Think You
Cared To Have Me Back (words
by Stewart Washburn). New York: Edward M
Koninsky & Bros, 1900.
[view sheet
Library of Congress
Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800
to 1922 [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. I Wants A Man Who
Ain't Afraid To Work (words by
Harry E. Stanley). New York: Edward M
Koninsky & Bros, 1902. Sheet music
available at the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. If I Had All the
World Besides I'd Still Want You
(song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1916.
sheet music]
Personal copy [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. If You Loved Me As
I Loved You (song). Troy, NY:
Koninsky Music Co, 1903.
sheet music]
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. I'll Be Your
Friend Through All (song).
New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1898.
Sheet music available at the British
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. I'm Lonely Here
Without You, Nellie Dear
(song). Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky &
Bros, 1903.
sheet music]
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. In a Japanese Tea
House: Japanese Waltzes. Troy,
NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1901. Sheet
music available at the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. In Lovers' Lane
Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky
Music Co, 1906.
sheet music]
Personal copy [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. In Yucatan:
Novelty Fox Trot. Troy, NY:
Koninsky Music Co, 1918
(Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. June Roses:
Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky
Music Co, 1905.
sheet music]
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]
Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym
Jerome Hartman). Life in Camp:
March. Troy, NY: Koninsky
Music Co, 1907.
sheet music]
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]

Koninsky, Sadie. Love Tales: Waltzes.
NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Koninsky, Sadie. Mae Marsh Waltzes.
Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1917.
[view sheet music]
Source: Margaret Herrick
Library: Digital Collections [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. Maid of the Mist
Waltzes. Troy, NY: Koninsky
Music Co, 1908.
[view sheet music] [listen
to performance]
Source: Hathi Trust [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. The Minstrel King
March. Albany, NY: Albany
Music Pub Co, 1895.
[view sheet
Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym
Jerome Hartman). Old Glory: March
and Two Step. New York:
Koninsky Music Co, 1905.
sheet music]
Music Box [top]
Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym
Jerome Hartman). On to Victory:
March and Two Step. Troy, NY:
Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
Koninsky, Sadie. Phoebe Thompson's
Cake Walk. New York: Edw M
Koninsky & Bros, 1899.
sheet music]
Music Box [top]
Koninsky, Sadie (using the pseudonym
Jerome Hartman). Return of the
Troops: March and Two Step.
Troy, NY: Edward M Koninsky & Bros,
sheet music]
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. The River of
Dreams (song). Troy, NY:
Koninsky Music Co, 1912.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Koninsky, Sadie. Sing Me A Song Of
Other Days. Brooklyn, NY: Edw
M Koninsky & Bros, 1900.
sheet music]
Music Box [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. 'Tis You
(song). Troy, NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1905.
[view sheet
Photocopy from New
York State Library [top]

Koninsky, Sadie. Uncle Sam's Boys.
New York: Koninsky Music Co, 1909.
sheet music]
Source: IMSLP
Koninsky, Sadie. When I Return
We'll Be Wed (words by Stewart
Washburn). Troy, NY: Edward M Koninsky
& Bros, 1899 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. When You Are Near
(song). Troy, NY: Edw M
Koninsky & Bros, 1903. Sheet music
available at the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. When Mammy Puts The
Little C**ns To Bed (Lullaby).
Troy, NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros,
1901. Sheet music available at the British
Koninsky, Sadie. Where Love Is
King: Waltzes. New York:
Howley, Haviland & Co, 1898. Sheet
music available at the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Koninsky, Sadie. A Wigwam
Courtship: Intermezzo. Troy,
NY: Edw M Koninsky & Bros, 1903.
sheet music]
Music Box
Koninsky, Sadie. You Alone
(song). New York: Edw M Koninsky
& Bros, 1900. Sheet music available at
the British Library.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kuykendall, Grace. Budweiser Rag.
Morgantown, KY: Grace Kuykendall, 1908 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Kyro, Kate. Watermelon Breezes: An
African American Characteristic: March
and Two Step. Boston, MA:
Louis H. Ross & Co, 1904 (Morath
and Hasse). Sheet music available here
on ParlourSongs.com
(requires free Scorch
viewer from Sibelius).
source: ParlourSongs.com
Lantz, Dena Merle. Sprint Splinter
Rag. Chicago, IL: Victor
Kremer Co, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Lawler, Lillian. Classy Rag.
New Orleans, LA: Lillian Lawler, 1917
(Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Lawnhurst, Vee. Twentieth Century
Blues. New York: Jack Mills,
1923 (Morath and Hasse).
sheet music]
Lawrie, Edith & Nellie Lake. Manitoba
Nelledi Waltzes. Toronto, ON:
The Canadian-American Music Co, 1903.
sheet music]
and Archives Canada
LeBoy, Grace. Bring Along Your
Dancing Shoes (words by Gus
Kahn). New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.
sheet music]
Archive of Popular Music [top]
LeBoy, Grace. Everybody Rag With
Me: One Step. New York: Jerome
H Remick, 1915.
sheet music]
Source: Musescore
LeBoy, Grace. Everybody Rag With
Me (lyrics by Gus Kahn). New
York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.
[view sheet
of Colorado Digital Sheet Music
LeBoy, Grace. The Good Ship Mary
Ann (words by Gus Kahn). New
York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.
[view sheet
LeBoy, Grace. I Wish I Had A Girl
(words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1907.
[view sheet
LeBoy, Grace. Pass The Pickles:
Tango. New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1913.
sheet music]
Personal copy [top]
LeBoy, Grace. Those Olden Golden
Days of Long Ago (lyrics by
Daisy Sullivan). New York: Jerome H
Remick, 1917.
sheet music]
Photocopy from Toronto
Reference Library [top]

