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Female Composers of Ragtime

By Ted Tjaden


Sheet Music for Rags Composed by Women

By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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Set out below by surname (S to Z) is a fairly complete list of ragtime compositions written by women:

The Yellow Moccasin: March & Two
                              Step first page of music 

Saile, Clara. The Yellow Moccasin: March & Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Razall Co, 1904 (Morath and Hasse).

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Source: Musescores.com [top]

Ghost Dance (Dance Descriptive) Sheet
                              Music Cover

Salisbury, Cora. Ghost Dance (Dance Descriptive). Chicago: Will Rossiter, 1911.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Lemons and Limes: A Sour Rag Sheet
                              Music Cover

Salisbury, Cora. Lemons and Limes: A Sour Rag. Chicago: Will Rossiter, 1909.

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Source: Digital copy from a reader [top]

Poodles' Parade Sheet Music Cover

Salisbury, Cora. Poodles' Parade. St Louis: Thiebes Stierlin Music Co, 1907.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Along the Road to Singapore Sheet
                              Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Hans Von Holstein). Along the Road to Singapore (words by Richard Pascoe). St Louis: Buck & Lowney, 1915.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Sanders, Alma. Dance of the Teenie-Weenies. Detroit: Jerome H Remick, 1916 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Every Tear is a Smile in an
                              Irishman's Heart Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). Every Tear is a Smile in an Irishman's Heart (words by Dan Sullivan). New York: Harry Von Tilzer Music Pub Co, 1919.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Hong Kong Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). Hong Kong (words by Richard Pascoe). New York: Leo Feist, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The House-Boat on the Styx Sheet
                              Music Cover

Sanders, Alma. The House-Boat on the Styx (words by Monte Carlo). New York: Harms, 1928.

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Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

                              Old Madeira Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). In Old Madeira (words by George Wehner). New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1920.

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Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Little Town in the Ould County Down
                              Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma
(with Monte Carlo). Little Town in the Ould County Down (words by Richard Pascoe). New York: Fred Fisher Inc, 1920.

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Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
My Heaven Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma
. My Heaven (words by Monte Carlo). New York: Harms, 1928.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
Sleepytime Rag: Pickaninny Lullaby
                              Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma. Sleepytime Rag: Pick**inny Lullaby (lyrics by Florence Cooke). New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1914.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

 Sheet music cover for Some Pepp

Sanders, Alma. Some Pepp. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.

[view sheet music] [top]

Sweet Lavender and Lace Sheet Music

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). Sweet Lavender and Lace (words by Richard  Pascoe). New York: Leo Feist, 1919.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              Baby Fingers Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). Ten Baby Fingers (words by Harry Edelheit). New York: AJ Stasny Music Co, 1920.

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Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

That Tumble-down Shack in Athlone
                              Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). That Tumble-down Shack in Athlone (words by Richard Pascoe). New York: Leo Feist, 1918.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Too Many Kisses Mean Too Many Tears
                              Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). Too Many Kisses Mean Too Many Tears. New York: AJ Stasny Music Co Inc, 1924.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
The Wild Irish Rose That God Gave Me
                              Sheet Music Cover

Sanders, Alma (with Monte Carlo). The Wild Irish Rose That God Gave Me (words by Richard Pascoe). Chicago: Ted Browne Music Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Manila Rag sheet music cover 

Sanders, Zellah Edith. Manila Rag. Chicago: Lyon & Healy, 1898 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Sheet music cover for Missouri Girl:
                              March & Two Step 

Sankey, Emma Laurence. Missouri Girl: March & Two Step. Saint Louis, MO: Shattinger Piano & Music Co, 1904 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [purchase sheet music from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

Auto Race Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Sax, Emma. Auto Race Two Step. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons' Music Company, 1908.

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Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Scales, Mrs JM. C**n Time Rag. Galveston, TX: Thos Goggan & Bro, 1903 (Morath and Hasse).

Red Bonnet: Three Step Sheet Music

Schuler, Lillian. Red Bonnet: Three Step. Buffalo, NY: Dewitt T Bell & Co, 1908.

