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Ragtime Music in Québec

Featuring the Rags and Compositions of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière
and other
Ragtime-Era Compositions Published in Québec

By Ted Tjaden

(originally published June 2008 and updated periodically)


Picture of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière


Set out below is the sheet music to the 44 known compositions of French-Canadian composer Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière, along with a listing of over 145 additional ragtime-era compositions published in Québec (not including those by Lafrenière), including the sheet music to over 100 of those compositions.

In my essay on Ragtime Music in Canada, I briefly discuss the early influences that helped shape Canada's musical history, including the impact of French and British immigrants and the influx of ragtime from our southern neighbour. As a nation of immigrants, Canada has generally been receptive to new musical traditions. However, given the size of our country, you can still see some aspect of regional music (think of, for example, east coast Celtic music). While it is accurate to speak of "ragtime music in Canada" during the early part of the 20th century, I think it is also possible – and perhaps desirable – to also focus specifically on ragtime music in Québec.

I will leave it to musicologists to decide whether there is a distinct form of ragtime unique to Québec; for now, however, I will merely suggest that focusing on ragtime music in Québec may provide a rich body of material for further analysis. Le Passe Temps (1895 to 1945) – a French-Canadian musical periodical similar to Melody or Tuneful Yankee – helped to promote French-Canadian music. This music periodical was the major publisher of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière, a key figure in ragtime music in Québec (discussed below in detail). Contemporaries of Lafrenière who published in Québec are deserving of further research and include composers such as Alcide Giroux, Wilfrid Beaudry, Samuel Duguay, Louie-Napoleon Guilbault, Joseph Dumas, and Otto Zimmerman (and there is very little published information about these men). That American Rag (Jasen and Jones:341) lists four rags from Québec: Club Cabin (below), Rag Tags Rag (below), Raggity Rag (below) and Some Rag (below), although there are several other Québec rags below that would likely also qualify for the relatively conservative definition employed by Jasen and Jones in deciding what rags to include in their book.

In addition, performers and composers such as Willie Eckstein, Harry Thomas and Vera Guilaroff had a major impact on the nascent jazz industry in Montréal. There is also of course the incredibly important contributions of current ragtimers in Québec, including Mimi Blais and Gilles Poirier and Gabriel Bourque of Two Pianos Alive.

Set out below is a brief introduction to ragtime music in Québec divided into the following topics:

1)   Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière
2)   Ragtime Era Music in Québec
3)   Le Passe Temps
4)   Modern Ragtime in Québec
5)   Bibliography

Readers wishing to contribute more research on these topics are welcome to email me at "owner" then "at" (using the symbol) and then "ragtimepiano.ca."

1) Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière
  (23 June 1874 – 4 January 1912)

Photo of Jéan-Baptiste LaFrenière

Recommended reading
: Clément Plante, ed, 1994 Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière (1874-1912): Rags & Two Steps (Montréal: Fondation ragtime du Québec

Recommending listening: CD: Mimi Blais, Made in Quebéc: Music of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière (Montréal: Orange Music, 2002).

Jéan-Baptiste LaFrenière, described as the national Strauss of Canada, was born in 1874 in Maskinongé, Québec. According to Plante (1994) Lafrenière spent most of his youth in Montréal and Louiseville where he studied piano, organ, violin, cornet, and music theory at the College St-Joseph de Berthier (1887-1892). Gilmore (1988:25) suggests that Lafrenière was the first person known to have performed ragtime in Montréal.

According to Plante (1994), Lafrenière contracted tuberculosis in 1911 and was forced to subsist on the slender income earned from his music publications and he died January 4, 1912, at age 37, leaving behind a widow (Victoria Danis) and two young children. He is buried in the Côte-des-Neiges cemetery in Montréal.

A number of CDs recorded by Mimi Blais include LaFrenière compositions.


Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière appears to have published 44 compositions (all of which are below), includings rags, marches and two-steps, mazurkas, gavottes, songs and waltzes. Four of these compositions were specifically targeted as rags by including "rag" as part of their title: Raggity Rag (1907) (below), Balloon Rag (1911) (below), Taxi Rag (1911) (below), and John Chow Chow Rag (1912) (below). These four rags – along with Hip! Hip! Hourra! Two Step (1907) (below) and Silly-Ass Two Step (1907) (below) – were the six Lafrenière compositions included by Clément Plante in his folio called Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière (1874-1912): Rags & Two Steps (Montréal: Fondation ragtime du Québec, 1994). However, Lafrenière also published another two step, being Ben, two-step pour orchestre (1911) (below).  

Photo of Jean Baptiste Lafreniere
                                  from Le Passe Temps - cover of

I came across a reference to a composition by Lafrenière that was not previously listed in any known bibliographies I had seen. The piece is Au pole nord: Two step (1909) (below). However, on examination of the score, one sees that it is note-for-note his composition from two year's previously, being Silly Ass. The piece is dedicated to Captain Bernier and the crew of the "Arctic." Bernier was a Canadian explorer (1852-1934) who led a number of expeditions by ship to Canada's north. Did Bernier pay Lafrenière for the piece (I assume not) or was it merely a patriotic gesture by Lafrenière? Perhaps Lafrenière's orchestra played at the dock at one of the launches of the "Arctic." Did Lafrenière get paid separately for this piece? Was it well known that he was repackaging Silly Ass as Au pole nord? When I have time, I hope to research this piece to see if there are answers to the questions raised.

Lafrenière also published 4 marches, one of which was written in common time (4/4) with the other three being written in 6/8 time (Scott Joplin also published a number of marches in both meters; March Majestic, for example, was written in 6/8 time).