LeBoy, Grace. Will You Be Sorry?
(words by Gus Kahn). New York: Jerome H
Remick & Co, 1928.
sheet music]
University Libraries, Sheet Music
Collections [top]
Lee, Lora. Wanita: Intermezzo Two
Step. Buffalo, NY: HC Weasner
& Co, 1904.
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Linn, Grace. Automobile Spin.
Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox,
sheet music]
University Sheet Music Collections
Lloyd, Mrs. EE. The Seldom Seen: A
Society March and Two Step.
Muskegon, MI: EE Lloyd, 1906
(Hulse and Bostick).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Loeb-Evans, Matilee. Fragrant
Violets Waltz. Erie, PA: Brehm
Bros, 1912.
sheet music]
Music Box
Loeb-Evans, Matilee. The Savannah
Side-Swing Rag Two-Step. Troy,
NY: Koninsky Music Co, 1912 (Morath
and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [t
Loeb-Evans, Matilee. Yellow
Butterflies Waltz.
Philadelphia, PA: Theodore Presser Co,
sheet music]
Music Box
Longino, Eva. Paramount Rag.
1915 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Longino, Eva. Red Rooster Rag.
1915 (Morath and Hasse).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
I received an email on July 15, 2012,
from a grandson of Johann Schmid who
points out that Maria Louka was a
pseudonym used by Johann Schmid. See the
information compiled by John McDonnell
called "Information
about Johann C Schmid's 'Marie Louka'
Music." As such, Maria Louka
should not likely be listed here but I
will keep the listing below for the next
short while, if only to make others
aware of this development.
Louka, Marie. Cap and Gown March.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. The Captain General:
March and Two Step.
Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son,
Hulse and Bostick).
[view sheet music] [top]
Louka, Marie. Cupid's Dart: Idyll
Caprice. Philadelphia, PA: HA
Weymann & Son, 1903.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Louka, Marie. Dance of the Dewdrops.
Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son,
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. Dance of the
Snowflakes. Philadelphia, PA:
HA Weymann & Son, 1904.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. Dance of the Toys.
Detroit, MI: Whitney Warner Pub
Co, 1912.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. Dancing Dolls: Waltz.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. The Fadettes: March
and Two-Step. Philadelphia,
PA: World Publishing Co, 1904.
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Louka, Marie. The Fire and Flame:
March and Two Step.
Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son,
sheet music]
S Levy Sheet Music Collection
Louka, Marie. Flowers from the Dust
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. The Hour of Prayer:
Reverie. Philadelphia, PA:
Weymann & Son, 1905.
[view sheet
American Sheet Music, 1850-1920 (from
Duke University) [top]
Louka, Marie. Japanese Fire Dance.
Pittsburgh, PA: Volkwein Bros Music
Publishers, 1901.
sheet music]
Copy from University
of Toronto Music Library [top]
Louka, Marie. Kamara (World
Publishing Company, 1903) (available at Millersville
University, PA).
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. Mission Bells:
Descriptive Tone Poem. Detroit,
MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]
Louka, Marie. The North American:
March and Two Step.
Philadelphia, PA: HA Weymann & Son,
sheet music]
Copy from University
of Toronto Music Library [top]
Marie. Ocean Spray: Mazurka Caprice.
Melbourne: Allan, 1915.
sheet music]
Library of Australia Digital
Collections [top]
Louka, Marie. The Rajah: March and
Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: HA
Weymann & Son, 1902.
[view sheet
music] [listen to 1902
Berliner .mp3 recording by Sousa's
Band from Library and Archives Canada]
of Toronto Music Library
Louka, Marie. A Silent Prayer:
Reverie. Philadelphia, PA:
Weymann & Son, 1904.
sheet music]
Music Box
Louka, Marie. Sunset on the Ocean:
Reverie. Detroit,
MI: Whitney Warner Pub Co, 1912.
[click here for Google
search results trying to source an online
copy] [top]