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Source: Maine Music Box  [top]

National Rag Sheet Music Cover

Schultz, Ethel. National Rag. New Orleans, LA: Ethel Schultz, 1907.

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Source: Photocopy provided by a reader [top]

Roosevelt's The Man March Sheet Music

Sellers, Emma. Roosevelt's The Man March. Saint Paul, MN: WJ Dyer & Bro, 1905.

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Source: Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]

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                            being sourced

Senter, Abbie. Stuttering Sam. Passaic, NJ: Adams Music Co, 1900 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Rising Moon: Rag Time Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Serviss, Mae. Rising Moon: Rag Time Two Step. M Mae Serviss, 1912.

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Source: York University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Shackford, Lillian. Radio Rag. Boston, MA: CI Hicks Music Co, 1927 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Shaul, Minnie. You'll Have To Hurry: Cake-Walk & Two-Step. Lake Mills, IA: AM Farmer & Son, 1900 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Sheet music cover for Claudia Rag

Shaw, Grace. Claudia Rag. Joplin, MO: Gotfried & McMillan, 1910 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

Red Bandana: Two Step Sheet Music

Sheldon, Nettie. Red Bandana: Two Step. Philadelphia, PA: MD Swisher, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Live Wires Rag Sheet Music Cover

Shepherd, Adaline. Live Wires Rag. Chicago: Harold Rossiter, 1910.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Pickles and Peppers Sheet Music

Shepherd, Adaline. Pickles and Peppers: A Rag Oddity. Milwaukee, WI: Joseph Flanner, 1906.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Wireless Rag Sheet Music Cover

Shepherd, Adaline. Wireless Rag. Chicago: Standard Music Chicago, 1909.

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Source: Oregon Digital [top]

Victory March Sheet Music Cover

Shepherd, Adaline. Victory March. Chicago: National Music Company, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

Billiken: Two Step Rag Sheet Music

Shephardson, Ina. Billiken: Two Step Rag. Pittsburg, KS: EA Shephardson, 1912.

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Source: Musescores.com [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Simonson, Florence. The Jolly Little C**n: March and Two-Step. Philadelphia, PA: Florence Simonson, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

First page of music of Broncho Billy

Slaughter, Nell Wright. Broncho Billy. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gertz, 1914.
[view sheet music] [top]
Sheet music for Razzle Dazzle 

Smith, Alma & Lilburn Kingsbury. Razzle Dazzle. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons, 1905.

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Arizona March & Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Smith, Emily. Arizona March & Two Step (rewritten and arranged by ET Paull). New York: ET Paull Music Co, 1903.

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Source: Baylor University Digital Library [top]

Black Cat Rag Sheet Music Cover

Smith, Ethyl & Frank Worster. Black Cat Rag. St Louis: Frank Wooster Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Fontella Rag Sheet Music Cover

Smith, Ethyl. Fontella Rag. St Louis: Thiebes-Stierlin, 1907.

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Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

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                            being sourced

Smith, Hattie Leonore & EC Barroll. Twinkle-Dimples: Rag. Saint Louis, MO: Mid-West Music Co, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Centennial March and Two Step Sheet Music

Smith, Mabel Claire. Perry Centennial March and Two Step. Green Bay, WI: Howard Music, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

Sheet music cover for Alabama

Smith, Wynona. Alabama Rag (arranged by James S White). Boston, MA: James S White Co, 1918 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Smith, Zena. The Bunny Hop. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson, 1906 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for The Da*ktown
                              Grenadiers: Ragtime Two Step

Smythe, Alice. The Da*ktown Grenadiers: Ragtime Two Step (arranged by Charles Gluck). Chicago: Albright Music Co, 1899 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

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                            being sourced

Smythe, Alice. Pensacola Pick**innies: For Banjo-Crown Piano. Issued on piano roll: Wilcox & White X2323 (Morath and Hasse).

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Snyder, Edythe. Mione (My Own). Kansas City, MO: Edythe Snyder, 1919 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Sovereign, Anna Herring. Pick**inny Dance: A Southern Novelty. New York: Jack Mills, 1923 (Hulse and Bostick).