The sheet music of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière below is all in the public domain and is divided into the following three categorieseach in chronological order –  followed by a list of his lost and unpublished works:

a)    Rags, Marches, Two Steps and Other Ragtime-Era Compositions (19 pieces)
b)    Songs (10 pieces)
c)    Waltzes (15 pieces)
d)    Unpublished and Lost Works (8 pieces)

a) Rags, Marches, Two-Steps and Other Compositions of Jéan-Baptiste LaFrenière

Les Cascades, caprice brillant

Les Cascades, caprice brillant (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Notre Chef: March - First Page of

Notre Chef: marche pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Adriano caprice - first page of

Adriano, caprice (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Le Couronnement, marche pour piano

Le Couronnement, marche pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Marche nationale

Marche nationale (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Victo: Mazurka pour Piano Sheet
                                Music Cover

Victo: Mazurka pour Piano
(Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: Passe-Temps, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Charmeuse, gavotte

Charmeuse, gavotte (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Raggity Rag Sheet Music Cover

Raggity Rag (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Hip! Hip! Hourra! Two-step

Hip! Hip! Hourra! Two-step (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Silly-Ass: Two Step Sheet Music

Silly-Ass: Two Step (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JE Belair, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

                                la Quebecoise, danse pour piano

A la Québecoise, danse pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Au pôle nord: Two step

Au pôle nord: two step (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1909 [note: identical to Silly Ass, above]

[view sheet music]

Source: Available in Montréal qui chante (Vol 2, no 7 (10 octobre 1909) at 6-7) [TOC]

Balloon Rag, two-step pour piano

Balloon Rag, two-step pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec  [TOC]

                                two-step pour orchestre

Ben, two-step pour orchestre (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Taxi-Rag, two-step

Taxi-Rag, two-step (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

John Chow Chow Rag, rag two-step

John Chow Chow, rag two-step (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Mario: Danse Caracteristique Sheet
                                Music Cover

Mario: danse caracteristique (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JE Belair, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Railleuse, gavotte

Railleuse, gavotte (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

La marche des travailleurs, marche
                                pour piano

La marche des travailleurs, marche pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1927.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

b)  Songs by Jéan-Baptiste LaFrenière

Ma douce amie, chanson

Ma douce amie, chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

                                reveil de bebe, chanson

Le reveil de bebe, chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

When the Bells Chime

When the Bells Chime, chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Les nids, chanson

Les nids, chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Allons cueillir des fraises,

Allons cueillir des fraises, chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Cruelle, romance

Cruelle, romance (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière) (words by L Jorez). 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

La chanson de la grive,

La chanson de la grive, chanson-valse (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Cloches, sonnez!, marche

Cloches, sonnez!, marche (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

                                petit misere (histoire triste)

Le petit misere (histoire triste) (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière) (words by Oscar Le Myre). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Salut-a-toi, nouvelle annee

Salut-a-toi, nouvelle annee – chanson (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

c) Waltzes by Jéan-Baptiste LaFrenière

Marco, valse brillante

Marco, valse brillante (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Yvette, valse

Yvette, valse (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Valse-lanciers, pour piano

Valse-Lanciers, pour piano (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1903.

[view sheet music] [listen to a recording]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Valse-Lanciers (sur des airs

Valse-Lanciers (sur des airs d'opera) (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Madelon, valse

Madelon, valse (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Valse-Miroir Sheet Music Cover

(Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: Canadian Music Pub, 1907.

[view sheet music] [note: page 1 of music appears to be missing at the source]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

1909 Waltz-Lancers

1909 Waltz-Lancers (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Jannôt Valse Sheet Music Cover

Jannôt Valse (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JE Belair, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

National: Valse Lancier Sheet Music

National: Valse Lancier
(Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JB Lafrenière, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Patria Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Patria Waltz
(Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JB Lafrenière, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Jeannette Valse Sheet Music Cover

Jeannette Valse
(Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). Montréal: JE Belair, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [TOC]

Fleurs de neige, valse

Fleurs de neige, valse (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

Aeroplane Waltz First Page of

Aeroplane Waltz (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: f as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

S'VON, valse elegante

S'VON, valse elegante (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

The Bohemian Lager Waltz

The Bohemian Lager Waltz (Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière). 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [TOC]

d) Unpublished and Lost Compositions of Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière


1)  Thomas, ouverture pour orchestre – 1907

Lost Works of Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière (Chronological Order)

1)  L'Echo de Louiseville, morceau de fanfare (1894)
2)  Messe de Noel (1894)
3)  Alfred March (1895)
4)  L'Etoile du Nord, morceau de fanfare (1896)
5)  Pace Domine (1897)
6)  Ecce Fidelis (1897)
7)  Tantum Ergo (1897)

2) Ragtime Era Music in Québec

Set out below is a listing of over 145 compositions sourced primarily from either the National Library of Québec or Library and Archives Canada as ragtime-era compositions published in Québec (not including those by Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière listed above). Of the 142 pieces listed below, 105 have the full-text sheet music available (for free).

Only three of the compositions below have the word "rag" in the title: Some Rag: A Real Live One (Willie Eckstein, below), Chewing Rag (Alcide Giroux, below) and Rag Tags Rag (Harry Thomas, below).

Included in the list below are 44 compositions published by Delmar Music of Québec. The entry in the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada for "Delmar Music" suggests there are 50 known publications by Delmar, covering the range of music from 1907 to 1919. Given the 44 Delmar publications below and the one Delmar publication listed above (Raggity Rag by Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière), this results in 45 named publications published by Delmar Music, all of which are extremely rare and almost never show up on eBay sheet music auctions. I will endeavour to verify any additional sheet music published by Delmar Music.

