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Food and Ragtime

Featuring The Oyster Rag (1910) by Tom Lyle and other Food-related Rags


By Ted Tjaden

(originally published June 2006 and updated periodically)


Set out below are links to the sheet music to 146 food-related ragtime era compositions.

Following this table is a list of 11 more food-related ragtime era compositions that I have not yet been able to obtain copies of and 12 food-related rags from the modern era that likely remain protected by copyright.

Bon appétit!

Food-Related Ragtime Compositions


A Little
                              More Pepper Sheet Music Cover

A Little More Pepper
. Harry J Lincoln. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Publishing Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

All the Candy Sheet Music Cover

All the Candy
. E Harry Kelly. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins Son's Music Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

All the Grapes Sheet Music Cover

All the Grapes
. James Fahy. Springfield, MO: Theron C Bennett Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Angel Food Rag Sheet Music Cover

Angel Food
. Al F Marzian. Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Apple Blossoms Valse Sheet Music

Apple Blossoms Valse
. Ralph Weekes. Sydney: MS Clarkson Music Seller, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia  [top]

Apple Blossoms Waltz Sheet Music

Apple Blossoms Waltz
. Charles B Brown. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Apple Jack Rag Sheet Music Cover

Apple Jack Rag
. Charles L Johnson. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Publ Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: The E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit Public Library [top]

Apple Sass Rag Sheet Music Cover

Apple Sass Rag
. Harry Belding. St Louis, MO: Buck and Lowney, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Banana Peel Rag

Banana Peel
. Gus Winkler. Chicago, IL: Forster Music Pub, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Beets and Turnips: Fox-Trot Sheet
                              Music Cover

Beets and Turnips: Fox-Trot
. Cliff Hess and Fred Ahlert. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: USC Sheet Music Collection [top]

Bob's Chili Rag Cover

Bob's Chili Rag
. Robert E Cleary. Spokane, WA: Robert E Cleary, 1921.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by a reader [top]

Boiled Owl Rag Sheet Music Cover

"Boiled Owl" Rag
. Margaret Woodin. New York: FB Haviland, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress, Music Division [top]

Sheet music cover for A Bran Dance
                              Shuffle: A Rag Time Cake Walk

A Bran Dance Shuffle: A Rag Time Cake Walk
. Wade Harrison. Nashville, TN: H.A. French, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Peter Persoff [top]
The Brazilian Nut Sheet Music Cover

Brazilian Nut
. Sol Wolerstein. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Brown Sugar sheet music

Brown Sugar. Harry Barris.  St Lous, MO: Larry Conley Inc, 1926.

[view sheet music]

Source: Hathi Trust [top]

Buffalo Dish sheet music

Buffalo Dish Rag. Bernisne G Clements (New York: FB Haviland, 1910).

[view sheet music]

Source: Bill's Audio Reference Library [top]

Butcher Rag Sheet Music Cover

Butcher Rag
. Louis Mentel. Cincinnati, OH: Mentel Brothers Pub Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Cabbage Leaf Rag Sheet Music Cover

Cabbage-Leaf Rag
. Les Copeland. Wichita, KS: Marsh & Needles, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Candied Cherries: Rag Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Candied Cherries
. Lucien Denni. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

                              Music Cover for The Candy (Clarence

The Candy. Clarence Jones. Cincinnati, OH: John Arnold, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]
Canned Corn Rag First Page

Canned Corn Rag
. George L Cobb. Buffalo, NY: Bell Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy provided by Andrew Barrett [top]

Champagne Sheet Music Cover

Champagne Rag
. Joseph F Lamb. St. Louis, MO: Stark Music Company, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]

Chasing the Chickens Sheet Music

Chasing the Chickens
. Abe Olman and Raymond Walker. Chicago, IL: Forster Music, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Cheese and Crackers Rag Sheet Music

Cheese and Crackers
. Homer Denny. Cincinnati, OH: Denney and Newlin, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Cherry: Intermezzo Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Cherry: Intermezzo Two-Step
. L Albert. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Cherry Leaf Rag Sheet Music Cover

erry Leaf Rag. El Cota. Chicago, IL: Victor Kramer, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress Sheet Music Collection (Music, Theatre and Dance) [top]

Chestnuts Sheet Music Cover

. Percy Wenrich. Chicago, IL: Arnett-Delonais, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Chewin' the Rag Sheet Music Cover

Chewin' the Rag
. Fred Heltman. Cleveland, OH: Fred Heltman Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Image of first page of Chewing Rag

Chewing Rag
. Alcide JE Giroux. Montreal, QC: JE Belair, 1915.