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                            being sourced

Spencer, Lara. That Ticklish Rag. 1913.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            being sourced

Sperry, Nellie. Little Nellie's March & Two Step. Ottumwa, IA: Howell Price, 1914 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Cabbage Rag sheet music cover

Stanfield, Bertha. The Cabbage Rag. Joplin, MO: Spiker & McMillan, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

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Source: Musescorecom [top]

 That Touchy Kid Rag sheet music

Stanfield, Bertha. That Touchy Kid Rag. Baxter Springs, KS: Bertha Stanfield, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescorecom [top]

Uncle Zeke's Medley Rag sheet music

Stanfield, Bertha. Uncle Zeke's Medley Rag. Baxter Springs, KS: Bertha Stanfield, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

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Source: Musescorecom [top]

"Pinch Hit" March sheet music

Stanfield Dempsey, Bertha. America’s "Pinch Hit" March. Joplin, MO: The McMillan Music Co, 1919.

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Source: Musescorecom [top]

                              Burning of the Windsor Hotel: A Great Fire
                              Song Sheet Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. The Burning of the Windsor Hotel: A Great Fire Song. New York: Richard Saalfield, 1899.

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Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

                              You'll Only Take Me Back Sheet Music

Starr, Hattie. If You'll Only Take Me Back (song). New York: Richard Saalfield, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Digital Library [top]

Little Alabama Coon Sheet Music

Starr, Hattie. Little Alabama C**n (song). New York: Willis Woodward & Co, 1893; transferred to Edw B Marks (1920); reprinted by Marks 1932.

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Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

My Chilly Baby Sheet Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. My Chilly Baby (song). New York: Feist & Frankenthaler, 1900.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Nellie Brady Sheet Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. Nellie Brady (song). New York: Howley, Haviland & Co, 1894.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]

                              Pickaninny's Dream Sheet Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. De Pick**inny's Dream (song). New York: M Witmark & Sons, nd.

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Source: IMSLP [top]

She May Be Happy With Riches Sheet
                              Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. She May Be Happy With Riches (words by LW Lewis). Philadelphia, PA: MD Fisher, nd.

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Source: Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]

Somebody Loves Me: Ballad Sheet Music

Starr, Hattie. Somebody Loves Me: Ballad. New York: Willis & Woodward, 1893.

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Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection  [top]

Two Little Babies: Lullaby Sheet
                              Music Cover

Starr, Hattie. Two Little Babies: Lullaby. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1894.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection  [top]

You're So Good, Daddy Sheet Music

Starr, Hattie. You're So Good, Daddy. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1896. 

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Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Starr, Hattie. Where The Cotton Grows: Cake Walk. New York: Richard Saalfield, 1899 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Smash-Up Rag sheet Music Cover

Stevenson, Gwendoyln. Smash-Up Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.

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Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

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                            being sourced

Stith, Kate Myers. Baled Hay. Scammon, KS: KM Stith Music Co, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Sheet music cover for Frizzles: March
                              and Two Step

Stith, Kate Myers. Frizzles: March and Two Step. Kansas City, MO: Charles L Johnson, 1907.

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                            being sourced

Stith, Kate Myers. The Medicine Man. Scammon, KS: KM Stith Music Co, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Sheet music cover for Checkers
                              (Nellie Stokes)

Stokes, Nellie. Checkers. Detroit: Whitney-Warner Publishing Co, 1903.

[view sheet music] [top]

 Diamonds and Rubies: Novelette,
                              Intermezzo Sheet Music Cover

Stokes, Nellie. Diamonds and Rubies: Novelette, Intermezzo. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Sheet Music Collections [top]

                              Rube: Characteristic March & Two Step
                              Sheet Music

Stokes, Nellie. Hey Rube: Characteristic March & Two Step. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1906.

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Source: Personal collection [top]

Cover sheet for In Love's Net Waltzes

Stokes Hawley, Nellie. In Love's Net Waltzes. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1908.

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Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]
Razzle Dazzle Rag Sheet Music Cover

Stokes, Nellie. Razzle Dazzle: Rag. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

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Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana  [top]

Snowball Rag Sheet Music Cover

Stokes, Nellie. Snowball: Rag.  New York: Jerome H Remick, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Dischord Rag sheet music cover

Stone, Annette. The Dischord Rag. New York: Popular Music Co, 1914 (Morath and Hasse).