Some of the more prolific composers below include:

  • Alcide JE Giroux (19 pieces below): Although he is one of the more prolific French-Canadian composers below, I could find very little information about Alcide Giroux. One of his compositions is clearly aimed at being the ragtime tradition: Chewing Rag (below)  His photo appears numerous times in Le Passe Temps, including the following photo from the March 15, 1913, edition:

    Photo of Alcide Giroux (March 15,

  • William Eckstein (53 pieces below, 30 of which have the sheet music freely available): William Eckstein, also known as Willie, Billie or Billy Eckstein, was born to European immigrants in Pointe St Charles, a predominantly Irish, working-class district of Montréal, one of 14 children (Gilmore 1988:25). According to Hutton (1985), Eckstein began playing at age 3, and at age 12, he won a scholarship to study music at McGill University. He also studied in Europe, and after returning from Europe was "headhunted" while playing at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, Ontario, and went on a very successful North American tour. On tour, he was billed as "The Boy Paderewski" since he was only 4 feet, 9 inches tall and wore a Fauntleroy suit to give the impression he was younger than he was. The National Library of Québec has an audio recording of the Willie Eckstein Trio playing Lest You Forget and Holland Moon.

According to Hutton (1985), Eckstein was earning $15,000 per year while on tour (a lot in those days) but when he grew too old, the novelty of the "act" wore off and he returned home to Montréal. In Montréal, he was the resident pianist at the Strand's Theatre, where he was billed as "The World's Foremost Motion Picture Interpreter" (Gilmore 1988: 17). Apparently, fans would come to the movie theatre primarily to listen to him, not necessarily to watch the movies. One of his protégés was Harry Thomas, and he also played with Vera Guilaroff.

An advertisement promoting a "farewell recital" on 19 May 1905 by a young Eckstein before he left Montréal to embark on an American and European tour included in the programme a number of classical pieces including pieces composed by Bach, Beethoven, Scarlatti, Mendelssohn, as well as an "Improvisation" on "a theme to be given by the audience":

Advertisement card promoting farewell
                          recital by a young Willie Eckstein

Source: National Library of Québec

Eckstein, along with Harry Thomas, composed the Delirious Rag and the Perpetual Rag, with the likelihood that these compositions were never published or transcribed by them.

Eckstein was the first person to record Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag as a piano solo (1923). According to Hutton (1985), Eckstein was admired by Teddy Roosevelt, and Eubie Blake described Eckstein as "one of the best I ever heard."

After "talking" moving pictures arrived, Eckstein retired from the movie theatre and played piano at the Chateau Ste Rose in Montréal for 20 years as "Mr. Fingers" (Hutton 1985). Eckstein continued to play piano until age 73, but was forced to retire when he broke his arm. In May 1963 at an evening tribute in his honour, Eckstein collapsed into a coma after the ceremony, never to recover (he died several months later).

For a 12-minute documentary film by Mark Borowsky, see "The Life & Times of Willie Eckstein".

The National Library of Québec has an audio recording of the Willie Eckstein Trio playing Lest You Forget and Holland Moon.

The McCord Stewart Museum in Montreal has an online biography of Willie Eckstein. There is also an entry for him in Encyclopedia of Music in Canada. The following (from the sheet music cover to Floating Along) is a photo of Eckstein as a young man:

                          of Willie Eckstein from Cover of Sheet Music
                          for "Floating Along"

  • Otto Zimmerman (13 pieces below) (1873-1932): In the entry for Joseph-Jean Goulet in the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada an Otto Zimmerman is identified as a viola player in the Goulet String Quartet in 1900, which would match the time and era and identify Zimmerman as a musician in addition to being a composer. The National Library of Québec catalog suggests his dates of birth and death as 1873 to 1932. The May 29, 1897, edition of Le Passe Temps at pages 155-56 has a short article about Zimmerman, written by Gustave Comte, that states that Zimmerman was born in Germany and worked as a musician in New York before coming to Montréal. A sketch of Zimmerman appears on the cover of the same edition:

Photo of M. Otto Zimmerman from Le
                            Passe Temps

  • Wilfrid Beaudry (10 pieces below): I have found very little on Wilfrid Beaudry, a composer of two-steps and waltzes from the ragtime era.
  • Joseph Omer Dumas (9 pieces below) (April 1, 1889 ~ July 9, 1980): According to the article here in the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, Joseph Dumas trained on the violin as a young boy and by 1912 was playing in a small group for silent films. The following photo of Dumas comes from the cover sheet to Fleurettes: valse:

    Photo of Jospeh Omer Dumas

  • Louis-Napoleon Guilbault (4 pieces below): I have yet to find too much on this composer but will continue the research. The article here from the May 14, 1921, Le Passe Temps describes a concert he gave.
  • Fernand Heintz (4 pieces below): An article in the Sept 26, 1903, edition of Le Passe Temps states that Heintz was born in Belgium on October 3, 1878, and debuted at l'Opera Comique de Montréal in November 1901 and toured the US and Canada as part of a trio. That same edition had the following picture of Heintz on the cover: 

Photo of Fernand Heintz from Le Passe
  • Samuel Duguay (4 pieces below): A May 9, 1903, article in Le Passe Temps states that Duguay wrote Florette valse (below) when he was 20 years old, making him born in or about 1883. The same edition has the following photo of Duguay:

Photo of SM Duguay

  • Leon Dequin (3 pieces below): I have found very little on Leon Dequin but have included him since his Pretty Nelly: danse anglo-américaine (below) is a syncopated two step that falls within the ragtime genre. The use of "danse anglo-américaine" is most certainly a more politer synonym for "ragtime."
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Anthony, David. The Triple Entente: Flag Song (arranged by WE MacClymont). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1914.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Ashworth, Arthur Livingston. If My Thoughts Were Golden (arranged by WE MacClymont). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1914.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Augustyne, Walter. When the Sunset Turns the Mountain Tops to Gold. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1912.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Marche des Raquetteurs: Marche

Beauchamp, Jos. Marche des raquetteurs: marche two-step. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 234 (12 mars 1904) at 61-63) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Noires et blanches: cake-walk

Beauchamp, Jos. Noires et blanches: cake-walk. 1904

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 236 (9 avril 1904) at 94- 95) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

First page of 1909 Two Step Sheet
                              Music (Beaudry)

Beaudry, Wilfrid. 1909: pas de deux / two-step. Québec: Ls R Beaudry, éditeur: en vente à Montréal chez Dupuis Frère, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Sheet Music

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Carnaval 1910: pas de deux / two-step in Montréal qui chante (vol 2, no 18) (30 janvier 1910) at 8.