[view sheet music] [top]

Chicken Chowder Rag Sheet Music

Chicken Chowder
. Irene Giblin. New York: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chicken Patty Sheet Music Cover

Chicken Patty
. Theodore Morse. New York: FB Haviland, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Chicken Pickin's: Dance Descriptive
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chicken Pickin's: Dance Descriptive
. Thos S Allen. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chicken Tango Sheet Music Cover

Chicken Tango
. EJ Stark. StS Louis, MO: Stark Music Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

                              Con Carne: A Hot Rag Two Step Sheet Music

Chili Con Carne: A Hot Rag Two Step
(TAR). Elmer B Griffith. La Fayette, IN: Rinker Music Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: IN Harmony: Sheet Music from Indiana [top]

Chili-Sauce Rag Sheet Music Cover

Chili-Sauce Rag
. HA Fischler. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music Pub Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chocolate Creams: A Rag with Flavor
                              Sheet Music Cover

Chocolate Creams: A Rag with Flavor
. Warren Camp. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Chocolate Drops: A Darktown

Chocolate Drops: A Da*ktown Improbability
. Harry Von Tilzer. New York: H Von Tilzer Music, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chop Suey Rag

Chop Suey Rag. Edward Hayne. Chicago, IL: Edward Hayne Music Publishing, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Chow-Chow Rag Sheet Music Cover

Chow-Chow Rag
. Phil Schwartz. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Coffee Rag Cover Sheet

Coffee Rag
. Lily Coffee. Houston, TX: WC Munn Company, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by Michael Chisolm [top]

Combination Salad Sheet Music Cover

Combination Salad: Fox Trot
. Julius L Bafunno. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Corn Shucks Rag Sheet Music Cover

Corn Shucks Rag
. Ed Kuhn. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU)   [top]

Crab Apples Sheet Music Cover

Crab Apples
. by Percy Wenrich. Erie, PA: Brehm Bros, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Cucumber Rag Sheet Music Cover

Cucumber Rag
. WC Powell (William C Polla). Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

                              O' Tea: Japanese Intermezzo Sheet Music

Cup O' Tea: Japanese Intermezzo
. Karl Lenox. Boston, MA: Lenox Music Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dill Pickles Rag Sheet Music Cover

Dill Pickles Rag
. Charles L Johnson. Kansas City, MO: Carl Hoffman Music, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Dish Rag - Floyd Godfrey

Dish Rag: Two Step
. Floyd D Godfrey. Peoria, IL: Chas C Adams & Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Dish Rag: Two Step Sheet Music Cover

Dish Rag: Two Step
. Richard Goosman. Cleveland, OH: Charles I Davis, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Double Fudge Sheet Music

Double Fudge
. Joe Jordan. St Louis, MO: Hunleth Music, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Vincent Johnson [top]

First page of music for Eatin'
                              Chocolates (Fred Henry)

Eatin' Chocolates. T Fred Henry. Des Moines, IA: Midland Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music] [top]
Eatin' Time Rag Sheet Music Cover

Eatin' Time Rag
. Irene Cozad. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: MuseScore [top]

                              Water: Trot and One-Step Sheet Music

Fizz Water: Trot and One-Step
. Eubie Blake. New York: Jos W Stern, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: The E Azalia Hackley Collection, Detroit Public Library [top]  

French Pastry Rag Sheet Music Cover

French Pastry Rag
. Les Copeland. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Fried Chicken

Fried Chicken Rag. Ella Hudson Day. Galveston, TX: Thomas Goggan & Brothers, 1912.

[view sheet music] [top]
Frog Legs Rag Sheet Music Cover

Frog Legs Rag
. James Scott. New York: John Stark & Son, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

From Soup to Nuts Sheet Music Cover

From Soup to Nuts
. Felix Arndt. New York: G Ricordi & Company, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Ginger Snaps: A Snappy Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Ginger Snaps: A Snappy Two Step
. Egbert Van Alstyne. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Good Gravy Rag Sheet Music Cover

Good Gravy Rag
. Harry Belding. St Louis, MO: Buck & Lowney, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Gum Drops: Novelty Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Gum Drops: Novelty Two Step
. Henry Lodge. San Francisco, CA: Popular Music Distributing Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library of Congress, Music Division [top]

Gumbo Trot Sheet Music Cover

The Gumbo Trot. Broekhoven, F. & C. Rittiner (arranged by E. Grouzet). New Orleans: The Orchestra, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: John Arpin Sheet Music Collection (York University) [top]

Ham and! Sheet Music Cover

Ham and!
Arthur Marshall. New York: Stark Music Company, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Duke University: Historic American Sheet Music [top]

First page of music for Ham Bones

Ham Bones
. Homer Denny. Cincinnati, OH: Joseph Krolage Music, 1912.