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Source: Musescores.com [top]

Dance Of The Curley Wigs Sheet Music

Story, Pauline. Dance Of The Curley Wigs. Sydney: D Davis & Co, [191-].

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

Dance of the Dandelions Sheet Music

Story, Pauline. Dance of the Dandelions. New York: Jos J Kaiser Music Pub Co, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

The Free Silver March sheet music

Story, Pauline. The Free Silver March. Cincinnati, OH: Pauline B Story, 1896.

[view sheet music] [PDF also here from Carli Digital Collections]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

                              Died On The Fighting Line Sheet Music

Story, Pauline. He Died On The Fighting Line (lyrics by Robert Brennen). New York: Willis Woodward, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Library: Digital Repository [top]

I Long To See The Old Home Once Again
                              Creator Sheet Music Cover

Story, Pauline. I Long To See The Old Home Once Again. Cincinnati, OH: Philip Kussel, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

I Want My Mamma Sheet Music Cover

Story, Pauline. I Want My Mamma (lyrics by Robert Brennen). New York: Wm H Anstead, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Sheet music cover for Keep A
                              Shufflin': Ragtime Dance

Story, Pauline. Keep A Shufflin': Ragtime Dance. New York: Hamilton Gordon, 1905.

[view sheet music] [top]
Majesté: Schottische Sheet Music

Story, Pauline. Majesté: Schottische. New York: Howley, Haviland & Dresser, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of North Carolina Music Library [top]

My Momma's with the Angels

Story, Pauline. My Momma's with the Angels. New York: Jos J Kaiser Music Pub Co, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]
Rambling Sam: Ragtime March, Two Step
                              first page of music 

Story, Pauline. Rambling Sam: Ragtime March, Two Step (1899) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music] [musescore.com version]

Source: [Bill's Audio Reference Library] [top]

 Sweet Persimmons: March
                              and Two Step sheet music cover

Story, Pauline. Sweet Persimmons: March and Two Step. Cleveland, OH: The Currier Music Co, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Tonkawa, Indian Characteristic
                              Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Story, Pauline. Tonkawa, Indian Characteristic Two-Step. Erie, PA: Brehm Bros, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Library: Digital Repository [top]

Tootsy Wootsy Sheet Music Cover

Story, Pauline. Tootsy Wootsy. Chicago: Frank K Root & Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

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                            being sourced

Strain, Mrs T Fletcher. That Two-Step Strain. Louisville, KY: Strain Music Co, 1913 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Straw, Cora Fuller. Concord Two Step. Concord, NH: WH Lamb Pub Co, 1904 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Dance of the Hoo-Hoo Sheet Music

Suckert, Emma. Dance of the Hoo-Hoo. Boston, MA: Oliver Ditson & Co, 1898 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pickaninny Shuffle Sheet Music Cover

Suckert, Emma. Pick**inny Shuffle. Detroit: Central Music Pub Co, 1896.

[view sheet music]

Source: The E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit Public Library [top]

Pop-corn: Cake Walk & Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Summerbelle, May. Pop-corn: Cake Walk & Two Step. Australia? 189-?

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

Bandolero: March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Talbot, Clarice. Bandolero: March and Two Step. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Ripples Rag Sheet Music Cover

Thiele, Camilla. Ripples Rag.  Janesville, WI: Peerless Music, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Sheet music cover for 'Lasses: Rag
                              Time Two Step. 

Thomas, Lucy. 'Lasses: Rag Time Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Groene Music Publ Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Alabama Libraries [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Thomas, Lucy. Queen of the Harem: March – Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: The Groene Music Publ Co, 1903 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Thompson, Bertha Merritt. Hinky Dinky.  Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1903 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

The Center Rush: Two Step March Sheet
                              Music Cover

Thompson, Elsie. The Center Rush: Two Step March. San Francisco, CA: The Zeno Mauvais Music Co, 1896.