[view sheet music]

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Clodia Sheet Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Clodia. Montréal: J Beaudry, 1908.

[view sheet music] [listen to .mp3 from LAC]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

Hakama A Japanese Jingle Sheet Music

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Hakama: A Japanese Jingle. Toronto, ON: HH Sparks, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

First page of J'ai connu le secret du
                              bonheur: valse chantée

Beaudry, Wilfrid. J'ai connu le secret du bonheur: valse chantée (words by R Beaudry). Montréal: Éditions Radio, 1926.

[view sheet music]

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Laval Valse Sheet Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Laval: Valse. Québec, QC: J Beaudry, 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

Nouhika Indian Intermezzo Two Step
                                Sheet Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Nouhika: Indian Intermezzo Two-Step. Québec, QC: J Beaudry, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Valse des Amours Sheet Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Valse des Amours [Cupid's Waltz?]. Québec, QC: J Beaudry, 1905.

[view sheet music] [listen to .mp3 from LAC]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

Violettes Valse Sheet Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. Violettes: Valse. Toronto, ON: Canadian-American Music Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

The Yankee in Quebec Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Beaudry, Wilfrid. The Yankee in Québec: Two-Step. Toronto, ON: Canadian-American Music Co, 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

Sourires printaniers: marche ou cake

Bosc, Auguste. Sourires printaniers: marche ou cake walk. 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 5, no 105 (1 avril 1899) at 73- 75) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Trans-atlantic: danse americaine

Bosc, Auguste. Trans-atlantic: danse americaine. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 237 (24 avril 1904) at 104-08) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Volupté: valse

Bosc, Auguste. Volupté: valse. 1908.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 14, no 342 (2 mai 1908) at 176-77) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

The Canadian Boy Scout: March Song
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bowles, Grace Haanel. The Canadian Boy Scout: March Song. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

You Remind Me Dear Girl of My Own
                              Sweet Marie Sheet Music Cover

Bramson, Harry. You Remind Me Dear Girl of My Own Sweet Marie. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

Sing Me a Song Like You Used to Sing
                              Sheet Music Cover

Bruce, Walter. Sing Me a Song Like You Used to Sing. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Library and Archives Canada [top]

Montreal: Marche-Two Step

Clossey, Jean Julien. Montréal: Marche-Two Step. 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 6, no 131 (31 mars 1900) at 105-07) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              Belle de l'Aéroplane Two Step

Combes-Porcheron, A de. La belle de l'aéroplane: Two Step. 1910

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 16, no 406 (15 octobre 1910) at 394-95) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Alice: valse pour piano

Contant, Alexis. Alice: valse pour piano. Montréal: Ed Archambault, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

Les alliés: grande marche héroïque

Contant, Alexis. Les alliés: grande marche héroïque. [Montréal: sn, 1914?]

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

L'âme d'un ange

Contant, Alexis. L'âme d'un ange (paroles de T Banville). Montréal: Albert Turcotte, éditeur, 1900

[view sheet music]

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

                              pas bes braves: marche two-step

Cormier, Mme Jeanne. Le pas des braves: marche two-step. 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Chantecler Sheet Music Cover

Delmar, Jeanne. Chantecler. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada  [top]

Pretty Nelly: danse anglo-américaine

Dequin, Leon. Pretty Nelly: danse anglo-américaine. 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 13, no 309 (26 janvier 1907) at 10-11) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Reve de bonheur valse

Dequin, Leon. Reve de bonheur valse. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 211 (25 avril 1903) at 102-07) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              vrai cake-walk sheet music page one

Dequin, Leon. Le vrai cake-walk. 1904.

[view sheet music] [listen to MIDI]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 239 (21 mai 1904) at 136-39) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

It's the Rink Every Evening for Mine
                              Sheet Music Cover

Douglas, AR. It's the Rink Every Evening for Mine. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Club Cabin Sheet Music Cover

Duguay, Samuel Emmanuel. The Club Cabin. Montréal: Le Passe Temps, 1903.

[view sheet music] [listen to .mp3 from LAC]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

                              Gratias: Lucien!!! Cake-Walk

Duguay, Samuel Emmanuel. Deo Gratias: Lucien!!! Cake-Walk. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 222 (26 septembre 1903) at 287) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Florette valse

Duguay, Samuel Emmanuel. Florette valse. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 212 (9 mai 1903) at 119) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Gustavus: grande marche

Duguay, Samuel Emmanuel. Gustavus: grande marche. 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 15, no 365 (20 mars 1909) at 112-14) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Bonita: valse

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Bonita: valse. 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 18, no 444 (30 mars 1912) at 112-15) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Denise: valse

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Denise: valse. 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 18, no 461 (23 novembre 1912) at 450-53) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              favorite: mazurka

Dumas, Joseph Omer. La favorite: mazurka. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 489 (20 décembre 1913) at 496-97) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Fleurette valse

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Fleurette valse. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 475 (7 juin 1913) at 205, 214-16) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Gavotte joyeuse

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Gavotte joyeuse. 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 20, no 493 (14 février 1914) at 51-53) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Gavotte royale

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Gavotte royale. 1912.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 18, no 459 (26 octobre 1912) at 412-13) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Star March