[view sheet music] [this title is also listed as a "found" piece in the process of being digitized by Michael Chisolm at Ragtime Sheet Music]

Source: Ragnar Hellspong [top]
Hard Boiled Rag Sheet Music Cover

Hard Boiled Rag
. Louis Mentel. Cincinnati, OH: Mentel Brothers, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Heavy on the Catsup sheet music cover

Heavy on the Catsup: A Rip-Roaring Rag
. Lewis F Muir (New York: FA Mills, 1913).

[view sheet music]

MuseScore [top]
Honey Rag Sheet Music Cover

Honey Rag
. Egbert Van Alstyne. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Hot Cabbage Sheet Music Cover

Hot Cabbage
. Homer Denny. Cincinnati, OH: Homer Denny, 1908.

[view sheet music] [top]

Hot Chocolate Rag Sheet Music First

Hot Chocolate Rag. Malvin M Franklin & Arthur Lange. New York: Joseph W Stern, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]
                              off the Griddle: Novelty Cakewalk Sheet
                              Music Cover

Hot off the Griddle: Novelty Cakewalk
. James White. Chicago, IL: Frank K Root, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Hot Tamale Man! Rag

Hot Tamale Man! Rag
. Herbert Ingraham. New York: Shapiro Music, 1909

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

                              Sweet as Apple Cider: Foxtrot Sheet Music

Ida Sweet as Apple Cider: Foxtrot
. Eddie Munson. New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

It's a Pipp'n: Novelty Fox Trot Sheet
                              Music Cover

It's a Pipp'n: Novelty Fox Trot
. Otto Motzan. New York: Karczag Publishing Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source:   Duke University: Historic American Sheet Music [top]

Ketchup Rag Sheet Music Cover

Ketchup Rag
. Irene M Giblin. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Leg of Mutton (Le Gigot): One Step,
                              Two Step, and Turkey Trot Sheet Music

Leg of Mutton (Le Gigot): One Step, Two Step, and Turkey Trot
. S Romberg. New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Lemons And Limes: A Sour Rag Cover

Lemons And Limes: A Sour Rag
. Cora Salisbury. Chicago, IL: Will Rossiter, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy from a reader [top]

Lemon Drops Sheet Music Cover

Lemon Drops
. Mike Bernard. New York: Jos Morris Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Lemons Sheet Music Cover

. Ollie McHugh. Cincinnati, OH: HA Sturm Music Publishing Co, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Little Sticks O' Licorice: Two-Step
                              Rag Sheet Music Cover

Little Sticks O' Licorice: Two-Step Rag
. Ray Ruddy. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

The Lobster Glide Sheet Music Cover

Lobster Glide. Malvin M Franklin. New York: The Great Eastern Music Publisher, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

The Main Gazabo at a Corn Party: Cake
                              Walk Sheet Music Cover

The Main Gazabo at a Corn Party: Cake Walk
. Chris Praetorius. New York: Crown Music, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Duke University: Historic American Sheet Music [top]

Sheet music cover for Mashed

Mashed Potatoes
. Calvin Lee Woolsey. Braymer, MO: Calvin Lee Woolsey, 1911.

[view sheet music] [top]
More Mustard (Plus Moutarde) Sheet
                              Music Cover

More Mustard (Plus Moutarde).
Louis Mentel. Cincinnati: Louis Mentel, Cable Piano Bldg, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection  [top]

Oh You Turkey Sheet Music Cover

Oh You Turkey
. Henry Lodge. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Snyder, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Let's Rag (Adrien Le Gallo)
Sheet Music Cover for Ol Virginny

Ole Virginny Barbecue. JE Andino. New York: Andino & Ruehl, 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: John Arpin Sheet Music Collection (York University) [top]
The Oyster Rag Sheet Music Cover

The Oyster Rag
. Tom Lyle. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick & Co, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

First page of music for Paprika

Paprika: "Hot Stuff" March Two Step
. Luella Lockwood Moore (Detroit, MI: Grinnell Bros, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]
Pass The Pickles: Tango Sheet Music