[view sheet music]

Source: 19th Century California Sheet Music Project (Berkeley) [top]

Mattie's Rags Sheet Music Cover

Thompson, Mattie. Mattie's Rags. Little Rock, AS: Mattie Thompson, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

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                            being sourced

Thompson, Mattie Claire. Pick**innie's Parade: Intermezzo – March. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1912 (Hulse and Bostick).

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                            being sourced

Thompson, Mattie Sproul. Battleship Texas March. St. Joseph, MO: Brokaw Music Publ. Co, 1899 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Thompson, Mattie Sproul. On a Texas Range: March and Two Step. New York: Marquette Publishing Co, 1902 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

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                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Thornton, Mamie. Barbeque Rag. Cincinnati, OH: Emerson Music, 1909 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Sheet music cover for Frankfort Rag 

Thurston, Maude. Frankfort Rag. Chicago: Maude M. Thurston, 1909 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

Sheet music cover for All Around
                              Town: Fox Trot. 

Tice, Blanche. All Around Town: Fox Trot. Sioux City, IA: Blanche Tice, 1916.

[view sheet music] [top]

The Cross That Stands For Helping
                              Hands Sheet Music Cover

Tice, Blanche (with JW Callahan). The Cross That Stands For Helping Hands. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Dreaming My Life Away Sheet Music

Tice, Blanche (with Lloyd Garrett). Dreaming My Life Away. Chicago: Blanche M Tice Music Pub Co, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

I'm A-Longing for You Sheet Music

Tice, Blanche (with JW Callahan). I'm A-Longin for You. Sioux City: Blanche M Tice Music Publishing Co, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

I'm Coming Back to Say Good-bye Sheet
                              Music Cover

Tice, Blanche (with JW Callahan). I'm Coming Back to Say Good-bye. Chicago: Blanche M Tice Music Publishing Co, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU)  [top]
In the Cottage that Stands on the
                              Hill Sheet Music Cover

Tice, Blanche. In the Cottage that Stands on the Hill (words by WR Williams). Chicago: Blanche M Tice Music Publishing Co, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU)  [top]

Jolly Widower: March & Two Step
                              sheet music cover 

Tice, Blanche. Jolly Widower: March & Two Step. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1910 (Hulse and Bostick).

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Source: MuseScore

Just a-Thinkin', Dear, o' You sheet
                            music cover

Tice, Blanche.
Just a-Thinkin', Dear, o' You (lyrics by J Will). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub. Co, 1918.

[view sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
                            Verne Waltzes sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche.
La Verne Waltzes. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub. Co, 1916.
[view sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
Maybe sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche.
Maybe. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub. Co, 1919.
[view sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
My Violet sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche.
My Violet (lyrics by J Will). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub. Co, 1919.
[view sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
Nestlin' Time sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche. Nestlin' Time
(lyrics by RM McCabe). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub. Co, 1913.
[view sheet music]
Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
he Night, the Stars and You sheet music

Tice, Blanche. The Night, the Stars and You (lyrics by J Will Callahan). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Co, c1915.

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Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
Only a Memory of You sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche. Only a Memory of You (lyrics by J Will Callahan). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Pub Co, c1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]
Swells and Belles sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche. Swells and Belles: A Beautiful Set of Concert Waltzes.
Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]

That Enticing Two Step Sheet Music

Tice, Blanche. That Enticing Two Step. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

hat September Day sheet music cover

Tice, Blanche. That September Day (lyrics by J Will Callahan). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice Music Co, c1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]
They Are Tenting Tonight in Far Off
                              France Sheet Music Cover

Tice, Blanche. They Are Tenting Tonight in Far Off France (lyrics by J Will Callahan). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Valse Angeline Sheet Music Cover

Tice, Blanche. Valse Angeline. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Valse Divine: Hesitation first page
                              of music

Tice, Blanche. Valse Divine: Hesitation.
Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: MuseScore [top]

Waltzes Beautiful Sheet Music Cover

Tice, Blanche. Waltzes Beautiful. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sheet music cover for When I Come
                              Back To Erin (I Am Coming For You): Waltz

Tice, Blanche. When I Come Back To Erin (I Am Coming For You): Waltz Song. Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Texas Libraries – Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for When The Sun
                              Sets In Ireland: Waltz Song