Dumas, Joseph Omer. Star March. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 474 (24 mai 1913) at 196-97) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

"The Alexandra": March
                              & Two Step

Dumas, Joseph Omer. "The Alexandra": March & Two Step. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 473 (10 mai 1913) at 174-75) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Sheet Music Cover for Eckstein's
                              Alouettes, Allouettes, Allouettes

Eckstein, Willie. Alouettes, Alouettes, Alouettes (song). Montreal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1955.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]

                              Thoughts: A Reverie Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy. Beautiful Thoughts: A Reverie. Montréal, QC: Cowan & Eckstein Pub Co, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein Willie (with Pat Di Stasio). Bonsoir chérie! Montréal, QC: Les Éditions du Passe-Temps, Inc., 1951.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Sheet Music Cover for Cheers for the
                              CPC (Eckstein)

Eckstein, Billy. Cheers for the CPC. Montréal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1942.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Sheet Music
                              Cover for Churchill and Roosevelt

Eckstein, Billy. Churchill and Roosevelt. Montréal: Billy Eckstein, 1942.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein Willie (paroles françaises de J.L. Thériault). Dance to a Lovely Melody. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson, 1935.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie and Harry Thomas. Delirious Rag: One Step. 1917.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (words by AC Guerin). Down in the Meadows Where the Daisies Grow. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (words by Frederick Whelan). Egypt: Song Fox Trot. Montréal, QC: W. Eckstein, 1920.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
General Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ode to
                              Ike) Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy. General Dwight D Eisenhower (Ode to Ike). Montréal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1950.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
 Photo of Willie Eckstein

Eckstein, Willie & Harry Thomas. Good-bye Soldier Boy (words by Walter Bruce). Montréal, QC: Delmar Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

 Good-Bye, Sunshine Hello Moon! Sheet
                              Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie & Gene Buck. Good-Bye Sunshine, Hello Moon! New York: TB Harms & Francis, Day & Hunter, 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

In Sunny Summertime Sheet Music

Eckstein, Willie. In Sunny Summertime (words by T.H. Yull). Montréal, QC: The International Music Co, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

I Just Can't Help
                              Lovin' 'em All Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie. I Just Can't Help Lovin' 'em All: One Step. Montréal, QC: Johnny Eckstein, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie. I'm Going Back to My Home Sweet Home (1924).

Source: Library and Archives Canada
I'll Always Be
                              Good to You, Mother Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie (paroles françaises de Roméo Beaudry). I'll Always Be Good to You, Mother. Montréal, QC: Radio Music Publishing, 1926.

[view sheet music]

Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, William & Henry Deyglun. If You But Knew (Si tu savais).

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
                              Canuck's 'Over There' Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy. Johnny Canuck's 'Over There'. Montréal: La Revue Musicale Enrg., n.d.

[view sheet music]

Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Billie (paroles françaises de Arthur La Pierre). Just a Memory of You. New York: Leo Feist, 1922.

Source: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Will (lyrics by Sam Howard). Lest You Forget. Montreal: Sam Howard Music Pub. Co., 1923.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie and Sam Howard (lyricists) (composed by Vera Guiloff). Lonesome Rose. Montréal, QC: Sam Howard, 1923.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (with Allan McIver). The Lost Melody (song). Montréal, QC: Elldee Pub. Co., 1932.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Make it Final
                              Victory Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy (arranged by Len. Rubin). Make it Final Victory (song) Montréal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1945.

[view sheet music]

Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
First page of Montreal, Montreal,
                              Montreal Sheet Music (Eckstein)

Eckstein, Willie (as "Billy Eckstein"). Montreal, Montreal, MontrealMontréal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1951.

[view sheet music]

National Library of Québec [top]
Music (Makes the
                              World Go Around)

Eckstein, William (with Bill Munro and Sam Howard). Music (Makes the World Go Around). Montréal, QC: Sam Howard Music Pub. Co., 1923.

[view sheet music]

Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, William. Musical Massacre (1923)

Source: Library and Archives Canada [listen to another performance] [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (words by John Anderson). My Heart Wants Love and You. Toronto: Hearst Music, 1923.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Billie. Oriental Fan-Ta-Si. New York: T.B. Harms, 1920.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Our Hats Off to Canada
                              Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billie. (paroles françaises de Roméo Beaudry). Our Hats Off to Canada. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson, 1942.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Parade of the
                              Spirits Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, William. Parade of the Spirits. Montréal, QC: William Eckstein, 1930.

[view sheet music]

Source:York University Sheet Music Collections (Toronto) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie & Harry Thomas. Perpetual Rag. 1917.

[listen to player piano version]


Queen of Canada Sheet
                              Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy. Queen of Canada (song) (1959).

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie. Romance of Love: Waltz Song. Montréal, QC: W. Eckstein, 1921.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (lyrics by Fred Groves). Roseland: Fox Trot Song. Montréal, QC: W. Eckstein, 1921.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
The Royal
                              Highlanders: March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie. The Royal Highlanders: March and Two Step. Montréal, QC: J.W. Shaw & Co., 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]

Photo of Willie Eckstein

Eckstein, Willie & Sam Howard. S'Nice. Montréal, QC: Sam Howard Music Pub Co, 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

Some Rag Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie. Some Rag: A Real Live One. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music] [top]

The Song That
                              Leads to Victory Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billy. The Song That Leads to Victory. Montreal, QC: W. Eckstein, 1945.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie (with Jack Millar). Stop! Look! Listen! Novelty Fox-trot. Montréal, QC: Popular Music Publishers, 1929.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Sunshine Trail
                              Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie. Sunshine Trail (song). Montréal, QC: William Eckstein, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, Willie. Tessa from Odessa. Lachute, QC: Parnasse musical, 1944.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Thru the Night First Page of Music

Eckstein, Billy (lyrics) & James Bruce (music). Thru the Night. Montréal: Billy Eckstein & James Bruce, 1947.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]
To the King and
                              Queen Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, William (with Harold Moon). To the King and Queen. New York: Mills Music Inc., 1939.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]

Trail O'Dreams Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie (lyrics). Music by Armand Meerte. Trail O'Dreams. Montréal, QC: W Eckstein, 1921.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Toronto Music Library [top]

Uptown 6303 Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willy (lyrics by Larry Larrivée). Uptown 6303: Novelty Fox-Trot. Montréal, QC: Standard Cab Company, 1929.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [sheet music cover from Willie Eckstein, pianist and composer (1888-1963)] [top]
The "V"
                              Song Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Billie. The “V” Song. Montréal, QC: Billy Eckstein, 1941.