Pass The Pickles: Tango
. Grace LeBoy. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

                              Peach: A Ragtime Two Step: Sheet Music

The Peach
. Arthur Marshall. New York: Stark Music Company, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Scholar's Junction (MSU) [top]

Peaches and Cream - Cover

Peaches and Cream
. Percy Wenrich. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Peanuts: A Nutty Rag Sheet Music

Peanuts: A Nutty Rag
. Ethel Earnist. Kansas City, MO: Charles Johnson, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pepper Pot Sheet Music Cover

Pepper Pot
. Harold Ivers. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Pepper Sauce: A Hot Rag Sheet Music

Pepper Sauce: A Hot Rag
. HA Fischler. Williamsport, PA: Vandersloot Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

First page of Melody
                              magazine (January 1924)

Piano Salad
. George Cobb. Boston: Walter Jacobs, 1923. Listed in TAR. Copyright registration date: 19 January 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: Melody magazine (January 1923) [top]

Pickled Beets Rag Sheet Music Cover

Pickled Beets Rag
. Ed Kuhn. Kansas City, MO: JW Jenkins, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Pickles and Peppers Sheet Music

Pickles and Peppers
. Adaline Shepherd. Milwaukee, WI: Joseph Flanner, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

Pine Apple Rag Sheet Music Cover

Pine Apple Rag
. Scott Joplin. New York: Seminary Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

The Pippin Sheet Music Cover

The Pippin
. Arthur Marshall. New York: Stark Music Company, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]

Pop-Corn Cakewalk and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Pop-Corn: Cakewalk and Two Step
. May Summerbelle. Australia?: sn, 189?.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia [top]

Pop Corn Man Sheet Music cover

Popcorn Man
. Jean Schwartz. Detroit, MI: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]

First page of music for Pork and

Pork and Beans. Theron C Bennett. Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]
Pork and Beans Sheet Music Cover

Pork and Beans
. C Luckyth Roberts. New York: Jos W Stern & Co, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Possum and Taters: A Ragtime Feast
                              Sheet Music Cover

Possum and Taters: A Ragtime Feast
. Charles Hunter. Nashville, TN: HA French, 1900.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
The 'Possum Barbecue Sheet Music

The 'Possum Barbecue
. John Martin. New York: S Brainard's Sons, 1899.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
First Page of Sheet Music for
                              Potato-bug Parade: An Aroostook Episode

Potato-bug Parade: An Aroostook Episode
. George L Cobb. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1922.

[view sheet music]

Maine Music Box [top]
Ravioli Rag - Cover

Ravioli Rag
. Frank Lucanese & Charles Lucotti. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor: Frances G Spencer Collection of American Popular Sheet Music [top]

Red Onion Rag Sheet Music Cover

Red Onion Rag
. Abe Oleman (Olman). New York: George W Myer Music Co, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Red Onion Rag Sheet Music Cover

Red Onion Rag
. Roy Steventon & Lloyd Kidwell. Cincinnati, OH: Associated Music, 1911.

view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU)
Red Pepper: A Spicy Rag Sheet Music

Red Pepper: A Spicy Rag
. Henry Lodge. New York: M Witmark & Sons, 1910.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
Sheet music cover for Red Peppers:
                              Two Step (Giles)

Red Peppers: Two Step. Imogene Giles (Quincy, IL: Giles Bros, 1907).

[view sheet music] [top]
Salt and Pepper Rag Sheet Music

Salt and Pepper Rag
. Herbert Ingraham. New York: Shapiro Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Salted Peanuts (Chapman) Sheet Music

Salted Peanuts. Sydney Chapman (Troy, NY: Koninsky Music, 1911) [check Google]

[view sheet music] [listen to performance by Adam Ramet]

Source: Stanford Libraries [top]

First Page of Music for Salted
                              Peanuts: Two Step

Salted Peanuts: Two Step
. Anna Dahlman. Milwaukee, WI: Joseph Flanner, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Wisconsin-Madison Library [top]

Saucy Tobasco Sheet Music Cover Art

Saucy Tobasco
. Fred Jackson. New York: AL Van Hoesen, 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: John Arpin Sheet Music Collection (York University) [top]
Scramble Rag sheet music cover

Scramble Rag
. Louis Mentel (Cincinnati: Mentel Bros, 1911).