Tice, Blanche. When The Sun Sets In Ireland: Waltz Song.
Sioux City, IA: Blanche M. Tice Music Pub. Co., 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Hathi Trust Digital [top]

You Seem to be Forgetting Me Sheet
                              Music Cover

Tice, Blanche. You Seem To Be Forgetting Me (lyrics by Frank Connor). Sioux City, IA: Blanche M Tice, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

 That Cherry Rag sheet music cover

Tiff, Edna Chappell. That Cherry Rag. Washington, DC: The H Kirkus Dugdale Co, 1914 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [sheet music cover from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

                              Sentimental Rag Sheet Music Cover

Tilton, Mabel. That Sentimental Rag. New York: Leo Feist, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Personal copy [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Todd, Miriam. Rip Rag. Piqua, OH: PF Sarver, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Commonwealth Rag Sheet Music Cover

Tognini, May (and Clarence Mates) Commonwealth Rag (song). Melbourne: Pianola, [191-?].

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia Digital Collections [top]

I've Joined the Squirrel Family Rag 

Trix, Helen. I've Joined the Squirrel Family Rag (song). Detroit: Jerome H Remick, 1916 (Hulse and Bostick).

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Trueblood, Edith. Camel Trot. Published in Popular Songs Monthly 1, no 1 (April 1920) (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

American Boy: March - Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Turley, Julia Adams. American Boy: March – Two Step. Cincinnati, OH: Geo B Jennings Co, 1898.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Sheet music cover for Kentucky Walk
                              Away: Two Step 

Uhrig-Cummins, Ella. Kentucky Walk Away: Two Step. Saint Louis, MO: John Stark & Son, 1904 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Varney, Isabel. Minstrel's Rag (1913) (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Rag Sheet Music Cover

Verona, Countess Gypsy. Gypsy Rag. New York: TB Harms, 1916 (recorded by Nora Hulse on 60 Years of Ragtime Piano).

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Votier, Regina Morphy. Something Doing Soon. New Orleans, LA: Philip Werlein, 1905 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

                              Diablo Rag: A Rag Fantasie Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Wahl, Dorothy Ingersol. The Diablo Rag: A Rag Fantasie Two-Step. Chicago: Victor Kremer, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Lord Strathcona March Sheet Music

Wallace, Myrtie. Lord Strathcona March. Cambridge, MA: Myrtie Wallace, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Black Hawk Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

Walsh, Mary. Black Hawk Waltzes. Philadelphia, PA: Eclipse Publishing Co, 190-.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Library: Digital Repository [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Warner, Elva. Imagination: March and Two Step. Terre Haute, IN: Indiana Music Co, 1907 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Warner, Garnet Louanna. Blooming Belle of Old Kentucky (Cakewalk and Two and Step). Detroit: Harry Graul, 1899 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

First page of music for That Texas

Watson, Nell Wright (same composer as Nell Wright Slaughter, above). That Texas Rag. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1913.

[view sheet music] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Weaver, Lula. Sunflower Girls: March and Two Step. Hiawatha, KS: Lula Weaver, 1903 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

In Ole Alabam: Rag Time Cake Walk and
                              Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Weisman, Hortensia. In Ole Alabam: Rag Time Cake Walk and Two-Step. Albany, NY: Henry Volgel, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from the New York State Library [top]

 First page of music for The Rattler

Wells, Susie. The Rattler Rag. Henrietta, TX: Susie Wells, 1912.

[view sheet music] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Wertheim, Helena. Carolina's March, Two Step and Cake Walk. Freemont, OH: Helena Wertheim, 1901 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Wheeler, Grace. Howdy Si Hopscotch: Two-Step. Indianapolis, IN: Carlin & Lennox, 1908 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

White, Ella. White Rag. Charleston, WV: W.A. Cantrell, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

First page of music for Ragged Terry 

White, Margaret Agnew. Ragged Terry. Dallas, TX: Bush & Gerts, 1913. Issued on piano roll: US Music 6901 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

White, Marie. Promenade Rag. Chicago: Marie White, 1911 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