[view sheet music]

Source: Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) (McCord Museum) (Montréal, QC) [top]

Valse de Luxe Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, Willie. Valse de Luxe. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Toronto Music Library [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, William. Valse Liane. New York: T.B. Harms, 1920.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, William. Where the Niagara Flows. (1933)

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Photo of Willie Eckstein

Eckstein, Willie. Won't You Meet Me at Murray's Fox-Trot (song). Montréal, QC: Murray's Lunch Ltd, 1929.

[view sheet music]

Source: Toronto Reference Library [top]

You Are My All in All Sheet Music

Eckstein, Willie, Harry Thomas & Walter Bruce. You Are My All in All (song). Montréal, QC: Delmar Co, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Toronto Music Library [top]

You'll Love Your
                              Sani-Bilt Sheet Music Cover

Eckstein, William. You'll Love Your Sani-Bilt. Montréal, QC: Snyders Limited, 1929.
[view sheet music]
Source:York University Sheet Music Collections (Toronto) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Eckstein, William & Sam Howard (lyrics) & Marcel Fortier (composer). You've Got to Hand it to Me. Montreal: Sam Howard, 1922.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

In addition to the foregoing compositions, the Willie Eckstein Fonds (P767) from the McCord Museum in Montréal, QC, contain in P767/B3 Musical Works (1938-1960) typewritten or handwritten lyrics to the following songs by Eckstein (but I have been unable to verify if these songs were ever put to music and transcribed or published as sheet music for sale – it seems unlikely that it has) (note: the links below are to a single page containing the lyrics as an example; in the original fond, there are often multiple versions of the lyrics, some containing edits or handwritten changes – consult the original fond to see all examples):
Voyageur: marche et two-step

Gagner, Jean-Josaphat. Voyageur: marche et two-step. 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 11, no 264 (6 mai 1905) at 126-29) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]


Giroux, Alcide. Alibia Valse. 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 29, no 724 (20 janvier 1923) at 17, 24-25) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]


Giroux, Alcide. Aline Valse. 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 613 (21 septembre 1918) at 371-73) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Annetta Valse

Giroux, Alcide. Annetta Valse. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 486 (8 novembre 1913) at 434-36) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Chevauchee Galop

Giroux, Alcide. Chevauchee Galop. 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 21, no 540 (4 décembre 1915) at 472-73) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Image of first page of Chewing Rag

Giroux, Alcide. Chewing Rag. Montréal: JE Belair, 1915.

[view sheet music] [top]

Cover sheet for Exhibition March
                              (Alcide Giroux)

Giroux, Alcide. Exhibition March. Montréal: The Gay Stores, 1920.

[view sheet music]

Source: British Columbia Sheet Music [top]

Feuille d'erable: valse-lancier

Giroux, Alcide. Feuille d'erable: valse-lancier. 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 22, no 543 (15 janvier 1916) at 9-11) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Gabrielle valse

Giroux, Alcide. Gabrielle Valse. 1923.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 29, no 727 (3 mars 1923) at 65, 72-73) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Gaiement marche

Giroux, Alcide. Gaiement marche. 1919.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 25, no 632 (14 juin 1919) at 234-35) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Honneur aux braves qui passent

Giroux, Alcide. Honneur aux braves qui passent. Montréal: JE Turcot, 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library of Congress [top]

                              me faut oublier: chanson valse

Giroux, Alcide. Il me faut oublier: chanson valse. 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 21, no 527 (5 juin 1915) at 201, 206-07) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

First page of Je ne puis t'oublier
                              sheet music (Giroux)

Giroux, Alcide. Je ne puis t'oublier. 1926.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 32, no 776 (avril 1926) at 49, 54-55) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

First page of sheet music for
                              Laurencia (Alcide Giroux)

Giroux, Alcide. Laurencia: Marche Two-Step. 1918.

[view sheet music]

Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 606 (1918) at 232) as digitized by the  National Library of Québec [top]
Legerment gavotte

Giroux, Alcide. Legerment gavotte. 1917.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 23, no 580 (16 juin 1917) at 234-35) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]


Giroux, Alcide. Liane valse. 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 19, no 469 (15 mars 1913) at 93-95) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Lumina mazurka

Giroux, Alcide. Lumina mazurka. 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 600 (23 mars 1918) at 112-13) as digitized by the National Library of Québec (note: cover sheet is from Library and Archives Canada) [top]

Pierrette: valse

Giroux, Alcide. Pierrette: valse. 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 20, no 494 (28 février 1914) at 73-75) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

First page of Rapidement sheet music
                              (Alcide Giroux)

Giroux, Alcide. Rapidement: Scherzo. 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 598 (1918) at 70 as digitized by the 
National Library of Québec [top]
Réjane: mazurka

Giroux, Alcide. Réjane: mazurka. 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 20, no 491 (17 janvier 1914) at 12) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              danse caracteristique Sheet Music Cover

Giroux, Alcide. Saibo: danse caractéristique. Lowell, MA: EL Turcot, 1916.