[view sheet music]

Source: Stanford Libraries [top]
Scrambled Eggs Sheet Music Cover

Scrambled Eggs
. James A Brennan. Boston, MA: OE Story, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Sheet music cover for Some Chocolate
                              Drops (Bonbons de Chocolat): Trot and One

Some Chocolate Drops (Bonbons de Chocolat): Trot and One Step
. Fred Irvin and Will Vodery (New York: Jos W Stern Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University, Frances G Spencer Collection of American Sheet Music [top]

Some Pumpkins: March and Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Some Pumpkins: March and Two Step
. Ed Kuhn. Columbia, MO: WB Allen Music, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU)
Soup and Fish Rag Sheet Music Cover

Soup and Fish Rag
. Harry Jentes & Pete Wendling. New York: George W Meyer Music, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Vincent Johnson [top]

Sour Grapes Rag Sheet Music Cover

Sour Grapes Rag
. Will B Morrison. Indianapolis, IN: Will B Morrison, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]
Spaghetti Rag Sheet Music Cover

Spaghetti Rag
. Lyons & Yosco. New York: Maurice Shapiro, 1910.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
Spuds: Novelty March and Two Step
                              Sheet Music Cover

Spuds: Novelty March and Two Step
. Lawrence B O'Connor. Boston, MA: Walter Jacobs, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Duke University: Historic American Sheet Music [top]
Stewed Chicken Rag Sheet Music Rag

Stewed Chicken
. Glenn C Leap. New York: Glenn C Leap, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: John Arpin Sheet Music Collection (York University) [top]

Stewed Prunes Slow Drag Sheet Music

Stewed Prunes Slow Drag
. Oscar Lorraine. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Sugar Cane Sheet Music Cover

Sugar Cane: A Ragtime Classic Two Step. Scott Joplin. New York: Seminary Music Co, 1908.

[view sheet music] [top]
The Supper Club Fox Trot Sheet Music

Supper Club
. Harry Carroll. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

Sweet Persimmons: March and Two Step
                            sheet music cover

Sweet Persimmons: March and Two Step. Pauline Story. Cleveland, OH: The Currier Music Co, 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Musescore.com [top]

Sweet Pickles: Characteristic

Sweet Pickles: Characteristic Two-Step
. George E Florence (pseudonym for Theron C Bennett) (Chicago, IL: Victor Kremer, 1907).

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

Sweet Potatoes Sheet Music Cover

Sweet Potatoes
. Justin Ringleben. New York: Seminary Music Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
Sweetmeats Sheet Music Cover

. Percy Wenrich. Chicago, IL: Arnett-Delonais, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

Swiss Cheese Rag Sheet Music Cover

Swiss Cheese Rag
AE Bohrer. New York: AE Bohrer, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Johns Hopkins University: The Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]
Tambourines and Oranges sheet music

Tambourines and Oranges: Fox Trot. Frank Henri Klickmann. Chicago: Frank K Root & Co, 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Stanford Libraries [top]
Tango Tea Danse Sheet Music Cover

Tango Tea (Dance).  Ed A. Hallway. St. Louis: Stark Music Co., 1913.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]
Thanks for the Lobster (Merci du
                              Homard) Sheet Music Cover

Thanks for the Lobster (Merci du Homard). Clarence M Jones. Chicago, IL: Frank K Root & Co, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Indiana University Sheet Music Collections [top]
That Cherry Rag sheet music cover

That Cherry Rag
. Edna Chappell Tiff. Washington, DC: H Kirkus Dugdale, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Stanford Library [top]

Tobasco: Rag-Time Waltz Sheet Music

Tobasco: Rag-Time Waltz
. Charles L Johnson. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from Center for Popular Music [top]
Too Much Ginger Sheet Music Cover

Too Much Ginger
. Joseph M Daly. Boston, MA: Joseph M Daly, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU)
Too Much Raspberry Sheet Music Cover

Too Much Raspberry. Sydney King Russell. Berkeley, CA: Sydney King Russell, 1916.

[view sheet music] [top]

                              Viceroy Tea Waltz Sheet Music Cover

The Viceroy Tea Waltz
Alberto Agrati. Adelaide: Wilkinson & Co, 192-?

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Australia [top]

Washington Pie: A Ragtime Piece Sheet
                              Music Cover

Washington Pie: A Ragtime Piece
. Theodore Morse. New York: FB Haviland, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal copy [top]

Watermelon Club Sheet Music Cover

Watermelon Club
. J Bodewalt Lampe. Chicago, IL: Lyon & Healy, 1907.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
                              Watermelon Trust Sheet Music Cover

The Watermelon Trust
. Harry C Thompson. New York: Barron & Thompson Co, 1906.