White, Marie. University Rag: Two-Step. Chicago: Marie White, 1911 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Widmer, Kathryn. Buenos Dios: American Maxixe. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Notoriety Rag: Two Step Sheet Music

Widmer, Kathryn. Notoriety Rag: Two Step. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Down at Jasper Johnson's Jamboree
                              Sheet Music Cover

Wilkens, Verna. Down at Jasper Johnson's Jamboree. New York: FB Haviland Pub Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Library: Digital Repository [top]

The Girl I Loved in Auld Lang Syne
                              Sheet Music Cover

Wilkens, Verna. The Girl I Loved in Auld Lang Syne (words by Robert Roden). New York: FB Haviland Pub Co Inc, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              Pausa Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Wilkens, Verna. La Pauza: Hesitation Waltz. Verna Wilkens. New York: FB Haviland Pub Co Inc, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy obtained from eBay [top]

Call Around For Me Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Edna. Call Around For Me (words by Bertha Ellison). New York: Jos W Stern, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: UCLA Archive of Popular Music [top]

I Don't Want Another Sister Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williams, Edna. I Don't Want Another Sister. New York: Jos W Stern, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source:  IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              Turkish Opal from Constantinople Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williams, Edna. My Turkish Opal from Constantinople (words by Arthur Gillespie). New York: Jos W Stern, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

                              the Great Divide Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Edna. Over the Great Divide (words by Andrew Allison). New York: Jos W Stern, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sweet Mary Pickford Sheet Music

Williams, Edna. Sweet Little Mary Pickford (words by William Earle). New York: Joseph W Stern, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]
 That Epidemic Rag Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Edna. That Epidemic Rag (words by Billy Foran). New York: Joseph W Stern, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

 Sheet music cover for Anniversary

Williams, Glyn. Anniversary Rag. Columbus, OH: Glyn Williams, 1915 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [purchase sheet music from Ragtime Dorian Henry] [top]

Trifler Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Jane. Trifler Two Step. St. Louis, MO: Thiebes-Stierlin Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Cold Feet Rag Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Mamie. Cold Feet Rag. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Kansas City, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Jessica: Hesitation Waltzes Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williams, Mamie. Jessica: Hesitation Waltzes. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins' Sons Music Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Happy Hopper Two Step Sheet Music

Williams, Mamie. Happy Hopper Two Step. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music Company, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Sheet music cover for Honey Bee 

Williams, Mamie. The Honey Bee. Kansas City, MO: Williams Publishing Co, 1902.

[view sheet music] [top]

Misty Moonbeams, Three Step Redowa
                              Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Mamie. Misty Moonbeams, Three Step Redowa. Kansas City, MO: Jenkins Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Phantom Isles: Waltzes Sheet Music

Williams, Mamie. Phantom Isle: Waltzes. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Kansas City, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pig Ankles: A Grotesque Intermezzo
                              Sheet Music Cover

Williams, Mamie. Pig Ankles: A Grotesque Intermezzo. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Kansas City, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

Snipes: Two-Step Characteristic sheet
                            music cover

Williams, Mamie. Snipes: Two-Step Characteristic. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescorecom [top]

Red Ribbon March: Grand March Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williams, Sarah. Red Ribbon March: Grand March. Kansas City, MO: Sarah Williams, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Kansas City Sheet Music Collection [top]

                              Blennerhassett: March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. The Blennerhassett: March and Two Step. Boston, MA: GM Blanford, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Williamson, Carlotta. The Carlotta Waltzes. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1901.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Consolation: Reverie Sheet Music

Williamson, Carlotta. Consolation: Reverie. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Fifth Massachusetts: March Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. Fifth Massachusetts: March. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Go To Sleep My Little Creole Babe
                              Sheet Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. Go to Sleep My Little Creole Babe (words by William Gardner). Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Williamson, Carlotta. Minnetonka Intermezzo [mentioned on the cover of Shiftless Sam, below].