[view sheet music]

Source: Copy provided by a reader [top]

First page of Souvenir sheet music
                              (Alcide Giroux)

Giroux, Alcide. Souvenir: polka. 1918.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 610 at 10) (August 10, 1918) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

First page of Theodora Valse (Alcide

Giroux, Alcide. Théodora: valse. 1918

[view sheet music]

Le Passe Temps (Vol 24, no 599 at 89) (March 9, 1918) as digitized by the  National Library of Québec [top]
Moulin-Rouge: marche two step

Goulet, Jean. Moulin-Rouge: marche two step. 1911

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 17, no 418 (1 avril 1911) at 108-09) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top] 

Donia: two step

Guilbault, Louis-Napoleon. Donia: two step. 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 16, no 407 (29 octobre 1910) at 412-13) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Laurence: valse

Guilbault, Louis-Napoleon. Laurence: valse. 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 17, no 433 (28 octobre 1911) at 408-409) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Olivia: valse

Guilbault, Louis-Napoleon. Olivia: valse. 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 17, no 434 (11 novembre 1911) at 433-34) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Petite blanc: two step

Guilbault, Louis-Napoleon. Petite blanc: two step. 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 17, no 421 (13 mai 1911) at 168-69) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Allonzo, Allons-y! Cakewalk

Heintz, Fernand. Allonzo, Allons-y! Cakewalk. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 214 (6 juin 1903) at 157-59) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Marche des etudiants

Heintz, Fernand. Marche des etudiants. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 218 (1 août 1903) at 218-20) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Souvenir de Normandie: Valse
                              caractéristique Sheet Music Cover

Heintz, Fernand. Souvenir de Normandie: Valse caractéristique. Québec, QC: JA Lefebvre, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

It is Love Sheet Music

Hyam, BL. It is Love (Waltz song). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Lester S Levy Sheet Music Collection [top]

Just You Sheet Music Cover

Joly, Louise. Just You. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

If My Dream Were True Sheet Music

King, Mollie. If My Dream Were True (song) (lyrics by Verner Cavers). Montréal: Harmonic Pub, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Niscona Sheet Music Cover

King, Mollie. Niscona (song) (lyrics by Clifton Wright). Montréal: Royal Music, 1905.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

The Village Barn Dance Sheet Music

King, Mollie. The Village Barn Dance. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Yokohama March and Two Step Sheet
                              Music Cover

King, Mollie. Yokohama: March and Two-Step. Montréal: WH Scroggie 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Letourneux, Edward. Kiki-Kiki: Waltz. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1910.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Lockwood, Gladys. Good-bye My Canada: Canadian Contingents March Song. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1915.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Radium March: March & Two Step

Loezer, Leon. Radium March: March & Two Step. 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 16, no 388 (5 février 1910) at 32-33) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

MacArthur, CE. My Every Thought is of You (words by Chas "Sandy" Chapman). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

True Love Can
                              Never Die Sheet Music Cover

MacDonald, Wilson. True Love Can Never Die (song). Montréal: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

McDermott, AL. If I Only Had a Home Sweet Home (Words by J Johns). Montréal: Delmar Music, ????

Source:  National Library of Québec [top]

Dream Waltz Sheet Music Cover

McDonald, ME. Dream Waltz. Montréal: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: University of Toronto Music Library [top]

Habitant Waltz Sheet Music Cover

McDonald, Myrtle. Habitant Waltz. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Maine Music Box [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Mercille, Albert. Lovelight Waltzes /Lumière d'amour valse. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

Tombola March Two-Step First Page of

Mercille, Albert. Tombola: March, Two Step. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Plan, Ra, Ta. Plan: March and

Miro, Henri. Plan, Ra, Ta. Plan: March and Two-Step. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 245 (13 août 1904) at 235-37) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Murchison & Hodge. Every Adam Has an Eve: To Blame for His Faults. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Murchison & Hodge. I’m Feelin' Blue. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source: First page of music advertised in You and I and the Moon (below) [top]
Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Murchison & Hodge. I’m Going Back to Work Down on the Farm. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

 Moonlight Dear Sheet
                              Music Cover

Murchison & Hodge. Moonlight Dear: Indian Intermezzo Song. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Only Baby Fingers
                              Sheet Music Cover

Murchison & Hodge. Only Baby Fingers. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Libraries: Digital Collections [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Murchison & Hodge. You’re the Sweetest Girl in all this World to Me. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source: National Library of Québec [top]

Carita Waltz Sheet Music Cover

Nickson, Hubert. Carita Waltz. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Photocopy from University of Toronto Music Library [top]

                              Madoc March Sheet Music Cover

O'Flynn, Herbert. The Madoc March. Montréal, QC: A & S Nordheimer, 1896.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

O'Keefe, Isabel Howard. The Heralds’ Farewell. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1908.

Song composed for the occasion of the departure on a tour of the old country of fifteen young ladies chosen by the votes of readers of the Montréal Herald, May 23rd, 1908.

Black Cupid's Birthday: March &
                              Two Step

Palmer Stephens, T. (Arr by HP Guy). Black Cupid's Birthday: March & Two Step. 1899.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 5, no 107 (29 avril 1899) at 102-04) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Darktown C**n: Cake Walk

Pourier, Benoit. Da*ktown C**n: Cake Walk. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 234 (12 mars 1904) at 538-41) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Cloe Cloe: I Love You So Sheet Music

Rice, Gitz (lyrics by Walter Bruce) Cloe Cloe: I Love You So. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Rosaire, C. When My Ship Comes Home (words by BL Hyam). Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Ross and Ewing. Take off your Hat to Princess Pat for the Wearin’ o’ the Green. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1912.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Horatio March & Two Step

Rouillard, Donalda. Horatio March & Two Step. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 248 (24 septembre 1904) at 276-78) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Schubert, HW. I was Born with Nothing. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

You and I and the Moon Sheet Music

Schubert, HW. You and I and the Moon: A Love Story. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Baylor University Libraries: Digital Collections [top]
Toujours à la Mode:
                              Intermezzo-Two-Step Sheet Music Cover

Semrol, R. Toujours à la Mode: Intermezzo-Two-Step. Québec City, QC: PT Legare, 1911.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

First page of sheet music for The
                              Wreck of the “Julie Plante” (Spencer)

Spencer, Herbert. The Wreck of the “Julie Plante” (words by William Henry Drummond). Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1907.