[view sheet music]

University of Colorado Digital Sheet Music Collection [top]
Watermelon Whispers:
                              Fox Trot Sheet Music Cover

Whispers: Fox: Trot. George Hamilton Green. Chicago, IL: Ted Browne Music Co, 1918.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]
Whipped Cream Rag Sheet Music Cover

Whipped Cream Rag
. Percy Wenrich. New York: Wenrich-Howard, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Personal collection [top]

White Seal Rag Sheet Music Cover

White Seal Rag
. Kittie M Hamel. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Duke University: Historic American Sheet Music [top]
Sheet music cover for Who Got The
                              Lemon? Buck Dance Rag (Marcella Henry)

Who Got The Lemon? Buck Dance Rag
. Marcella Henry. Peru, IL: Marcella Henry Pub. Co, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Digital copy provided by Andrew Barrett [top]
Wild Cherries Rag Sheet Music Cover

Wild Cherries Rag: Characteristic Rag
. Ted Snyder. New York: Ted Snyder Company, 1908.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]
Wild Grapes Rag first page of sheet

Wild Grapes
. Clarence Jones (Cincinnati, OH: Emerson Music, 1910).

[view sheet music] [version from Musescore.com]

Source: Rag's Rag (Ragnar Hellspong) [top]
The Wish Bone: Ragtime Two-Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

The Wish Bone: Ragtime Two-Step
. Charlotte Blake. New York: Jerome H Remick, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Charles Templeton Sheet Music Collection (MSU) [top]

Additional Food-Related Rags [top]

Set out below is a list of 11 food-themed public ragtime compositions that I assume exist only in print since I have not yet been able to find free online versions of these pieces.

Below that are 12 food-themed compositions that remain under copyright, some of which may be available for purchase. Other compositions can be found in print folios, where indicated. For those compositions listed below that do not indicate a source, that means I could not source them and they will be difficult if not impossible to find.

Note: I generated the list of all of the food-related rags on this page using my own collection and "Appendix D: A Checklist of 2,002 Published Rags" in That American Rag: The Story of Ragtime From Coast to Coast, Jasen and Jones, 2000) [Internet Archive version] .

The following food-related ragtime compositions are likely public domain and out of copyright:

  • Appetite Pete. HH Kratz (New York: FB Haviland, 1909) [check Google] [top]
  • Barbecue Rag. Mamie Thornton (Cinncinnati, OH: Emerson Music, 1909) [check Google] [top]
  • Scotch Rye: Characteristic Rag. EW Anderson (Denver, CO: Tolbert Ingram Music Co, 1909) [check Google] [available in print at University of Colorado] [this title is also listed as a "found" piece in the process of being digitized by Michael Chisolm at Ragtime Sheet Music] [top]
  • Strawberry Shortcake: March and Two-Step. Jenora Gibson. Louisville, GA: Jenora Gibson, 1907 [check Google] [top]
The following food-related ragtime compositions are preemptively still under copyright and therefore not likely to be found online:
  • Banana Peel Rag. Hal Isbitz. Available in 12 Piano Rags by Hal Isbitz.
  • Beer & Skittles. Hal Isbitz. Available in 12 Piano Rags by Hal Isbitz.
  • Champagne. Zez Confrey (Boston, MA: Boston Music Company, 1932) (available in Zez Confrey Piano Solos (Ragtime, Novelty & Jazz) (Belwin Mills, 1982).
  • Cranberry Stomp. Sue Keller (Oak Forest, IL: Ragtime Press, 1983) (available for purchase here).
  • Pumpkin Pie: A Rag Piano Solo. David R Lee (Dundas, ON: Dun-Val Music Publishers, 1975).
  • Ragapples. "Grown by" Marty Mincer and William "Perfessor Bill" Edwards (Ashburn, VA: Siggnal Sounds, 2002) (available for purchase here).
  • Salad Dressing: A Rag Piano Solo. David R Lee (Dundas, ON: Dun-Val Music Publishers, 1975).  
  • Tough Bananas: A Rag Piano Solo. David R Lee (Dundas, ON: Dun-Val Music Publishers, 1975).
  • Triskelion: Too Many Beans. Glenn Jenks (Camden, ME: Bonnie Banks Production, 1993).
  • Wiener Schnitzel Rag. William "Perfessor Bill" Edwards (Ashburn, VA: Siggnal Sounds, 2002) (available for purchase here).



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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.