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]
 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Williamson, Carlotta. Mistah Johnson (words by George Schultz). Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1902 (Morath and Hasse).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Williamson, Carlotta. My Lady Dainty: Waltzes.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Osceola: March Two Step sheet music

Williamson, Carlotta. Osceola: March Two Step. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1906 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescorecom [top]

 Sheet music cover
                              for cakewalk by Carlotta Williamson

Williamson, Carlotta. The Pick**inny Cake Walk: Two Step.  Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1901 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music] [PDF here from Adrien Le Gallo, Let's Rag]

Source: Musescorecom [top]

                              reve d'amour: The Dream Of Love Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. La Reve D'amour: The Dream Of Love. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

                              On: Slumber Song Sheet Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. Sail On: Slumber Song. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

First page of music for Samos

Williamson, Carlotta. Samos Intermezzo. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: MusicaNeo [top]

 Shiftless Sam: March Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. Shiftless Sam: March Two-Step. Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: York University Libraries, Sheet Music Collections [top]

Smiling Susan: Characteristic
                              March-Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Williamson, Carlotta. Smiling Susan: Characteristic March-Two Step.  Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Wild Flower Rag sheet music cover 

Williamson, Carlotta. Wild Flower Rag.  Boston, MA: The Colonial Music Publishing Co, 1910 (Morath and Hasse).

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescorecom [top]

The Sinking of the Titanic: March
                              Sheet Music Cover

Wills, Lulu. The Sinking of the Titanic: March. Sedalia, MO: AW Perry & Sons' Music Company, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Fortune Teller Waltz: First Page of

Wilson, Edythe. Fortune Teller Waltz. New York: American Melody Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Toronto Music Library (July 25, 1906: Montreal Weekly Herald) [top]

Fiddle Sticks: Rag-Two Step

Wilson, Florence. Fiddle Sticks: Rag-Two Step. Milwaukee, WI: Joseph Flanner, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Wilson, Florence. The Rock Island: March Two Step. Sedalia, MO: The Kauffman Music Co, 1913 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Cupid's Frolic Waltzes

Winchell, Grace Ida. Cupid's Frolic Waltzes. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Lorador Sheet Music Cover

Winchell, Grace Ida (with Lucie Arvilla Graham). Lorador: A Reverie. Denver, CO: Tolbert R Ingram Music Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Baby Dollar. March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Wittman, Therese. Baby Dollar: March and Two Step. London, England: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew Ltd, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Wolfenberger, Beulah. The Chatter Box. Checotah (Muskogee), OK: Beulah Wolfenberger, 1911 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Wood, Florence. Antler: March Two Step. Toledo, OH: McCormick Music Co, 1900 (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Black Cinderella Cake Walk Sheet
                              Music Cover

Wood, Florence. Black Cinderella Cake Walk. Toledo, OH: Peter McCormick, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Sumthin' Doin': A Characteristic
                              March & Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Wood, Florence. Sumthin' Doin': A Characteristic March & Two Step. New York: The Automatic Perforating Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University Library: Digital Repository [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Wood, Florence. Yantic March: Two Step (1898) (Hulse and Bostick).

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

Boiled Owl Rag Sheet Music Cover

Woodin, Margaret. Boiled Owl Rag. New York: FB Havilland, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress Historic Sheet Music Collection, 1800 to 1922 [top]

 Sheet music cover for Sweetness

Woods, Fannie B. Sweetness. Chicago: Forster Music, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress Noterecent research by Bill Edwards has shown that Fannie B Woods, previously thought to have been another pseudonym for Charles L Johnson, is in fact a real (female) composer. [top]

Piffle Rag Sheet Music Cover

Yelvington, Gladys. Piffle Rag. Indianapolis, IN: JH Aufderheide & Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Image of question mark indicating this
                            music is still being sourced

Young, Erma. De Winin' C**n. Cincinnati, OH: The Groene Music Publishing Co, 1901 (Morath and Hasse).

                              Twentieth Century March Sheet Music Cover

Young, Erma. The Twentieth Century March (arranged by EW Sprague). Portland MN: Sam Albert Music Publ Co, 1922.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

 Image of
                            question mark indicating this music is still
                            being sourced

Zeman, Carrie. Kinky: A Ragtime Two Step. Davenport, IA: Andreas Music Publishing Co, 1906.

[click here for Google search results trying to source an online copy] [top]

By surname:   A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z

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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.