[view sheet music]

Source:York University Sheet Music Collections (Toronto) [top]

Coronation Waltzes Sheet Music Cover

St John, Joseph. Coronation Waltzes. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1902.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

I Want You Sheet Music Cover

Thomas, Harry. I Want You (words by Walter Bruce). Montréal: Delmar Music, QC, 1913.

[view sheet music]

Source:  Toronto Reference Library [top]

 Picture of Harry Thomas

Thomas, Harry. Rag Tags Rag. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music] [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Thomas, Harry. She Waits by the Lakes of Killarney for Me (words by ED McCarthy). Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1913.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Good-Bye Dolly Gray

Toulmouche, Frederic. Good-Bye Dolly Gray. 1906.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 12, no 305 (1 décembre 1906) at 538-41) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Dancing in the Barn Schottische Sheet
                              Music Cover

Turner, Tom & Charles Pratt. Dancing in the Barn: Schottische. Montréal, QC: W Street, circa 1888 ~ 1891?

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

Back to Montréal
                              Sheet Music Cover

Warman, Cy. Back to Montréal. Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Internet Archive [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Watson, Florence. Fagan (words by Henry Wooding). Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1907.

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

                              corona: two step

Zimmerman, Otto. La corona: two step. 1903.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 9, no 216 (4 juillet 1903) at 184-85) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              souvenir: romance

Zimmerman, Otto. Doux souvenir: romance. 1898.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 3, no 74 (22 janvier 1898) at 451-52) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Faustina valse

Zimmerman, Otto. Faustina valse. 1904.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 10, no 249 (8 octobre 1904) at 293-97) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Picture of
                            a question mark indicating the sheet music
                            for this piece is not online

Zimmerman, Otto & HB Drummond Hastings. The Flag We Have Learned to Love. Montréal, QC: Canadian Foreign Music, 1900.

Source: Library and Archives Canada  [top]

Marche des fusilliers

Zimmerman, Otto. Marche des fusilliers. 1901.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 7, no 170 (28 septembre 1901) at 426-27) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Marche des pompiers

Zimmerman, Otto. Marche des pompiers. 1914.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 20, no 501 (6 juin 1914) at 210-11) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              des diamant

Zimmerman, Otto. Noces des diamant. 1897.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 3, no 57 (29 mai 1897) at 157-59) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Nocturne Sheet Music Cover

Zimmerman, Otto. Nocturne. 1900.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 6, no 128 (17 février 1900) at 34-36) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

                              Regis: Two-Step

Zimmerman, Otto. St Regis: Two-step. 1910.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 16, no 402 (20 août 1910) at 314-15) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Strolling Sheet Music Cover

Zimmerman, Otto. Strolling (lyrics by Edward Michael & Allan Murray). Montréal, QC: Delmar Music, 1909.

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada [top]

The Queen's: marche - two-step

Zimmerman, Otto. The Queen's: Marche – Two-step. Montréal: JE Belair, 1910?

[view sheet music]

Source: Library and Archives Canada. Also published in Le Passe Temps (Vol 16, no 388 (5 février 1910) at 38-39) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

"The Victoria": marche

Zimmerman, Otto. "The Victoria": Marche. 1915.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 21, no 541 (18 décembre 1915) at 492-93) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

Valse impromptu

Zimmerman, Otto. Valse impromptu. 1898.

[view sheet music]

Source: Le Passe Temps (Vol 4, no 95 (12 novembre 1898) at 329-31) as digitized by the National Library of Québec [top]

3) Le Passe Temps

The National Library of Québec has done a wonderful thing by digitizing Le Passe Temps, a French language musical periodical/newspaper than ran from 1895 to 1945.

The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada has an entry for Le Passe Temps that describes the periodical in more detail throughout its history.


Sample issue of
                                Le passe temps

4) Modern Ragtime in Québec

Mimi Blais continues the French-Canadian tradition in ragtime through her performances of the music of Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière (the  Encyclopedia of Music in Canada has a detailed entry for Mimi here). Likewise, Gilles Poirier and Gabriel Bourque of Montréal used to perform ragtime duets as Two Pianos Alive.

5) Bibliography

  • Hutton, Jack. "Willie Eckstein: This Ragtime Kid Charmed Paderewski While Earning $15,000 a Year." Ragtimer (November-December 1985).
  • Jasen, David & Gene Jones. That American Rag: The Story of Ragtime from Coast to Coast. New York: Schirmer, 2000 [Internet Archive version].
  • Library and Archives Canada. "The Music Scene in Québec, 1915-1920" [link broken, access archived version here]
  • Library and Archives Canada, The Virtual Gramophone: Canadian Historical Sound Recordings. "Willie Eckstein, Pianist and Composer (1888-1963) [link broken, access archived version here]
  • Plante, Clément, ed. Jéan-Baptiste Lafrenière (1874-1912): Rags & Two Steps. Montréal: Fondation ragtime du Québec, 1994.
  • "Quebec Discovers Its Ragtime Heritage" (September 1994) 28:3 The Rag Times 1.




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This site created by Ted Tjaden. Page last updated: January 2025.